All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 533

As the Christmas holiday is getting closer and closer, the relationship between Zhang Cheng and Elizabeth is heating up rapidly, even to the point of cohabitation.

However, in order to ensure that they could absorb enough magic energy to the greatest extent on the first night, they were very restrained and never broke through the last line of defense, but all they could do except the last step.

Because the power in the witch\'s blood is easily affected by the gravity of the moon, it is best to complete the transformation from a girl to a woman at the full moon.

In addition, Aisha, who completed her revenge, also returned to Catherine\'s kiss restaurant and continued to work as a bartender in the underground bar as a temporary administrator, responsible for maintaining the basic order and tax revenue of the territory before the new Lord took office.

The salary is also good. It has a surface income of more than $8000 a month and $10000 in cash.

You know, it is only the end of 2003, and the United States is still enjoying the unprecedented prosperity brought by the only superpower after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Although 9 / 11 cast a shadow over the future of this superpower, the US dollar is still the only settlement currency in the world, and its purchasing power is by no means the state of severe inflation more than a decade later.

Aisha is very satisfied with this job, and can also talk to some strange people in fairy tales and folklore such as vampires, werewolves, elves and goblins.

As for safety, she doesn\'t care at all. Anyway, it can\'t be worse than the black neighborhood she lived in before.

Although they suffered unimaginable suffering and torture in childhood, the young sisters who were not related by blood still embarked on a good life path. They did not degenerate into street women who lived by selling their bodies, nor did they indulge in taking hallucinogens to anesthetize themselves all day.

Just when Zhang Cheng began to get used to enjoying this ordinary life, a phone call disrupted his peace.

It was no one else who called, but a nominal "mother".

The content is also very simple. Go to the annual meeting held by the company to celebrate the huge benefits of two new products after they are put into the market.

Since the harvest of the first batch of artificially planted ningshenhua, the ambitious Zhang Zhi immediately ordered the company\'s R & D department to make a brewing beverage and a skin care cream in less than three days.

After drinking the former, it can not only calm the mood and let people quickly enter deep sleep, but also alleviate depression and reduce blood pressure and blood lipids. The effect is very obvious, which can not be compared with those health products that hang sheep\'s head and sell dog\'s head.

As for the latter, it has a stronger repair effect than any skin care cream on the market. No matter scars, spots and acne, as long as it is applied continuously for three to four days, it will completely disappear immediately, allowing the skin to temporarily return to its young state.

Due to a certain amount of advertising invested in advance, the above two commodities were only on sale for one and a half months, and there was a serious shortage of goods.

It is estimated that her request to meet this time is probably to talk about expanding the number of plants.

After all, the patent right of this white magical flower is still in the hands of a biological laboratory called "star light", but this laboratory has never really existed from beginning to end.

Even the name of another partner in the contract is false. His real identity is a deformer in the underground world. After completing his work, he returned directly to the primitive tribes in Africa.

In desperation, Zhang Cheng had to change into an expensive handmade suit. He left home three days before Christmas Eve and came to the annual meeting alone in a sports car.

As soon as she opened the door, Maggie, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward and said with a straight face, "Sir, please follow me. The boss is waiting for you inside."


Zhang Cheng didn\'t care about the bad attitude of the "ex girlfriend" and nodded with a smile.

Maggie was wearing a black low cut backless evening dress today. She was wearing a pair of 10 cm high heels. The whole person looked bright. Two slender thighs wrapped in black silk stockings were seen from time to time with the skirt. As soon as she entered the hall, she attracted the hot eyes of countless men.

However, it is a pity that they can only have an eye addiction at best and dare not take further action at all.

Because just last month, a cowardly guy tried to get close to the goddess recognized by the company. As a result, Zhang Zhi, who was like a tyrant, found that he not only lost his job, but also "happened to" have a conflict with gang members. He broke two ribs and is still living in the hospital. It is estimated that the medical expenses alone can drain his little savings.

But everyone who is not a fool knows that Maggie with excellent work is not as simple as an ordinary female secretary at all, but is trained by the boss as a prospective daughter-in-law. She may enter the board of directors and become the CEO of more than 10000 people in the future.

Anyone who dares to make up her mind must be prepared to bear the boss\'s anger and revenge.

Through the reading of the shallow thinking of the brain by psychic powers, Zhang Cheng soon realized how terrible the "mother"\'s desire for control was. He even arranged what kind of wife the "son" would marry in advance.

If it weren\'t for his impersonation, I\'m afraid the guy with the same name and surname would be controlled by his mother all his life.

Just when he secretly sympathized with the man\'s miserable life, Zhang Zhi, who was talking to a white haired old man, finally saw the young men and women coming from a distance, immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Baron, this is the son I mentioned to you just now. How is he right?"

"Ha ha! He is really a handsome young man! Hello, young man, nice to meet you." the old man took the initiative to stretch out his right hand.

"Nice to meet you, too, Mr. baron." Zhang Cheng replied politely.

However, at the moment when they touched their hands, he suddenly felt a faint magical energy coming from each other\'s palms.

There is no doubt that the old man is not an ordinary man, but a wizard who holds the mysterious power. He is showing his identity in his own way.

Standing aside, Zhang Zhi didn\'t notice the abnormality at all, and continued to say excitedly: "son, Mr. Baron is a top rich man from Austria. The shares of major companies held by his name are worth $6.5 billion. He bought one-third of our Ningshen tea."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Cheng flashed a light in his eyes and asked with a smile: "Oh? Can you take the liberty to ask, why do you buy so much tea?"

"Of course! You don\'t know how important that kind of tea is to an old man like me! It only takes a small cup, as if the whole person has achieved unprecedented peace and harmony. If your mother didn\'t insist on selling the company, I would like to buy it directly." old Baron didn\'t hide his prying into ningshenhua at all and admitted it openly.

"I see..." Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully.

Through a simple conversation, he finally understood why a wizard was interested in ningshenhua.

The reason is very simple. This kind of flower can keep the mood in a calm state and is of great help to meditation