All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 528

"Dangerous people?"

Elizabeth\'s eyes widened in surprise, apparently unaware of her grandmother\'s true face.

"That\'s right! Do you know how old she is? Do you know how she keeps her young and beautiful appearance?" Zhang Cheng smiled and asked several questions in succession.

The girl hesitated for a moment and quickly shook her head: "I don\'t know."

In her eyes, her grandmother has always been full of mystery and rarely talked about the underground world and her responsibilities.

"As far as I know, Catherine is 270 years old. She forcibly occupies the body of her offspring through a terrible magic ceremony to ensure that she will never grow old and die," Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully.

"Occupy the body?!" Elizabeth seemed to understand something, and the whole person trembled violently. "I shouldn\'t be..."

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "yes! You are the new body she chose. Otherwise, how can a selfish person like her suddenly choose to adopt you and make a will to inherit all her property? Although the truth is a little cruel, you\'d better understand that the underground world is not as safe as the world of ordinary people. It is full of danger and darkness."

"My God!"

The girl was obviously frightened, trembling all over her body, and holding her hands tighter.

Just when Zhang Cheng wanted to say something, Polman\'s panting voice finally came from the other side of the phone: "hold... Sorry! My Lord! I didn\'t hear the phone just now! What can I do for you?"

"Do you happen to be doing strenuous exercise with the new female secretary?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No! Absolutely not! I just checked the accounts and prepared for the tax return starting in February." Polman quickly explained.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng didn\'t mean to study deeply, so he directly changed the subject: "OK! I believe you once. Now go to contact the cleaners immediately and let them create a death accident of the desire witch Catherine. In addition, find a registered guardian for her granddaughter Elizabeth for me. Remember, keep it clean. I don\'t want any trouble in the future."

"Elizabeth? Isn\'t that what you call yourself..."

Just halfway through what Polman said, he suddenly realized something. He immediately stopped and promised without thinking: "I know! Please rest assured that you will see the results in four hours at most."

"I hope so."

After saying this, Zhang Cheng hung up directly and dialed another number.

In just two or three seconds, Jesse Livermore\'s playful voice came out: "Hey! Boss! What\'s up?"

"I need your ability to torture several people. Let them collapse and die in pain and despair." Zhang Cheng gave the task without nonsense and concisely.

With more and more knowledge and power at hand, he strengthened three men who proved his loyalty some time ago. He doesn\'t have to do everything himself. He just needs to give orders.

"Aha! It seems that I\'m going to pity these guys. Please give me a list and I swear they\'ll feel that life is better than death." Jesse Livermore said with a trace of excitement.

This neurotic woman has devoted herself to the research of making powerful living corpses and ghosts since she got some knowledge of the necromancer of Fallon. She is worried that she can\'t find enough unlucky people to experiment.

Now authorized to arrest and torture ordinary people, he almost jumped up without joy.

"The list? I almost forgot!" Zhang Cheng patted his head gently, bowed his head and asked the girl close to his chest, "what\'s the name of your scum adoptive parents and the gang boss? Where do you live?"

"I can lead the way!" the non mainstream bartender who remained silent suddenly suggested.

"Are you?"

"Her name is Aisha. She was a child who once lived in a hell family with me. At the same time, she is also the only sister who really cares about me and is willing to sacrifice everything for me." Elizabeth introduced with a very fast speed.

It can be seen that she has a very good relationship with each other. Especially when she was in danger, the non mainstream bartender rushed out with a grab at the first time. Even if she knew that she was going to face a super capable monster, she didn\'t have any hesitation.

Only when people protect their most important relatives will they subconsciously ignore the danger.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Cheng. Nice to meet you." Zhang Cheng leaned slightly with a smile.

Although he had already embraced the darkness and did everything he could to pursue strength and immortality, he did not exclude those who sacrificed themselves for others, and even appreciated them.

"Thank you! To tell you the truth, I never dreamed that I would be exposed to these supernatural forces one day, let alone have the opportunity to meet a big man like you." Aisha shrugged her shoulders freely, neither showing excessive inferiority nor trying to tighten the distance, just like greeting an ordinary friend she had just met.

Accustomed to the awe, hatred, hatred and fear of others, Zhang Cheng obviously preferred this attitude and took the initiative to invite: "so are you interested in playing a game of revenge?"

"The game of revenge?" Aisha blinked for unknown reasons.

"Yes! I\'ll give you a very powerful helper. Within 24 hours, you can torture, abuse and kill your enemies in various ways. You don\'t have to be afraid of being discovered by the police or retaliation afterwards. However, in order to increase the difficulty and playfulness, you must use your brain to make every enemy feel the extreme pain, but you can\'t repeat what you have done Used methods. "Zhang Cheng said some creepy suggestions without changing his face.

Perhaps in the eyes of adults, this is a true devil.

But in her early twenties, Aisha, full of rebellious spirit, immediately shouted excitedly, "cool! Dear zhang! I have to admit that you are an interesting and charming guy. What are you waiting for? I can\'t wait to start taking the challenge!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Cheng picked up the phone again and told Jesse Livermore, who had been waiting for a long time on the other side, "drive to Catherine\'s kiss restaurant right away. Remember to bring all your little lovelies with you. They may be used in the next game."

"OK! I\'ll be right there!"

"Be careful! Don\'t scare anyone! You should understand that the cleaning operation a few days ago has made many guys nervous."

"Ha ha! Let them be nervous! We are now the most powerful Brooklyn in New York! It is said that Congressmen Quentin and Venus have strict orders and will never allow any form of conflict with us. Brenda, who has lost an arm, has long become a laughing stock. It is estimated that his position will be pushed out by the latecomers soon."

Jesse Livermore laughed and got into a brand-new fully enclosed refrigerated truck.

The huge trailer box in the back is densely filled with all kinds of strange living bodies and undead, constantly emitting a gloomy and terrible smell