All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 512

"Yo! Mr. director, you don\'t seem to be in good shape now?"

Taking advantage of the black widow\'s fight with the enemy, Zhang Cheng came to the one eyed dragon director and handed over a bottle of therapeutic potion.

"Cough, cough..."

Nick Frey kept spitting blood foam out of his mouth, even mixed with some pieces of meat suspected of internal organs.

After half a minute, he finally took a breath and asked in a hoarse voice, "what\'s this?"

"If I were you, I would drink without asking anything. After all, according to your current injury, if I want you to die, I don\'t need to poison at all. Just sit and watch patiently for a while." Zhang Cheng hinted with a smile.

He was very clear that the "marinated egg" in front of him was obviously suspicious and wanted to take the opportunity to find some useful information from himself.

However, it is a pity that he will not be used to each other, let alone disclose any information.

The reason is very simple. Although he currently uses the body of the divine dragon, his soul and way of thinking are still human. Once he communicates too much, he will inadvertently reveal some habits that he will have only lived on the earth for a long time.

You know, the deterrence of a black dragon from another world is very different from that of a human from another earth.

"Shet! Well, you\'re right."

After feeling the broken ribs, as well as the broken spleen and kidney, Nick Frey realized that he was not qualified for negotiation. He directly pulled out the plug and poured it on his head.


An indescribable feeling quickly flows all over the body, repairing every damage to the body.

In less than a few seconds, he felt the pain disappear and the bullet hole through his left lung healed. If there were not a large amount of blood left on his clothes, I\'m afraid he would think what had just happened was an illusion.

"How, isn\'t it amazing?" Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and showed a playful expression.

"It\'s amazing, Mr. dragon. Maybe after this, we should sit down and have a good talk and make some deals." after that, Nick Frey struggled to shoot and took out his pistol to support his hard-working men.

Because it is no one else who is fighting closely with the black widow. It is a good friend of the U.S. captain, the soul of the roaring commando, and also Bucky Barnes, who was caught by the Hydra and injected with super soldier serum.

In fact, the winter warrior was originally one of the trumps in Alexander Pierce\'s hands, but with a large number of dragon blood, new super soldiers were born one after another, and his importance decreased rapidly. In addition, due to long-term brainwashing, his emotions often fluctuated and gradually became chicken ribs.

Some even suggested that Alexander pierce destroy the winter soldiers to prevent some old cases from being exposed.

After watching the three of them come and play for a long time, Zhang Cheng finally yawned and suggested: "guys, can you please stop? In fact, you don\'t have to live and die like this, especially you, Bucky Barnes. Maybe it\'s time for you to recall your past..."

The voice just fell!

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and the spiritual power was launched on the spot, waking up the deepest memory of the brain and being partitioned.


The winter soldiers who were still punching and kicking in the last second, screamed and fell to the ground in the next second.

Due to the long-term relationship between brainwashing and freezing, the pain borne by his central nervous system simply exceeds the limit that human beings can bear!

Just as Natasha Romanov raised her gun and wanted to fully understand the enemy in front of her, Zhang Cheng suddenly stopped and said, "don\'t kill him! If you don\'t want Steve Rogers to hate you all his life."

"Captain? What\'s going on?!" the black widow frowned subconsciously.

"Very simply, the man who wants to kill you is actually buddy Barnes, a good friend of Captain America. He was brainwashed by Hydra and didn\'t know what he was doing. In addition, Steve Rogers is in the same state." Zhang Cheng evaded the important and gave an explanation.

He is not a fool, so he won\'t let the two people in front of him know that in fact, the defection of the captain of the United States is his own reason.

Anyway, it\'s impossible for the other party to confront Alexander pierce and simply buckle all the excrement pots on the hydra\'s head.

I can\'t help it. Who can\'t let these guys help themselves to death.

Nick Frey smelled the conspiracy, stared with one eye and said tentatively, "can you help us?"

"I\'ve helped you awaken his memory. As for the rest, it\'s up to you to solve it yourself. I believe with the help of winter soldiers, you can certainly stop Alexander pierce from launching the insight plan. If it still doesn\'t work, you can call me. First of all, the cost of my action is very high."

With a smile, Zhang Cheng gradually became transparent and finally disappeared completely.

Natasha Romanov patrolled around vigilantly until she confirmed that the biggest uncertainty really left. Then she quickly came to the one eyed dragon director and whispered: "Frey! Just a few minutes ago, Alexander pierce personally met with that guy and even talked about a lot about the insight plan."

"Oh? About what?" Nick Frey vomited the residual blood in his mouth and looked a little gloomy.

"About the plan to let the Hydra continue to hide behind and secretly develop its power until it completely controls the whole world. He conducted a social experiment on the spot in this war involving the lives of millions of people!"

Speaking of this, the black widow\'s voice suddenly became sharp, and her eyes showed undisguised anger.

"Did Alexander pierce agree?" Nick Frey continued.

"No! No! I think that\'s why he stopped working with Hydra," Natasha Romanov quickly shook her head and replied.

"Well, it seems that we still have some luck, don\'t we? If he really stands on the side of Hydra, I can\'t guarantee that he can turn over the plate finally..."

Before Nick Frey could finish his words, Bucky Barnes, who fell to the ground, suddenly twitched and jumped up, his face full of confusion: "this... Where is this? Steve... Where is Steve?"

"Calm down! Do you remember what just happened?" the black widow kept a safe distance carefully.

She will never forget the strong combat effectiveness of the other party in just a few minutes. She doesn\'t want to fight again at all.

"Well... Sorry, I don\'t remember. I just remember falling off the train, and I don\'t remember the rest." Bucky Barnes squatted down with his head covered.

Obviously, in order to avoid trouble, Zhang Cheng directly put his memory back before being transformed and brainwashed. Since he decided to abandon Hydra, he turned his face faster than turning the page