All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 526

Catherine\'s kiss restaurant, the first foothold after Zhang Cheng\'s crossing, is also the place where he first came into contact with supernatural forces.

Although the underground world in Brooklyn has been turned upside down recently, the restaurant has not changed much. It still maintains its original appearance, with few and many guests, mostly white-collar workers working nearby.

The only difference is that its original owner, desire witch Catherine, has died in the fragmented world. Under normal circumstances, she should return to the hands of Parliament and hand it over to the next Lord who rules this area.

What\'s interesting is that now a young girl who claims to be a "new Congresswoman" has occupied this place and stuffed all her profits into her own pocket.

Zhang Cheng really wants to see who dares to cheat under his own name after the cruel suppression.

Through the dark underground passage, he soon came to the familiar underground bar.

Due to two heavy losses, it seems a little deserted here. Less than 20 people are drinking and chatting.

The original stout bartender didn\'t know whether he died in the debris world or found a place to hide. Instead, a non mainstream girl in her early twenties with exaggerated smoky makeup, with large tattoos on her bare arms and back.

"What would you like to drink?"

The new bartender obviously didn\'t know Zhang Cheng. He raised his chin and asked.

"No, thanks. I\'m afraid there are no drinks I like here. What\'s more, I\'m looking for someone, not drinking."

"Oh? Who are you looking for?"

"Of course it\'s the old man here..."

Before Zhang Cheng finished speaking, he suddenly heard a harsh scream from the back room.


The non mainstream bartender suddenly changed her face and took out a Remington shotgun from under the bar and rushed out directly.

The guests in the hall seem to have long been surprised and continue to do what they should do.

Such a strange scene made Zhang Cheng subconsciously frown, and finally chose to follow.

After a while, he saw a strong black man with bare upper body holding a torn dress in his hand in a dark corner, and a girl squatting on the ground with her hands covering the key parts a few meters away.

Needless to ask, this is a scene of strong x attempted.

The non mainstream bartender who rushed over was pointing a gun at the strong man\'s head and roaring: "get away! Stay away from my sister! Or I\'ll break your head!"

"Ha ha! Break my head? Are you sure this kind of toy can hurt me?

With unbridled laughter, the black man leaned forward a few steps and showed an extremely ugly face.

As it happens, Zhang Cheng also knows the owner of this face.

The other side is no one else, it is the bully who tries to collect protection fees from him.

"Falk! Go to hell! Dirty nigger!" the non mainstream bartender was undoubtedly angry and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Bang! Bang!

After two shots, Bohr soared into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Within 20 meters, the terrible impact of shotguns is unparalleled. Even elephants have to lie down.

But a few seconds later, the black haired orangutan staggered up from the ground, and the bullet hole in the forehead healed quickly with the naked eye, even the small steel ball was squeezed out.

Furious, he grabbed the shotgun and snapped it in two. Holding the bartender\'s slender neck, he cursed: "bitch! You really dare to shoot me!"

"Let go... Let go of me! You... Man... Scum!"

"Scum? OK! I\'ll be a scum today!"

Bohr grinned grimly and tore off the bartender\'s clothes, ravaged each other recklessly, and left large bruises in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the plot began to develop towards the restricted level, Zhang Cheng had to slowly come out of the darkness and joked in a playful tone: "yo! Long time no see! Isn\'t this the supreme overlord of the bar - Lord Bohr? Why, he hasn\'t received protection fees recently, and has begun to vent his anger on women?"

"Who?!" Bohr turned quickly, unable to take advantage of what he had.

"Why, don\'t you recognize me?" Zhang Cheng took a few steps to the place with light source.


The ferocious expression on Bohr\'s face is gone!

Instead, deep fear!

The whole body trembled violently!

He will never forget this young Asian face!

I can\'t forget the pain that lingered on the edge of death for a month in a row!

If his back is not sealed, he will turn around and run!

"Ah! It seems that you recognize me." Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly satisfied with the silly black reaction, raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


A dazzling white arc directly hit the target\'s chest, sending out a pungent burning smell.

"Ah! No! Don\'t kill me!" cried Bohr, kneeling down and pleading.

Although the electric shock just now was not strong, it made him think of pain and death involuntarily.

Looking at this typical lazy, shameless, low IQ, bullying black man, Zhang Cheng sneered and asked, "give me a reason not to kill you! Tell me, what value do you have besides making garbage?"

"I... i... I can work for you! No matter what it is, as long as you tell me, I promise I will do it without hesitation."

"Sorry, I\'m not a waste recycle bin. I don\'t need garbage."

After that, Zhang Cheng\'s fingertips once again emitted white electric light, burning Bohr into black carbides on the spot.

With the more pungent strong burnt flavor spreading, the non mainstream female bartender finally recovered and carefully tested, "who are you? Why do you want to help us?"

"This sentence should be asked by me! Who are you? Why are you targeted by Bohr. You know, he is not one of those hooligans on the street. He is only interested in more than 100000 dollars." Zhang Cheng said, looking around at the young sisters with interest.

"Don\'t you recognize me, sir?"

Always hiding in the corner without saying a word, her sister slowly stood up and revealed a face that was eight or nine times similar to Catherine, the Witch of desire.

"Are you... Elizabeth?!"

Although there was only one side, Zhang Cheng recognized the girl who had once created a strong desire for possession.

But since he got the psychic power, he has been able to be himself and face up to his desires without falling out of control.

"That\'s right! It\'s me! Thank God! You finally showed up!"

Elizabeth obviously didn\'t get rid of the influence of Catherine\'s magic. She jumped up and hugged Cheng\'s neck tightly and began to cry loudly. Tears kept sliding down her cheeks, and the shoulder position of her clothes soon got wet.