All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 521

I don\'t know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours

When Zhang Cheng regained consciousness under the impact of mysterious knowledge, he was surprised to find that there was an extra force in his weak human body that he had never felt before.

Although it is very weak, it is extremely pure and full of unspeakable vitality.

To make sure it was not an illusion, he raised his right hand and tried to use the force.

Results in just a few seconds, an unknown seed appeared in the palm of the palm, which took root, germinated, blossomed and fruited quickly.

Looking at the heavy purple fruit, he picked it up and put it in his mouth and bit it gently.


The sweet taste is transmitted to the brain along the taste buds!

There is no doubt that this is not something like energy or illusion, but really bears a fruit.

Combined with the strange feeling recently and the power seed repeatedly mentioned by the woman claiming to be the creator, Zhang Cheng finally realized what this is.

It\'s creation!

A kind of from scratch!

From simple to complex!

Create everything!

Even the supreme power of intelligent life!

Although the creative power is still very simple, and can only barely produce some simple inorganic substances and plants, the potential is frightening.

Imagine how many gods in myths and legends around the world can create mountains, rivers, animals, plants and humans from scratch?

Together, both hands can count!

No wonder that woman would say that the people selected by parchment are her children.

It turned out that the seed she injected into the selected body was nothing else. It was the power of creation and the power of being the Creator!

"Well, now I believe you are really the creator of the world..." Zhang Cheng said to himself with a bitter smile.

As a suspicious person, he never really believed anyone, even if the other party was the owner behind the almost omnipotent parchment.

But now, a naked reality has proved that even if he has cracked the mystery of divinity and divine power to some extent, he is still a manipulated chess piece in the eyes of the other party.

It\'s just that the status has changed from insignificant in the past to more important now.

Looking at the sleeping dragon lying on the ground, Zhang Cheng suddenly remembered that he had not called Kulo kelba for a long time. He just took this opportunity to give it some divinity.

Just do it!

The Dragon vow!

In less than a second, a giant dragon with violet light shining all over his body passed through the plane channel and appeared in front of the tower door. He took the initiative to lower his huge head: "father!"

"I haven\'t seen you for a long time and you have grown up a lot." Zhang Cheng raised his hand and touched the hard scales near the other party\'s mouth.

The little guy hatched in the song of ice and fire has now risen to an amazing 50 meters, and his eyes are shining with amazing Arcane Brilliance. Even if Dalaran\'s Archmage comes, it is estimated that he can\'t be his opponent.

"Queen daenerys is very kind to me and always provides enough food. However, she seems to be in trouble recently, and her face is always sad..."

Compared with the last call, Kulo kelba\'s intelligence has significantly improved, and his logical thinking is particularly clear, which has far exceeded the intelligence level of normal adults.

"Oh? What\'s wrong with her?"

As Zhang Cheng asked, he drew divinity and power from the dragon\'s body and slowly injected them into Kulo kelba\'s body.

The latter did not understand what these strange liquids were, and replied: "it seems to be a political matter. It is said that some nobles in the north and West are still unwilling to admit the restoration of the tangaryan Dynasty, are assembling troops, and the war will break out again."

"Ha ha! A group of short-sighted idiots! Let them fight! It won\'t be long before the real enemy outside the Great Wall will go south and bring terrible destruction and death. Then they will know how stupid and ridiculous their actions are."

"The real enemy?" Kulo kelba blinked, a little unable to understand the meaning.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll go back and help then. Well, go back and have a rest. It\'s best to stay away from the place where human beings gather recently."

With these words, regardless of Kulo kelba\'s reaction, Zhang Cheng directly launched the counter call, sent the huge dragon back to Westeros, followed by himself leaving the tower of time and space, and appeared out of thin air in the most prosperous Manhattan street in New York.

Before he could figure out the current date and time, two other men in black suits and dark sunglasses rushed from the corner and said in a low voice, "Mr. Zhang, we are the executors sent by the North American Parliament. You\'d better not try to resist or escape, otherwise we have the right to take some violent measures."

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t resist or run away." Zhang Cheng spread his hand with a smile and said he had no threat.

He had long expected that as soon as he appeared, he would be summoned by parliament, so he didn\'t panic at all.

"Thank you for your cooperation! Gavin! Ready to transmit!"

"Transmission ready! Three! Two! One!"


A dazzling white light flashed!

the sky and earth were spinning round!

After their eyesight returned to normal, the three had left New York and came to a completely sealed room.

There are no windows around. An ancient U-shaped table is placed in the center of the room. Thirteen chairs are arranged in turn. In front of each chair, there is a lighted candle to provide weak light.

With his keen sense of magic, Zhang Cheng quickly realized that these burning drags were not ordinary goods, but powerful magic items.

Just as he was about to lean a little to see what magic was contained in the candle, the candle flickered suddenly.

Thirteen mysterious hooded men appeared on the chair out of thin air.

Among them, the person sitting on the main seat picked up a small wooden mallet, gently knocked on the table, and said in a slightly tired voice: "In this war game, all lords in Brooklyn have been wiped out, and the debris world has completely collapsed. In my capacity as speaker, I announce that the hearing officially begins. First, please describe what happened to Lord Zhang, our only surviving witness."

Obviously, the 13 mysterious people sitting in the room are not cats and dogs, but 13 Congressmen who control the supreme power of supernatural forces in North America.

Judging from their eyes, the impact of this incident was quite great, otherwise it would never be so popular.

Glancing at everyone sitting, Zhang Cheng leaned down without panic and began to tell about what happened in the debris world.

Because he was not sure whether the other party had the ability to detect lies, he did not choose to lie, but deliberately skipped some inconvenient secrets, and finally buckled the excrement basin that led to the collapse of the debris world on Faust\'s head