All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 520

Of course, how Tony Stark uses monopoly to absorb wealth, or becomes a bitch and sets up a memorial archway, has nothing to do with Zhang Cheng.

For him, there are two kinds of people in the world, one can bring benefits to himself, and the other can\'t bring benefits to himself.

There is no doubt that iron man obviously belongs to the former.

After simply answering the other party\'s questions about the problems encountered in the process of learning magic, he immediately got a reward.

To be exact, Tony Stark used the convenience of supercomputer to disrupt and reorder countless magic runes, and finally got the result.

There were several sequences that he didn\'t even think of.

No wonder they are called "people cursed by knowledge" by the emperor of the universe. This enthusiastic exploration of knowledge alone is enough to make people feel admiration and fear.

"So you mean that the easiest way to release magic is to build the corresponding spell model in your mind?"

Iron man sat in front of the bar, drinking a bottle of whisky worth tens of thousands of dollars and asking questions with interest.

Although he despised magic at first, through simple learning, he found that magic was not what he imagined. It was a nonsense superstition.

On the contrary, like science, magic also has a unique and rigorous system, and even many places are very similar to the most advanced quantum physics.

As a result, I became fascinated and began to immerse myself in another ocean of knowledge.

Zhang Cheng gently nodded and explained: "yes! In fact, I have been to a world with highly developed magical civilization. Where every magic model has been carefully crafted by countless mages, so they release more spells and have more power than their counterparts in other worlds."

"So you\'ve been to many worlds?"

Wearing a sexy black dress, standing at the bar in charge of mixing wine, the black widow keenly grasped a key point.

"Yes, I have been to many places, seen countless kinds of intelligent races, and even personally transformed a city with a population of hundreds of thousands into undead. Killing, death, deception, threat, intimidation, pain and despair are far beyond your understanding. Therefore, in my eyes, the struggle between the Divine Shield and the hydra can only be regarded as a war It\'s an interesting game, that\'s all. "

After saying these words, which surprised, frightened or disgusted many people present, Zhang Cheng took up the cup and drank it at once. He took out a cracked spell book and threw it to Tony Stark: "Take it. There are many magic models here. You can study them first. I hope you will become a powerful mage when you meet next time. Explain that we can discuss our views on magic together."

"Er... Thank you!"

Iron man hesitated a little and soon made a choice.

Although his bloody and cold words just now made him very uncomfortable, anyway, knowledge is knowledge. Only by understanding the power of magic can we better protect the world.

"You\'re welcome!"

After two polite words, Zhang Cheng stood up and came to the empty space in the middle of the hall. His whole body expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he recovered the huge dragon body, and then said to Nick Frey, "Mr. director, if you don\'t mind, I\'m leaving now. What else do you want to say to me?"

"Those dragon people created with your blood will not suddenly rebel because you leave?" asked the one eyed dragon director with a worried face.

After all, since these super soldiers joined the Avengers, many crises have been solved privately. Many terrorists are as vulnerable as babies in front of them.

It can be predicted that as long as the current state is maintained, the world will soon enter unprecedented peace and tranquility.

"Don\'t worry, they will obey my last order, that is, to be loyal to the avenger alliance. But one thing to pay attention to is that if one day the Avengers split, they will choose one of the split factions according to their own wishes. So you should be careful in the future. Don\'t have any disagreement..."

The voice just fell!

A meaningful smile appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s ferocious face, followed by a terrible force to tear the space and directly drag his huge body into it.

In the blink of an eye, a giant with a length of more than hundreds of meters disappeared into the living room of the avenger building.

"Jarvis! Tell me! What just happened?"

Tony Stark was the first to react and quickly called his smart housekeeper.

"Sir, unknown energy interference has been detected. It is suspected that it has separated time and space and created a channel to an unknown place."

"In other words, does he really come from another world?"

"I\'m not sure, sir. But it\'s more than 90 percent possible."

"Shet! I missed the opportunity to communicate closely with intelligent beings in different worlds! Especially others have so much interesting magic knowledge!"

"Take it easy, Tony. Judging from the tone just now, he is likely to come to our world again."

"By the way! And this magic book! Jarvis, analyze what\'s recorded here."


Just when the interior of the avenger building was in a mess, Zhang Cheng had gone through the gap between the world and the world and returned to the door of the tower of time and space.

Moreover, the woman who claimed to be the creator did not deprive him of this dragon body and let him control and choose freely.

Looking at the original human body immersed in the running water, he obviously hesitated, and finally decided to let the soul return to the noumenon.

But before that, he still needs to do a little optimization.

No hesitation!

Zhang Cheng first controlled countless tentacles growing from the brain, pulled out his human brain shell, injected a large number of mind grabbing demon brain cells into it, then pulled out the broken magic crystal with great pain, narrowed it to the thickness of his fingers, and carefully inserted it near the nerve center until the mind grabbing demon brain cells continued to divide, integrating the broken magic crystal with the whole brain.

After covering the skull, there is only a raised lens the size of a nail on the top of the forehead, which is covered with hair and can\'t see anything abnormal at all.

Finally, a part of divinity and divine power were squeezed out of the dragon\'s body to transform the weak human body.

When he finished all this, his soul slowly stripped itself and plunged into his sleeping body.

Next second!


An indescribable energy ring burst out!

Zhang Cheng only felt that his brain seemed to explode, and countless mysterious knowledge he didn\'t understand suddenly emerged, as if a seed had taken root in his soul