All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 524

"The cycle once every thousand years? The secret land to be opened? It sounds very interesting! Tell me, what do I need to pay and what can I get?"

After listening to each other\'s description, Zhang Cheng quickly realized that these strange phenomena may be related to the task entrusted to him by the creator.

Especially in those so-called secret places, there may be clues related to the seal, or even the key to open the seal.

Seeing that he wanted to join, Faust quickly hit the railway while it was hot: "it\'s very simple! We need your combat effectiveness and alchemy! As for the distribution of booty, one is divided into three, and everyone takes one. If there is something of high value that can\'t be split, then we will draw lots in the most fair way to determine the ownership, and the person who gets it must compensate the other two."

"The two of us are mostly responsible for collecting intelligence. Your task is to salvage the sunken ship and find the whereabouts of certain items when it is not convenient for us. After all, our identities are a little sensitive, and our every move is easy to attract the attention of interested people," Laverne added.

Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment and nodded quickly: "yes! I accept it!"

"Very good! From now on, the three of us are an inseparable alliance. Whoever betrays the covenant will be pursued by two other people."

When he said this, Faust\'s face was very serious and didn\'t mean to joke at all.

Obviously, it\'s not just him and Laverne who are staring at these secret places. There must be someone else or organization.




Soon, an unknown covenant was concluded in the most famous restaurant of the Empire State building.

At the time of parting, Faust also gave Zhang Cheng a 16th century sailing diary and asked him to investigate the sinking site of a galleon called the queen of fire in the Spanish treasure fleet.

It is said that there is a beautifully carved gold mural on the ship, recording the secret of the entrance of the golden city.

Of course, they are looking for the city of gold not for the so-called gold, but for the South American seal. Through the light from the window, they can vaguely see a fuzzy capital letter M in the gem.

"Senator! You are now a member of the New York sub parliament!" Bram chalys jumped up from the sofa with a shocked expression on his face.

"That\'s right! I\'ve just been recognized by the North American Supreme Council and officially become a member of the New York secondary Parliament. Let\'s go and accompany me to the New York parliament headquarters to meet some other members and give me a little surprise."

"Wow! My handsome master, are you going to kill?" the demon Raines came behind him, his tone full of excitement and teasing.

"If you want to kill, please take me with you, great evil master." Polak, the doomsday guard, slapped his chest hard, and green evil energy flashed in his pupils from time to time.

"No, it\'s not a big killing. It\'s just a lesson and warning for those who reach across the line to let them know who they\'re dealing with."

Zhang Cheng is not an idiot. He knows very well that the current chaotic situation in Brooklyn may be partly caused by the influx of outsiders, but it is more driven by ambitious parliamentarians and lords in other regions of New York.

If the root causes are not solved, the chaos will never stop.

After all, the underground world is a place where the law of the jungle is obeyed. Many times, as long as it shows sufficient deterrence, the small movements in the dark will naturally subside.

Of course, if anyone doesn\'t know the truth, he doesn\'t mind dyeing the throne of power with blood.

Anyway, he has inquired that there is no strong support behind several other members of the New York sub parliament, even if they are all killed.

It has to be said that with the support of laforn, the highest member of the North American Parliament, many things that were originally a little troublesome can be solved directly by the simplest, most direct and most violent means.

Passing through the main road in the city, several cars quickly stopped at the door of a commercial office building in Manhattan.

Without any nonsense, Zhang Cheng took the elevator to the top floor, showed the badge marking the identity of the congressman to the stone statue guarding the door, directly pushed the door and walked into a spacious conference room.

He knew that the statues at the door were not statues in the ordinary sense, but stone ghosts made by Alchemy.

Once someone tries to break in, these seemingly harmless decorations will quickly come back to life and tear the intruder to pieces.

As an alchemy creature, the power of stone ghosts is far beyond ordinary people. Even things weighing several tons can be easily lifted. Some advanced goods can see through lies and illusions, and they can repair themselves after being hurt. They are the most ideal guards.

"Welcome! Welcome to New York! Mr. Zhang! I really didn\'t expect you to climb from civilians to equal with us in just a few months after you came to New York." the congressman with vampire blood was the first to stand up, open his arms and look enthusiastic