All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 514

"Here! Take a look! This is the killing machine made by Hydra with your blood." Colson took out his mobile phone, opened one of the video files and placed it on the table.

As for the content, it is nothing more than some bloody and cruel injection scenes, as well as some strength, physical fitness and actual combat tests.

Obviously, Hydra has mastered the critical point of divinity and knows how much dragon blood will not cause the experimental body to lose control.

Of course, due to the reduction of divinity, these later mass-produced super soldiers are far less powerful than the first few, but as a preparation, they are enough.

"Did you come all the way to show me this?" Zhang Cheng licked the sauce at the corner of his mouth, with a smile on his face.

"No, I just want you to understand that trading with hydra is not a wise choice."

Seeing that there was no guilt or regret in each other\'s eyes, Colson immediately realized that his strategy had failed and resolutely ended the topic.

In fact, he was going to try to use emotions such as compassion and guilt to achieve his goal.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng, who thoroughly embraced the darkness, had long abandoned the weak part of most human nature. Even if the whole earth exploded and human civilization perished, he would not shed even a tear.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t do any business with Hydra in the future. Because through this incident, I found that they can only hide in the dark sewer like cockroaches and mice, and don\'t deserve to own and dominate the whole world." Zhang Chengyan made no secret of his contempt for Hydra.

Although in the eyes of many people, hydra is a huge, dangerous and evil super villain, even enough to threaten the security of the earth.

But in his eyes, most Hydra leaders\' horizons are too low. They have no ambition and domineering to dominate the world. They are only satisfied with eating the leftovers of Wall Street bankers and occasionally creating a little trouble. That\'s all. They don\'t have a long-term and careful plan and blind the resources at hand.

"Oh? If Hydra heard your comments, it would be very sad. In addition, the director asked me to entrust you to do something to deal with all these super soldiers, which should not be difficult for you." after that, Colson sent a list to Zhang Cheng\'s mobile phone through wireless network.

The latter glanced at me and quickly raised his head and asked, "what about the salary? Don\'t tell me that the director wants me to work for nothing."

"This is your reward!" Colson quickly opened the password box in his hand.


Two sealed tubes appeared in front of us.

One contains dark blue translucent particles, and the other contains a small piece of famous vibrating gold.

There is no doubt that director one eyed dragon knew that Zhang Cheng had been collecting all kinds of strange elements, so he specially prepared two kinds of chips he had never touched as trading chips.

No hesitation!

Zhang Cheng directly crushed the bulletproof glass enough to resist large caliber bullets, held the two elements in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes and felt its internal mechanism with the alchemy.

After five minutes, he slowly opened his eyes, smiled and said to Colson, "the deal is established! Give me thirty seconds!"

"Thirty seconds? Our plane..."

Before Coulson finished speaking, he saw Zhang Cheng disappear out of thin air, leaving only a table of unfinished barbecue.

"Fitz! Did you see what happened just now?" Melinda immediately asked the technical support of the team through the radio.

"Er... It should be some kind of transmission magic! Sorry, it doesn\'t belong to the scope of science. I can\'t give an accurate answer for the time being."

"Damn it! Come on! Everybody back on the plane! Let\'s go to headquarters!"


Meanwhile, in the middle of the Divine Shield Trident, three flying aircraft carriers have left the base and began to take off according to the scheduled procedures.

Despite the addition of iron man and war machine, Hydra had to turn on the weapon system in advance to fight back, but it failed to shoot down any one after all.

Just when everyone was helpless, Zhang Cheng directly crossed the portal and appeared in the middle of the chaotic battlefield.

He winked at the nine headed snake super soldiers, who collectively knelt on the ground and screamed in pain. In just a few minutes, black scales, claws and wings grew on his body, and his head turned into a dragon head.

"My God! Who the hell can tell me what\'s going on? Is there a real-life version of aliens?" Tony Stark\'s eyes widened in surprise.

"Leave them alone! Get rid of the flying carriers! Once they start connecting to the satellite, millions of people will die," Nick Frey warned loudly.

Although he didn\'t know what happened to these Hydra super soldiers, from the appearance, it was obviously related to the black dragon, so he didn\'t need to pay attention to it for the time being.

These dragon people, who had just completed their transformation, ignored the orders issued by the hydra, walked to the master and knelt on one knee to show their attitude.

Dragon blood!

One of the most incredible blood!

Just a little can give ordinary people great power!

But it will also make humans slaves to the dragon!

No resistance!

Except for the first few experiments made with tampas\'s fingers, all the remaining super soldiers crawled at Zhang Cheng\'s feet, even if bullets kept flying around.

This frightening scene, not to mention Alexander Pierce, even Nick Frey couldn\'t help feeling cold all over.

Similarly, the one eyed dragon director secretly congratulated himself that he had not started the super soldier plan of the Divine Shield Bureau, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Get up, my servants." Zhang Cheng walked carelessly through the dragon people.

Just when he was considering what to do for these newly awakened men, the voice of "marinated egg" suddenly came from the phone in his pocket: "you owe me an explanation!"

"What explanation?" Zhang Cheng raised his mouth and showed a playful expression.

"Don\'t pretend! What\'s the matter with those half dragon and half man super soldiers? Why can you control them?" Nick Frey asked sternly.

"Nothing! My blood is flowing in their bodies. Naturally, they will obey my orders. Even if they die, they will not hesitate. This comes from the dragon\'s absolute control over their blood. But don\'t worry, they won\'t lose their reason or become another person." Zhang Cheng explained casually.

He understood each other\'s concerns, for fear that he would develop his descendants like a vampire and endanger human security