All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 523

Although the 13 members of the High Council control the huge underground world in North America and even influence government decisions through some elites in the ordinary world, they still can\'t get rid of the entanglement of desire after all.

Just a box of 20 dragon eggs laid by Black Dragon Princess Onyxia made them give up their original intention and support Zhang Cheng to ascend to the important position of Brooklyn member of New York\'s secondary Parliament.

I have to say, it\'s a little ironic.

Because the initial attitude of the Parliament and the sudden attack of Senator Joanna all proved that the Parliament had the intention to push him out as a scapegoat.

Unfortunately, the plan is not as fast as change.

Under the temptation of the dragon egg, except Joanna, the rest of the people quickly changed their attitudes. Coupled with Laverne\'s strong intervention, it finally turned into a happy farce.

From this farce, Zhang Cheng saw the weakness of Parliament and the struggle of internal power.

Obviously, these guys with terrible supernatural power are not the kind of old people who have no desire and no desire.

On the contrary, they are more faithful to their inner desires. Once they find something they like or urgently need, they will find a way to get it.


Sitting by the window of the luxury restaurant on the upper floor of the Empire State Building, Laverne gently played with the foie gras on the plate and stared at the young people sitting opposite him enjoying the delicious food with playful eyes.

After five minutes, he put down his knife and fork, lowered his voice and said, "you killed Faust and destroyed the debris world, didn\'t you?"

"Oh? Why do you have such a terrible idea?" Zhang Cheng swallowed the delicious oyster in his mouth and raised his eyebrows with exaggeration.

"Because John is one of my few friends who can talk. Not long ago, he told me that another entered the world of debris and remembered that he was destroyed, but you survived intact. Isn\'t it doubtful?" Laverne explained meaningfully.

"Another self?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Cheng suddenly had a bad feeling.

Facts have proved him right!

In the blink of an eye, a man with a gloomy face, looking about 40 years old and emitting a strong smell of death came in from the entrance of the restaurant, sat directly next to the table, raised his mouth and said: "My name is John and another name is Faust. Nice to meet you, powerful young man. Can you please explain how you killed another me in the debris world?"

"Clone? No! No! You... You copied and split your soul!" Zhang Cheng stared as if he saw something incredible.

"Ha ha! Great! I can see my state at a glance! It seems that you are also very good at dead spirit magic." Faust laughed and clapped his hands.

"I said that he was different from miles. He was a real genius. In addition, just now he took out a box of 20 live dragon eggs in front of the most important Council in North America. Obviously, after the debris world collapsed, he went to a very interesting place." laforn told each other directly what had happened before.

Needless to ask, the relationship between the two old guys is certainly not as simple as it seems. Maybe they have formed some kind of alliance in private.

"Oh? Dragon eggs!" Faust expressed surprise. "Where? Give me two! I know there is a magic that can make these little guys hatch and grow quickly."

Laverne smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry, my friend, the dragon eggs have been sent to a safe place. If you want, come to the old auction. Trust me, their transaction price will be ridiculously high. You\'d better prepare enough money."

"Don\'t worry, don\'t you forget that I killed a whole legion of angels and robbed the Vatican of thousands of years of accumulation. Wealth has never been a problem for me." Faust confidently poured himself a glass of wine, raised his head and drank it.

"Well, I wish you can buy your favorite treasure. Now, let\'s talk about what happened in the debris world."

After a few words of chatting, Laverne turned the topic back again, waiting for two sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see through the young man who was always in a hurry in front of him.

But unfortunately, this is not what it used to be!

Zhang Cheng, who has experienced a crazy baptism and even killed several gods by himself, has long ignored the mere underground world, took the initiative to take off his contact lenses and exposed the eyeball sealed with arida devil.

"Well, are you satisfied with the answer?"

"What a powerful seal! What pure evil and chaos! You have imprisoned such a powerful creature in your eyes!" Faust suddenly stood up, and his eyes revealed a complex emotion mixed with shock, fear, greed and desire.

He could feel that once this terrible unknown creature was released, it was absolutely capable of killing itself.

"I need to explain!" Laverne reminded with a frown that he was obviously not proficient in magic and so on.

"Very simple! My eyes are sealed with a powerful alien creature! His power is enough to kill you or Senator John. In the debris world, I released its power, so another soul split by Mr. John died."

After saying these imaginative words, Zhang Cheng picked up his napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth, looking at the reactions of the two old guys with great interest.

There is no doubt that this news is obviously a little uncomfortable for them, who are used to dominating everything from above.

About two or three minutes later, Laverne took a deep breath and sighed, "well, it seems that we underestimated you. From now on, John and I will talk to you on an equal footing. First of all, can you tell me what you plan to do next?"

"Restore order in Brooklyn, of course! Let all residents of the underground world know who is the supreme ruler of this area." Zhang Cheng sneered and pretended to be keen on power.

"Besides this? Don\'t you have a bigger goal?" Faust leaned forward slightly and narrowed his eyes.

"No, not for the time being. If I have free time, I may go around the world to see and enjoy those ancient relics and the most beautiful scenery of nature."

"Don\'t you want to dig the secrets behind the world and make yourself stronger?"

"What do you mean?"

"Literally! Don\'t you know that the world we live in is a fixed cycle every thousand years. In the first 100 years of this cycle, many secret places hidden by gods or ancient magical civilization will be opened one after another. Some of them are in the depths of the inaccessible jungle, some in the unknown Huangdao, and some in the polar regions of ice and snow, Some are deep in the endless ocean. "

"Join us! Explore these unknown and mysterious places together! Find lost knowledge! Even the way to become a God..."