All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 510

"Steve! What\'s the matter with you?"

Director Cyclops glanced nervously at the captain of the United States, who was kneeling on the ground and trembling all over. At the same time, he retreated carefully, trying to escape the deadly bullets that the enemy might shoot with the help of simple furnishings in the office.

"Well... My head hurts... Suddenly there are many pieces of memory..." Steve Rogers replied with his teeth clenched.

He didn\'t know what had happened to him. He felt that he was experiencing an unprecedented revolution in his mind. All his previous perceptions, beliefs and values of the world were rapidly shattered and replaced by another unprecedented experience.

I don\'t know how long it took

It may be a few seconds or more than ten minutes, but it\'s like a lifetime for him.

When the man who became a spiritual symbol stood up again, he did not hesitate to raise his sandbag fist and hit Nick Frey hard in the face, knocked him directly to the ground, then raised his right hand and shouted, "long live Hydra!"


Not only the director of the "stewed egg" was stunned, but also the tactical team led by bullock romlow was stunned.

They can\'t believe that the war hero who destroyed the Hydra during World War II will appear in front of them in such an opposite attitude.

be quiet!

Everyone present was stunned by the sudden change!

A full minute later, Alexander pierce laughed, raised his right arm and replied, "long live Hydra! Welcome to join us, dear captain."

"My pleasure!" Steve Rogers knelt on one knee and made a medieval knight salute.

"Ha ha! Great! It\'s intoxicating! See, Frey? Do you think you can stop us now?" Alexander pierce laughed wildly.

Although he didn\'t know what the material wrapped in the crystal was, Captain America\'s imminent defection was definitely the greatest achievement since the founding of Hydra.

If this news is learned by several other Hydra leaders in the world, they will be scared to climb over and choose to surrender.

Alexander pierce had a sense of sacred mission to create a new chapter in history when he thought that the hydra, which was divided after the collapse of * * Germany, would be integrated by himself again.

"What about this guy?"

Steve Rogers kicked and fell to the ground. Director Cyclops, who hasn\'t recovered yet, asked coldly.

"Don\'t worry, he can\'t die now, at least not in his own office. Bullock, let our super soldiers deal with it and act like it as much as possible. His death will create a new world and a better world for us. In addition, arrange a car for me, and I\'ll personally thank the gentleman who has given us great help..."

With the last word falling, Alexander pierce left the director\'s office directly. Under the protection of two Hydra super soldiers, he drove to a small shop near Washington, D.C.

Just as he sat down and wanted to say hello, Zhang Cheng immediately put down his books, raised his head and asked with a smile, "it\'s all done?"

"Thanks to you, the whole process is very easy. The news of Nick Frey\'s murder will appear in the news media in half an hour at most," replied Alexander Pierce in a relaxed tone.

With the death of the director of s.h.i.e.l.d. and the defection of the U.S. captain, can anyone in the whole western world prevent themselves from realizing the insight plan?

In fact, from the moment Steve Rogers defected, Nick Frey lost his last card.

Looking at the energetic old man, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and shaking his head, followed by saying to the black widow, "how about, Miss Natasha, have my predictions come true?"

"Have you really defected?" Natasha Romanov asked, staring into the eyes of the captain of the United States.

"Mutiny? No, I\'ve always been a hydra spy in the enemy." Steve Rogers gave his answer directly.

Specifically, it is the memory replaced in the brain.

As we all know, the so-called "thinking" of human beings is actually a kind of memory feedback.

Generally speaking, when human beings were just born, they didn\'t have much memory, so they basically had no self-consciousness in infancy. They didn\'t give birth to "self" and "subjective consciousness" until they came into contact with the world for a certain time, usually about eight months to a year.

This means that if the memory is replaced from beginning to end, a person\'s self will change, and even be born from the previous diametrically opposite character.

When Zhang Cheng was in Phelan, he conducted cruel experiments with living people and found that modifying memory will not only affect a person\'s "self", but also permanently change a person\'s soul.

There is no doubt that Steve Rogers\' current state is that his memory has been replaced. Unless another psychic recovers it with his own power, he will never realize that he is not himself.

Of course, this recovery has a time limit. Once it exceeds two months, the brain will begin to delete the backup part. It will be difficult to recover at that time.

Appreciating the loyalty of the former enemy to the hydra, Alexander Pierce was in a good mood. He leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "can you tell me what\'s in your crystal?"

Zhang Cheng smiled and spread his hand: "nothing, just a carefully compiled memory. In addition, I have a little suggestion. Do you want to listen?"

"Of course! Please!"

"In fact, in my eyes, there is a fatal loophole in your plan. The so-called insight plan is essentially to complete the global strategic deterrence and eliminate the enemies of Hydra through three fully armed flying aircraft carriers. Have you ever thought that just three flying aircraft carriers can really do this? Iron man, hulk and Thor of Asgard all have Enough power to destroy the three flying aircraft carriers. How will you end up then? "

Zhang Cheng calmly expressed his views on the insight plan.

He really didn\'t understand whether the Hydra was impatient or short-sighted. He was crazy that he could directly destroy millions of people and regain control of the whole world.

Not to mention the endless terrorist superpowers in the Marvel Universe, the mushroom warheads of the nuclear powers alone can make the three flying aircraft carriers feel overwhelmed.

In particular, the direct attack on civilians is a typical big death. Let alone the notorious organization of Hydra, even if it is replaced by the legitimate government of any country, it will be submerged by the angry people in an instant. Maybe even the army will mutiny