All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 511

"You mean... The avenger will be the enemy of Hydra?" asked Alexander Pierce, somewhat unsure.

Zhang Cheng smiled and replied, "no, not just the Avengers.

Believe me, if you really intend to clean the world according to that idiot Zola algorithm, you will taste failure in a week at most.

Rule is a power game that tests patience and wisdom. It does not mean that all foolish people can submit by oppression and fear.

On the contrary, many people have so-called rebellious psychology. The more you suppress them, the more they rebound.

Smart rulers will guide public opinion and make people believe in what is good for them and exclude what is threatening them.

Remember the McKinsey doctrine that prevailed in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s?

That was a near perfect action, which not only suppressed the domestic unrest, but also dissolved the people\'s hatred for the government by abandoning a chess piece.

Think about it. How can a Wisconsin Senator kidnap the whole country?

The answer is simple, because he has the support of the real master behind the country.

But what about your Hydra?

He always wants to go to the front stage and achieve the goal of ruling the world by means of the most primitive, direct and barbaric way.

What a ridiculous strategy!

I can hardly describe your stupidity and shortsightedness in words.

In addition to creating more hatred and enemies, killing a large number of civilians can not bring even a little benefit.

The real value of the insight program lies in deterrence, just like the nuclear weapons on the launch pad, which makes no one dare to act rashly.

My suggestion is to immediately delete the meaningless Zola algorithm and let it operate according to the plan of the World Security Council.

However, you can hide behind the scenes and selectively select targets, such as relatives and children of key government officials, and then some billionaires who control the media, and force them to work for Hydra by means of threats, solicitation and so on.

When you control more than 70% of the government officials and media in the world, it is equivalent to truly controlling the world.

It doesn\'t matter whether you want to go to the front desk... "

What is the most powerful thing about Hydra?

It\'s not how advanced the technology is, how sufficient the funds are, or how sophisticated the armed forces are!

What makes them really powerful is that they are good at hiding themselves!

You never know which official with outstanding political achievements, or a philanthropic billionaire, is the head of Hydra.

These guys are like weeds on the roadside. They will grow tenaciously no matter how many times they are harvested.

But such an organization actually wants to go to the front desk, stand in the sun and accept the enthusiastic cheers of the people.

Unfortunately, although Alexander pierce obviously hesitated, he finally shook his head: "I admit what you said is reasonable, but the whole insight plan involves too many details and it\'s too late to modify it. I\'m very sorry, I must follow the original plan. Don\'t worry, I\'ve formulated countermeasures against the remaining Avengers, and they can\'t stop the rise of Hydra."

"Well, I wish you all the best in advance. Goodbye." Zhang Cheng realized that it was useless to say more, and made a straightforward gesture of seeing off the guests.

As the saying goes, it\'s hard to persuade the damn ghost. Since the Hydra wants to die by himself, can he stop it.


Alexander pierce knew that the other party didn\'t want to talk any more, so he resolutely got up and left the shop with his men.

Seeing his car go far, Zhang Cheng relieved his control over the black widow and said with a smile: "Dear Natasha, I suddenly changed my mind. Do you want to save Nick Frey now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. I suddenly found that Alexander Pierce\'s plan could not succeed, so I decided to give him up."

"Give up?!"

The black widow\'s eyes widened in surprise. She couldn\'t believe that the two people who looked very close a few minutes ago turned their faces in the blink of an eye.

"Hehe, is it difficult to understand? As I mentioned before, I am a bystander and a social experimenter. I want to see what interesting changes the Hydra will bring when it comes to the front desk. However, according to the insight plan, the hydra can\'t come to the front desk at all, so I decided to terminate this experiment." Zhang Cheng raised his head and drank up the hot tea in the cup, carelessly explaining.

"So in your eyes, this war that concerns the lives and deaths of millions of people is just an interesting social experiment?" Natasha Romanov asked seriously.

"In a strict sense, that\'s right. Don\'t forget, I\'m just a bystander. All this is a struggle within you. At best, I just gave some advice to one of them. In addition, I just felt that Nick Frey was badly hurt. If you want to save him, you\'d better hurry up, or he\'ll die in another minute and thirty seconds." With that, Zhang Cheng raised his head and glanced at the electronic clock hanging on the wall.

"Damn it! Come on! Take me there!"

As soon as she heard that the chief was in danger, Natasha Romanov, regardless of anything else, immediately stood up and dressed up the weapons and gadgets on the table.

Without saying anything, Zhang Cheng put his arms around the beautiful black widow\'s thin waist, raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.



Accurate transmission magic launch!

Next second

The two appeared in a dimly lit underground parking lot.

Before Natasha Romanov recovered from her dizziness, she heard a loud bang in her ear.

A man with a grenade was seen pointing at the special car of the director of the Divine Shield Bureau and pulling the trigger continuously.

One by one, the deadly grenades hit the door of the bulletproof car enough to resist the RPG rocket launcher and directly blew it up.

With the dazzling red fire, Nick Frey was directly thrown out by the terrible air wave like a ragged doll, hit a strong cement column, and then opened his mouth to spray blood.


Seeing her boss\'s life hanging on the line, the black widow quickly took out two pistols, rushed forward and pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

Although the accuracy of shooting during running was worrying, it successfully aroused the enemy\'s idea.

The masked man threw away the grenade launcher, hid behind a truck, relied on the car steel plate as a shelter, changed into a submachine gun and began to fire.

For a while, there was a hail of bullets in the whole underground parking lot, and many cars were damaged, especially a seemingly expensive sports car, which was directly screened by bullets. It is estimated that it can be directly pulled back to the manufacturer for overhaul