All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 509

"You\'re sophistry! Tell me! Who are these people on earth? It\'s easy to find out their identity with your ability, isn\'t it?"

Nick Frey was obviously angry, leaning forward slightly, and his only eye burst with anger.

If he didn\'t take into account that there were many ordinary people around him, he would definitely kick over the table in front of him, so that the other party could feel the exploding anger in his heart.

Looking at the ferocious face of the one eyed dragon director, Zhang Cheng casually smiled and comforted: "calm down. You should know that anger is the most meaningless emotion in the world. The only thing it can do is to quickly reduce your IQ and judgment. Although I am not allowed to tell you their true identity, I am willing to give you a little hint."


Natasha was acutely aware of the fleeting drama in her eyes.

As a beautiful woman who often plays with men, she knows what this look means.

"That\'s right! Please wait a moment..."

Zhang Cheng stretched out his left hand, took out a palm sized Kun fighter like a high-precision model from the magic backpack and gently placed it on the table.

"What do you mean? Don\'t tell me you\'re suddenly addicted to this kind of children\'s toy." Nick Frey subconsciously frowned.

Since the New York war, whether the heroes of the avenger alliance, or the famous flying aircraft carrier and Kun fighters of the Divine Shield Bureau, have become the money printer in the eyes of toy manufacturers. Moreover, the price is not cheap, and the poor living below the poverty line can never afford it.

"Toys? No, dear director, this is not a toy in my hand. It\'s a real Kun fighter, but it\'s temporarily shrunk by magic. If you don\'t believe it, you can try to connect the airborne electronic equipment." Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully.

"Romanov!" Nick Frey winked directly at the black widow beside him.

Without saying a word, the latter directly opened the portable special laptop of the s.h.i.e.l.d. and completed the connection in just a few minutes.


The original motionless Mini Kun fighter immediately started its engine and took off slowly, turning around the table twice.


Not to mention Steve Rogers, an antique that has been frozen under the ice for decades, even the muscles on the "stewed egg" face are slightly twitching.

After a full minute, Nick Frey couldn\'t help but say, "how did you do it? Did you see Dr. hank Pimm?"

"No, I use a kind of shrinking magic. Strictly speaking, it doesn\'t work on creatures." Zhang Cheng shook his head and directly stopped the other party\'s random speculation.

He doesn\'t want to have anything to do with that generation of ant people, let alone make the director have bad associations.

"Magic? So, those who trade with you and call themselves hydras are hidden inside the s.h.i.e.l.d.?" Nick Frey is worthy of being an ace agent and immediately grasped the key point.

"Hehe, this is just your guess, but I didn\'t say anything." Zhang Cheng raised his mouth and showed a smiling expression. He grabbed the Kun fighter and stuffed it into his pocket and continued to drink tea calmly.

"Damn it! Romanov, you keep an eye on him here. Steve, come back to headquarters with us. There are some things I need to confirm immediately."

Aware of the seriousness of the problem, the one eyed dragon director quickly made a judgment on the current situation, turned and took the American captain out of the shop, drove a black bulletproof car and disappeared at the end of the road.

Until they walked away, Zhang Cheng put down his tea cup and asked the black widow sitting opposite, "Miss Natasha, if Nick Frey died, would you like to work for me?"

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Natasha Romanov put her right leg on her sitting leg and posed in a suggestive posture.

"At present, more than half of the members of the s.h.i.e.l.d. have sworn allegiance to the hydra, especially in the combat department. You can\'t find a few people who are not Hydras. In addition, Alexander pierce won\'t allow Nick Frey to interfere with his insight plan for many years. Therefore, as long as our chief returns to the headquarters, he will be killed in less than half an hour Assassination, and the killer is likely to be the famous captain of the United States. "

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng always had a strange smile on his face, and his eyes flashed golden light from time to time.

"You are a participant!"

The black widow is not a fool. She immediately realized the terrible conspiracy behind her, quietly took out her mobile phone and wanted to send a message to her boss.

But before her fingers touched the screen, she found that her whole body seemed to be controlled by some mysterious force, and she couldn\'t move a finger.

"Participant? No, I\'m not a participant. I\'m just a bystander who provides a little help. You can understand that I\'m a curious sociologist who wants to see the practical results of Hydra\'s interesting theory. Of course, Nick Frey doesn\'t have no chance. At least I gave him a little hint that as long as he can find it in time, he can escape Absolutely no problem. "

After that, Zhang Cheng stood up and crushed the communication equipment in the black widow\'s hand. By the way, he took out two guns, a tactical dagger and more than a dozen interesting gadgets from her concave and convex body.

After all this, he returned to his own position and waited patiently for the news of Hydra\'s action.


At the same time, the one eyed dragon director, who hurried back to the Trident headquarters, said solemnly to Steve Rogers: "Captain! I think we\'re in trouble! Here, take this and leave now. Remember, don\'t trust anyone. You\'re our only hope!"

"I don\'t understand! What happened?" Steve Rogers took the USB flash drive and looked puzzled.

"There\'s no time to explain! Anyway, if things get out of hand, go to the dragon and make a deal with him, no matter what conditions he offers," said Nick Frey, activating the only secret escape route in the office.

But before he pushed Captain America in, the door of the office was kicked open.


Alexander pierce rushed in with bullock romlow\'s tactical team and joked in a slightly abusive tone: "Dear Frey, where are you going?"

"It\'s you? You\'re the Hydra leader lurking inside the Divine Shield bureau!"

Although director Cyclops found many signs about the existence of Hydra, he never expected to be the old boss who promoted himself.

"Oh, yes, it\'s me. But I\'m not here to talk about the past, but to complete a great cause that the red skeleton can\'t complete."

Alexander pierce raised the crystal with silver light in his hand and threw it at the position of Captain America.

The latter did not understand what this was, and subconsciously raised his shield in front of him.

Next second


A wisp of white smoke completely enveloped him