All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 513

As Nick Frey, the black widow and the winter warrior disappeared from the hydra\'s sight at the same time, Alexander pierce soon realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly accelerated the steps of the insight project.

Even do not hesitate to play the card of the rebellious captain of the United States to convince the World Security Council that they need an "insight plan" to deal with an increasingly dangerous and chaotic situation.

In just two or three days, he got the final authorization and placed all the more than 100 super soldiers in the headquarters of the Divine Shield Bureau in order to deal with possible sudden attacks.

At the same time, Nick Frey also hides in the dark to call friends.

Eagle eye, iron man and war machine have joined in one after another. Coupled with the brainwashed winter soldiers and black widows, the lineup is also unprecedentedly strong.

After all, the current situation is more complex, and due to Zhang Cheng\'s intervention, it is much more dangerous than the original plot. Director one eyed dragon doesn\'t dare to trust it at all.

In particular, hundreds of super soldiers made with the blood of the divine dragon, once mixed with ordinary people to hide, their destructive power can hardly be described in words.

In this way, after intensive preparations, the two sides finally collided in the last half hour when the flying aircraft carrier was about to take off.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

A red figure crossed the sky and directly destroyed three Kun fighters that had just taken off to launch interceptor missiles.

You don\'t have to ask. It\'s none other than Tony Stark, the iron man who always likes to play high-profile.

The silver gray figure behind him is naturally his good friend, the war machine - James Rhodes.

With the help of unparalleled mobility and intelligent auxiliary system, they easily messed up the s.h.i.e.l.d.\'s prevention and control system, and also easily invaded the internal network to transfer Nick Frey\'s pre recorded video data to each display.

In less than ten minutes, the internal members of the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. clearly knew that they had already been infiltrated by hydras, and even the captain of the United States had been brainwashed and turned into a terrible killer.

For a while, many agents still loyal to the s.h.i.e.l.d. took up arms and began to resist the control of the hydra. All kinds of gunshots and explosions were heard.

Looking at the chaos outside, Alexander pierce finally roared angrily: "send out our best soldiers! All! Make sure that the flying aircraft carrier can take off smoothly!"

"I see!"

Bullock romlow nodded hard and quickly gave orders to the microphone.

In the blink of an eye, a group of heavily armed soldiers in black uniforms rushed out of the hidden corner and launched a three-dimensional coverage attack on the iron man and war machine flying in mid air.

Despite the assistance of intelligent systems, the two avoided most air defense missiles, but they finally got hit several times, fell to the ground and hit two big pits.

"Fark! Tony, you didn\'t tell me these guys had anti-aircraft missiles!" James Rhodes cursed and got up from the ground.

"Don\'t complain, they\'re coming."

Tony Stark raised his right hand and fired a shock wave at one of the rushing super soldiers.


After a loud noise, the young soldier didn\'t fly. He just took two steps back and rushed up to knock him to the ground.

"Damn it! Jarvis! Tell me what just happened?" iron man asked his smart housekeeper and combat assistant as he tried to get rid of each other\'s entanglement.

"Sir, as like as two peas, the enemy in front of you has more than twenty times strength and physical quality than normal humans. According to the scan, he is so resistant to the shock wave you launched. With this reminder, there are at least one hundred and seven super soldiers around the world." Jarvis gave the answer with a touch of emotion.

"What? There are more than 100 such guys?!" Tony Stark grew up in surprise.

After a short struggle, no one knows better than him how terrible these guys are who are far more powerful, faster and more resilient than ordinary people.

If it weren\'t for the protection of steel armor, he wouldn\'t be able to hold on for a second.

"Tony! I have bad news for you. More than 100 super soldiers are rushing towards us!" James Rhodes jumped up, kicked the enemy holding his friend\'s thigh and climbed up quickly.

"Nick Frey! I need an explanation! You didn\'t tell me that Hydra has more than 100" Steve Rogers "!" iron man also fled to the sky and questioned the Cyclops director over the radio.

However, the crafty "stewed egg" didn\'t directly answer his question, but gently comforted: "relax, I\'ve sent someone to ask for reinforcements. You just have to hold them down."

Before Tony Stark could continue to ask questions, Nick Frey directly ordered the other two players: "Romanov, Clint! Do it!"

"Copy that!"

"I see!"

The black widow and eagle eye, who had already secretly lurked into the building, walked through the corridor one after another, knocked down several Hydra agents at the door of the office at a very fast speed, and directly broke through the door.

"Ah! You finally showed up! Steve, kill them!" Alexander pierce did not show any panic because of their appearance and gave orders directly to the captain of the United States.

"Long live Hydra!"

Without any nonsense, Steve Rogers shouted a slogan, raised his shield and rushed up.

No one found that outside the building, winter warrior Bucky Barnes had quietly sneaked into the interior of one of the flying aircraft carriers.


At the same time, in a small restaurant on the roadside in Washington, D.C., Zhang Cheng tasted the steaming delicious barbecue and learned about the latest war between the Divine Shield and Hydra through the news broadcast on TV.

It has to be said that the smell and speed of Western journalists are absolutely more efficient than any intelligence organization.

From the outbreak of the war to now, less than five minutes, the scene has been transmitted to the world.

You know, even the CIA, the FBI and the military under the U.S. government have not had time to respond.

Just after he swallowed a piece of delicious and juicy beef, several familiar figures suddenly appeared, and the headed middle-aged man did it directly across the table without saying a word.

These guys are no one else, just Colson and his team who disappeared for a while.

Of course, due to the influence of the Hydra rebellion, everyone\'s face showed a more or less tired look.

Looking at Colson\'s alert eyes, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help smiling, shaking his head and asking, "come on, Mr. director, what\'s the matter with you coming to me?"