All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 519

Daniel Whitehall, one of the most outstanding scientists of Hydra during World War II, is also the first pioneer in modern history to start studying aliens.

Like most Hydra members, he is also quite obsessed with supernatural forces, especially the obelisk, the first mysterious object named 084 by the Divine Shield, which has always wanted to solve the mystery behind it.

However, with the failure of the insight plan and the downfall of Alexander Pierce, the fact that there are hydras inside the aegis has been exposed all over the world.

So he had to hide for a while to prevent the discovery of the US military, which was bitten around like mad dogs.

But all this was broken by a hydra member who escaped from the headquarters of the Divine Shield bureau!

Because this guy has brought a very important news!

A message about making super soldiers!

According to the other party, on the eve of the insight plan, Alexander pierce made a deal with a mysterious man in exchange for two liters of the other party\'s blood.

These blood can not only enable a person to obtain unimaginable strength and recovery ability, but also greatly reduce the rate of cell aging. Even a little can prolong human life by 20 to 30 years!

There is no doubt that Daniel Whitehall is excited!

Immediately sent someone to investigate where Alexander pierce had been and who he had seen recently.

Soon, in the surveillance video of a roadside store in Washington, D.C., agent Hydra found the picture of Zhang Cheng talking face to face with Alexander Pierce.

As a result, he didn\'t know the real situation at all. He immediately decided to send six action teams to catch the mysterious man.

Daniel Whitehall was sitting in his chair, waiting patiently for his men to come back.

Being held in a small secret prison by the Divine Shield Bureau for decades, he has exercised extraordinary patience and believes that the six action teams will bring back good news.

Just as he picked up his cup and was ready to take a sip of coffee, a young man rushed in in panic and reported in a hurry: "sir! No! The action team we sent... The whole army was destroyed! Clarissa came back alive alone! She seemed to be strongly stimulated and her mental state was very unstable."

"What? All six heavily armed action teams have been destroyed!"

Rao is Daniel Whitehall, who likes to pretend to be deep in front of his subordinates. At the moment, he can\'t help but stand up in surprise.

You know, that\'s six action teams!

Thirty people!

And everyone is equipped with a large number of advanced automatic weapons!

Even with the strongest special forces of the U.S. military, they don\'t necessarily lose!

But now, kidnap a person and destroy it all?

Oh, no, another one came back alive.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered with a gloomy face, "bring Clarissa here! Now! Now!"


The young man quickly bowed his head, saluted and fled his boss\'s office like running for his life.

About six or seven minutes later, he came back with a woman in a sexy swimsuit.

This woman is no one else. She is the one who accosted Zhang Cheng on the beach in Los Angeles not long ago.

"Tell me! What the hell happened?" Daniel Whitehall asked without nonsense.

As a scientist devoted to the study of supernatural forces, he has long abandoned human primitive low-level physiological impulses. No matter how beautiful and attractive women stand in front of them, they won\'t feel at all.

"Mr. Whitehall is asking you! Answer quickly!"

Seeing that the man he brought didn\'t say anything for a long time, the young man on the side couldn\'t help yelling.

However, the scolding didn\'t matter. Clarissa, who had loose pupils, suddenly raised her head. Before everyone reacted, she grabbed the pen on the table, rushed up and stabbed it into Daniel Whitehall\'s left eye.

"I\'ll kill you! I\'ll kill you!" he roared madly

For a moment, blood and brain splashed everywhere!

Daniel Whitehall, one of the leaders behind the hydra, was killed by his own men.

Moreover, due to his sudden accidental death, the secret research center affiliated to Hydra fell into chaos. Two secret shield agents Gemma Simmons and Bobby Morse also took the opportunity to steal a large amount of intelligence and took the initiative to evacuate this place of right and wrong.


At the same time, Zhang Cheng also left the city of angels and took a Kun fighter to the headquarters of the avenger alliance building.

Because just a few hours ago, the woman who claimed to be the creator finally conveyed a word through the parchment scroll that he could leave the world and return to the tower of time and space at any time.

According to a private agreement with Nick Frey, he must leave in front of each other.

In short, the director of one eyed dragon was a little worried. He was afraid that he would hide in the dark and want to confirm whether he really left or played tricks through a series of instruments.

After flying in the stratosphere along the established route for more than an hour, the pilot of the Kun fighter finally began to lower the altitude and finally landed slowly on the apron of the avenger building.

As soon as I opened the hatch, I saw "marinated egg" waiting at the door with many Avengers. There were many others except Thor, and even Dr. Bruce Banner, the Hulk, was present.

"Hehe, I didn\'t expect so many people to see me off. Should I be honored?" Zhang Cheng joked when he got off the plane.

"Honor? No, we should be honored. You know, a dragon that only exists in myths and legends can\'t be seen every day, let alone you gave me an interesting note." Tony Stark shook the magic in the door bound in parchment.

"Oh? Mr. director told you my real identity? It was a bit unexpected. I thought he would hide the secret and take it to the grave." after that, Zhang Cheng took the lead through the gate to the interior of the building.

It has to be said that the avenger headquarters built at a huge cost is indeed very advanced. The intelligent housekeeper Jarvis voice control operation can not only independently research, manufacture and maintain a complete set of systems including robots and aircraft, but also have all kinds of entertainment facilities.

The famous wine in the cabinet in the bar counter in the hall alone is enough to equal the total annual income of more than 100 middle-class American families.

As a saying goes, do you think money can buy happiness?

no Their happiness you can\'t imagine!

As one of the richest people on the planet, iron man was denounced by countless economic experts.

Many people only see those selfless actions of "saving the world", but ignore that he is a minority who controls 99% of the country\'s wealth.

From a financial perspective, his stark enterprise is equivalent to a huge trust monopoly consortium, which has unparalleled damage to the overall economic structure