All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 527

Fifteen minutes later, Elizabeth\'s excitement finally calmed down. She chose some relatively low-key clothes from Catherine\'s wardrobe and changed them. Then she returned to a relatively hidden private room in the underground bar and sat down.

The female bartender with thick smoky makeup went to the bar to mix three low-grade cocktails and sat silently next to her.

Judging from the calm expression on her face, she didn\'t seem to care much about the aggression she had just suffered. While drinking the wine in the glass, she looked at Zhang Cheng with curious eyes.

This silence lasted for about two or three minutes, and Elizabeth finally couldn\'t help asking, "is my grandmother really dead as rumored outside?"


Zhang Cheng didn\'t mean to try to hide, so he nodded his head gently.

"I see... No wonder they dare to treat me like this." the girl subconsciously clenched her fist, as if she thought of something bad.

"What do you mean? Who do they mean? What\'s the matter with you?"

Although Zhang Cheng can directly read each other\'s thoughts and memories with the help of spiritual powers, he does not intend to do so.

If he uses psionic powers in similar situations, he will soon become an out and out pervert, just like the mind Snatchers in the world of Fallon, who regard creatures other than himself as slaves and food.

Elizabeth obviously didn\'t know she had just escaped. She explained with a bitter smile: "it\'s about custody and inheritance.

First of all, my grandmother wrote a will some time ago, and I am the only heir to this will.

Although she is dead now, from a legal point of view, she can only be said to be missing. It will take seven years before she can be regarded as dead.

So far from getting a penny, I don\'t even have the pocket money I could get every month. I can\'t make a living at all.

Secondly, due to the sudden disappearance of my grandmother, I lost my legal guardian, and the child protection agency wanted to send me back to my original foster family.

What\'s more terrible is that many people have bad ideas when they know that I am the heir to a large amount of property.

Both the so-called "parents" and Bohr are eager to get a lot of wealth from me.

There was even a gang boss who threatened to catch me as a street girl if I didn\'t hand over $5 million in cash within a month. "

"So you pretend to be my woman and want to frighten those guys who are plotting against me?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He did not expect that the accident in the debris world would bring such a terrible disaster to the girl in front of him, let alone that the other party would arrive first and use such inferior means.

Not to mention all kinds of strange superpowers in the underground world, even ordinary people with a little brain will not easily believe it.

"I can\'t help it. I don\'t know much about the underground world. I only know you, a big man who can be taken seriously by my grandmother. Unfortunately, I couldn\'t fool those bastards in the end. In addition, I\'m desperate now. No matter what you plan to do with me, I don\'t care. Anyway, it\'s always better to fall into your hands than those scum hands."

Then Elizabeth wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and laughed.

Looking at the girl\'s dark blue eyes, Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment, quickly smiled and said, "tell me, do you want to integrate into the underground world and become one of them, or do you want to return to ordinary people\'s life?"

"What\'s the difference?" asked Elizabeth, shrugging her shoulders.

Zhang Cheng held out two fingers: "The difference lies in two different lives! If you choose the latter, I will help you get Catherine\'s legacy, but I will also delete the information about the underground world in your mind. If you choose the former, you must first find a way to awaken the witch\'s blood and become a superpower. Now tell me, what\'s your choice?"

"I choose the first!"

Elizabeth gave the answer without hesitation.

She has seen the terrible power inadvertently released by Catherine, the Witch of desire. She is also tired of her weak self. She has an incomparable desire to become strong and master her own destiny.

"Oh? Do you know how the witch\'s blood awakens?" Zhang Cheng\'s face showed a playful expression.

You should know that witches are not real wizards who master magic power through learning and training. They are more like warlocks in Phelan.

According to legend, the earliest witch was born in a mixed race baby girl born after mating with the devil of hell, and then gradually integrated into the human world with the reproduction of generation after generation.

To this end, the Holy See, which was controlled by heaven in the middle ages, also launched a witch hunting movement, and many ordinary women were innocent.

"Yes! Grandma told me that if a Witch wants to awaken her power, she needs to find a real male wizard first, then sleep with each other and activate herself by absorbing magic." Elizabeth bit her lower lip and repeated what Catherine had said.

Aware of the shyness in the girl\'s eyes, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and joking: "so you found your goal?"

"Yes! I found it!"

The voice just fell!

Elizabeth rushed over without warning, put her arms around Cheng\'s neck and kissed him hard.

Her movements were so wild that she didn\'t look like the gentle lady she usually showed.

After a full minute, the two people slowly separated

"You are my target!" the girl announced loudly, licking her numb lips.

"Well, it seems that I\'m going to say goodbye to my happy single life." Zhang Cheng took out a tissue paper and wiped the red lipstick left after the exciting kiss just now.

After all, Catherine is dead. He doesn\'t have to worry that his feelings and desires will be used by each other. He plans to take the opportunity to enjoy the emotional life of normal people.

In fact, except for a few members of the Supreme Council and the monsters created by the gods to guard the seal, nothing in the world can pose a real threat to him. It\'s time to release his repressed nature for a long time.

"You admit I\'m your girlfriend?" Elizabeth covered her mouth with surprise.

"Why not? From the first time we met, we had extra affection for each other, and it\'s good to try to get along with each other for a period of time. As for the issues of inheritance and custody, don\'t worry, I\'ll send someone to solve them." Zhang Cheng took out his phone and dialed one of the numbers.

But before the other side could be connected, Elizabeth rushed over, hugged him tightly, muttered and complained, "Damn it! I knew you were pretending to care!"

"To be exact, it\'s a kind of self-protection. You should understand that Ms. Catherine is different from what you think. She\'s a real dangerous person..."