All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 536

Forty minutes later, when they returned to the hotel, everyone noticed a large kiss mark on Maggie\'s chest and neck.

People with a little common sense realize that she has just completed a fierce battle and her face is radiant. At a glance, she has been nourished by men.

When passing by Zhang Zhi, the latter even stopped the ongoing conversation and gave her a satisfied look.

For a moment, the employees of the whole company began to whisper, trying to find out what happened.

Why did this pair of "dog men and women" who broke up relapse again?

Zhang Cheng completely ignored everyone\'s sight and came to the corner alone. He planned to eat and leave.

After all, the annual auction in the underground world of North America is about to begin. He is going to prepare some magic potions and send them to exchange gold dinars to prevent the embarrassing situation that he is interested in something and can\'t afford it.

Unfortunately, some people obviously don\'t intend to let him go.

The old man who called himself Barron came over quietly and sighed in an envious tone: "it\'s nice to be young! When I was young, I had many beautiful lovers and enjoyed the afterjoy and stimulation of my body. But with the gradual aging and decay of my body, I can\'t feel that feeling anymore."

"Why not use the power of magic? I believe it\'s not difficult to occupy a young man\'s body at your level?" Zhang Cheng asked in a low voice while eating a fresh and juicy steak.

I don\'t know whether the soul has lived in the dragon\'s body for a long time. His taste is developing towards carnivorous animals, and he has no interest in vegetarians such as vegetable Sarah.

"No, no, no, magic is not the power to squander." the old man quickly waved his hand. "You must be very careful when using it, otherwise it may lead to terrible disasters. By the way, it seems that I haven\'t introduced myself. My real name is Florian Julian Jacob, the president of the wizard college in the secret place of magic and the great wizard of the wizard Association."

"Oh?" Zhang Cheng swallowed the food in his mouth and looked surprised.

You should know that although the underground world is now ruled by parliament, the wizard association that has existed since ancient times is not for nothing. They are the only organization capable of continuously cultivating users of powerful supernatural forces.

Especially in Europe and North Africa, it is almost the second largest organization after the local Supreme Council.

As the core of the whole organization, the wizard college in the magical secret land has always been guarded by the most powerful wizards and concurrently serves as the president.

He was not sure what purpose such a pivotal "big man" had in finding himself.

"I heard that someone has mastered a powerful magic that can stop time, so I came to see him in person. How about making a deal with me?" the old man calmly invited.

Zhang Cheng looked at each other up and down with interest. After a full minute, he smiled and asked, "who told you?"

"Venus! She is a member of the wizard Association and one of the most outstanding graduates of the wizard college." the great wizard didn\'t hide it at all, and the Great Square reported the name of the informant.

"It\'s her..." the figure of the 30-year-old woman with a strong aura flashed through Zhang Cheng\'s mind.

For the only female member of the New York sub parliament, he did not have much bad feelings, and there was no conflict of interest between the two. Most of the time, he was in a state where well water did not invade the river.

After thinking for a moment, he quickly smiled and nodded his head: "yes! But I believe you should know that time stop is not an ordinary magic. The price of getting it is very high. Don\'t expect to complete the transaction in US dollars or gold dinars."

When the great wizard heard this sentence, his eyes burst out two pure lights: "it\'s the same as I guessed! You really made time stop!"

"No! To be exact, it\'s not to stop time, but to speed up your own time flow, so as to achieve the effect of being static when looking at others." Zhang Cheng quickly corrected.

He never mind sharing the rich knowledge in his mind, nor is he afraid of any competition and challenge, but the premise is that the other party can come up with what he is interested in.

"Speed up your own time flow? Genius creativity! Unimaginable! Take the liberty to ask, did you invent this magic?" the old man\'s mood obviously entered a state of excitement, and his hand holding the goblet was shaking slightly.

"Sorry, it\'s not convenient for me to disclose this. You think it is, you think it is not, because it doesn\'t matter at all." Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and hinted meaningfully.

"You\'re right! It doesn\'t matter! What matters is magic itself! I have the book of Merlin handed down from generation to generation by the wizard Association, which records all the spells of the British islands in the fifth century, even the remaining Druids. I think it\'s very reasonable to use it to exchange that magic with you."

Then the great wizard took out an old book the size of a palm from a leather bag the size of a fist.

Needless to say, this book is blessed with a shrinking spell. Once lifted, it will become bigger than a table.

But Zhang Cheng shook his head without hesitation: "not enough! You and I all know what this magic of controlling time flow means. It means that the caster can let his opponent kill him before he reacts."

"Oh, well, I\'ll add two more magic notes of the 10th century secret witch. Although witches rely on talent to cast spells, they have their own unique views on potions and rituals. Don\'t bargain any more, otherwise I don\'t have anything good for you." the great wizard took out two notes written on ancient parchment while complaining with a sad face.

It has to be said that apart from the ancient organization of the wizard Association, no one else can come up with so much valuable knowledge and data at once.


Through the thinking detection of spiritual powers, Zhang Cheng knows that he can\'t squeeze more oil and water, and resolutely takes out a nine ring arcane - time stop magic scroll from his magic pocket and hands it to the other party.

The old man quickly picked it up and opened it to check it carefully.

When the exquisite and complex magic model on the parchment scroll appeared in front of him, he was so excited that he exclaimed: "incredible! It\'s perfect! Is this really the degree that human beings can do? Every support structure! Every magic point! The calculation is just good! There is no waste!"

"Relax, great wizard, I don\'t want to attract the attention of ordinary people around me. In addition, this scroll itself stores a time stop magic. As long as you activate it, you can immediately understand the mystery of controlling the time flow. However, I still suggest that you\'d better not use it easily, but stay as a card. In addition, have a good deal. I hope we can next time There are still opportunities for cooperation. Bye. "

With the last word falling, Zhang Cheng immediately turned around and left with three books. He couldn\'t wait to study the contents recorded inside.

Unknown new knowledge always makes him full of interest in research and exploration