All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 522

There is no exaggeration

There is no incitement to confuse right and wrong

Some are simply easy to understand and logically clear narration

With his intelligence beyond the limits of human beings and the reading, analysis and prediction of surface thinking by spiritual powers, Zhang Cheng fabricated a lie outlined in the truth from scratch.

Although everything he said was true, the result combined was just the opposite of the real situation.

When the last word fell, the whole room fell into silence.

After a full two or three minutes, the man who claimed to be the speaker finally broke the silence and asked, "do you have any views?"

"No, no, he\'s telling the truth."

The woman in the third seat on the left shook her head and gave an answer that she didn\'t know whether it was a magic test result or something else.

"Faust? Is this hometown not dead yet?" the man on the first seat on the right revealed strong vigilance in his tone.

"Death? Do you think the guy who can destroy the Vatican Angel Legion by one person will die easily? What\'s more, it is said that he has also solved the mystery of death. It\'s not so easy to kill such a necromancer."

"But I don\'t understand! Why does he want to attack our people? Is there some hidden secret in the fragmented world?"

"Don\'t think too much. Even if there are secrets, we can\'t find out."

"That\'s right! Let\'s deal with this matter first. Don\'t forget that it\'s only a few days since the collapse of the Lord of Brooklyn, resulting in a large influx of outsiders. All kinds of vicious cases emerge one after another, and even ordinary people feel something wrong."

"Brooklyn needs a congressman to restore order!"

"I suggest that we should let Zhang be a member of Parliament. He is not only a very powerful wizard, but also an alchemist. He should be able to stop those bastards who act recklessly by strength."


It has to be said that the Supreme Council in North America is efficient.

After only a few words, he began to solve the root cause of the problem.

As for the old man who proposed to let Chang Cheng become a member of Parliament, you don\'t have to ask. It must be laforn, and his eyes are full of playfulness.

"Wait! Before that, I have another question to ask." a white haired old woman took off her hood and a sneer appeared on her wrinkled face.

"Excuse me!"

Zhang Cheng bowed politely.

Although he doesn\'t quite understand why the other party shows hostility to himself, this is obviously not a place to solve personal grievances.

"You just mentioned that when the debris world collapsed, you were accidentally transported to a strange place. Is there any evidence to prove it?" the old woman narrowed her eyes and asked directly.

"Proof? HMM... let me see." Zhang Cheng pretended to touch his chin.

"Hum! I don\'t think you can take it out. Although I don\'t know how you avoided Senator Isidora\'s detection spell, there is no doubt that you are deceiving us and the whole North American Supreme Council!" the old woman suddenly stood up and roared in an angry voice.

"Shut up! Joanna! It\'s not our style to slander a Lord without evidence." laforn took off his hood and a white arc burst out of his pupils.

Anyone with a little experience knows that this is a sign that he is about to get angry.

"Slander? Is it really slander? Don\'t think I don\'t know. You want to cultivate miles like cultivating miles." the old woman held a silver white wooden stick without showing weakness.

"Ah! I remember!" just when the conflict between the two was imminent, Zhang Cheng suddenly patted his head and took out a completely sealed black box from the magic waist bag in front of more than a dozen pairs of eyes. "This is my proof!"

The speaker seemed to notice something and immediately ordered, "open it!"

"As you wish..."

Without saying a word, Zhang Cheng directly unscrewed the brass padlock and opened the heavy box cover.


Every congressman here couldn\'t help taking a breath!

Because there are twenty eggs with uneven surface!

To be exact, it is the black dragon egg laid by the Black Dragon Princess Onyxia!

Although in order to make up for the shortage of the number of black dragon legions, she laid eggs recklessly, resulting in most of the dragon eggs being a little weak and stunted.

But the black dragon is the black dragon, which is inherited from the powerful blood of nesario, the king of the black dragon!

"My God! It\'s dragon eggs! These are the descendants of the giant dragon! They... They are still alive! They can be hatched!" the speaker carefully picked up the Dragon hall, his face full of excitement and excitement.


A symbol of strength and wealth!

The last dragon on earth has been dead for a long time. Many powerful spells and formulas that need dragon blood can only be locked in the cabinet to eat ash!

But now, twenty live dragon eggs appear in front of us!

Although they are still very young and have not been hatched, they are an unparalleled surprise for those who are extremely eager for dragon blood.

Not to mention, the Dragon itself is a very powerful creature. No strong man will miss the opportunity to subdue a dragon.

And those families with ancient inheritance will also hope that a giant dragon can guard its own descendants in the next hundreds or even thousands of years.

Looking at the greedy, excited or surprised eyes of these congressmen, Cheng smiled and asked, "dear ladies and gentlemen, can I prove my innocence now?"

"Of course! These dragon eggs are enough to prove that everything you say is true. In addition, if you don\'t mind, can you sell me some?"

"And me!"

"I want one too!"

"Go away! These dragon eggs are mine! No one wants to take them!"

For a moment, everyone focused on the dragon egg. No one cared about the unhappiness that had just happened.

Just when the group of MPS began to compete for the ownership of the dragon egg, Laverne suddenly released a dazzling electric light, drove the people back, and slammed the box: "Please pay attention to your etiquette! We are noble members of the North American Council! Even if we see what we love, we can\'t be so rude. According to the rules, I will send these dragon eggs to the auction held at the end of this year! You don\'t have to grab them! Who will pay the high price at that time!"



"I think Lord Zhang Cheng brought back the extinct dragon eggs. This merit alone is enough to be qualified for the Brooklyn Senator!"

"That\'s what I think!"

