All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 508

Alexander pierce left. With all his cronies and hot ambitions, he returned to the Trident headquarters of s.h.i.e.l.d. to make the final groundwork for the "insight plan". At the same time, he was full of hats and fantasized about the scene of American captain Steve Rogers, who had become the spiritual pillar of the western world, kneeling in front of him and shouting "long live Hydra".

For him, perhaps it was equivalent to sitting on the throne of the Empire and being crowned the supreme emperor.

Of course, it would be great if you could prolong your life and get some powerful superpowers by the way.

In fact, a third of the two liters of dragon blood were allocated to the longevity plan.

The purpose of this plan is not to obtain war weapons like super soldiers, but to enable the Hydra leaders and important scientists to have a longer life span and prevent each natural death of the Hydra leader, which will lead to a series of internal power struggles such as poisoning and assassination.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Zhang Cheng.

Because after completing the transaction, he also left the villa, took the civil aviation with the special certificate given by the s.h.i.e.l.d., and came to Washington, D.C., the administrative center of the United States. He wandered along the street alone. Occasionally, he would sit down in a roadside restaurant or cafe to eat and turn over the new books he had just bought from the bookstore.

Needless to ask, he is waiting for the good play of the head-on conflict between Hydra and s.h.i.e.l.d.

Unfortunately, before the good play began, Nick Frey appeared with "black widow" Natasha Romanov and "Captain America" Steve Rogers.

Looking at the one eyed dragon director sitting across the table, Zhang Cheng closed the advanced quantum mechanics in his hand, raised his head and greeted with a smile: "good afternoon, who of you wants a cup of grapefruit tea? I found that the grapefruit tea in this store tastes very good. Drinking it is warm and helps to relieve nervous tension."

"No, thanks. I\'m afraid grapefruit tea can\'t relieve my current mental state." Nick Frey shook his head expressionless. "Besides, could you tell me where you went after jumping off Coulson\'s plane? Have you seen anyone write about it?"

"Oh? Why do you ask?" Zhang Cheng winked deliberately pretending to be innocent.

"Because you have disappeared from our sight for 28 hours! There is no consumption record! You have not been photographed by any monitoring equipment! Even the mobile phone signal is blocked! I suspect that you are in contact with someone or organization behind our back, which may pose a great threat." Nick Frey made no nonsense and directly pointed out his intention.

Maybe it doesn\'t matter if others disappear a little more than a day. Just pay a little attention at most.

But the giant dragon in human skin is so powerful that it is strong enough to threaten the security of the whole world. Even if it disappears for a minute, he will feel nervous.

If he could not take the other party, he would have used all the resources and strength at hand to kill or imprison it and throw it to a secret base that no one would ever find.

Zhang Cheng is not a fool. Of course, he knows what the one eyed dragon director thinks. He casually picked up his cup and drank grapefruit tea: "So you came to ask me where I went? Who I met? Am I a prisoner? You know, according to the laws of this country, what you just said is completely an invasion of personal privacy. I have the right to call a lawyer for myself and ask him to talk to you about the next part."


The upright Steve Rogers obviously didn\'t see anyone contradicting the "stewed egg" and couldn\'t help laughing.

Natasha also raised her mouth slightly and made no secret of the smile on her face.

They did not expect that a terrible dragon in mythology and legend could speak so funny and humorous, and even know how to use the weapons of law.

Nick Frey\'s face was gloomy and frightening. He glared at the other two people and replied gnashing his teeth: "First of all, you are not a citizen of this country, not even human beings. You are not protected by the judicial system at all. Secondly, I promise that no lawyer will be willing to defend you. Finally, and most importantly, the sooner you explain clearly, it will be good for you and us."

"Well, it\'s nothing to tell you. I did meet a few people in a place escorted by a mercenary team and made some deals with them." Zhang Cheng explained, picked up a teapot and poured a steaming grapefruit tea for the black widow and the captain of the United States.

"Thank you very much!" Steve Rogers, who has always believed in kindness, took the cup and thanked.

He didn\'t know that it was this seemingly harmless young man who prepared a big surprise enough to change his fate.

Natasha impolitely picked up the cup, sipped the hot tea very gracefully, and her eyes kept sweeping around each other.

She was not sure whether her best body weapon would work on a giant beast with a body length of more than 100 meters.

"Who are they? What is the content of the transaction?" Nick Frey suddenly had a bad feeling and subconsciously frowned.

"They called themselves Hydras and exchanged two liters of blood with me with gadgets such as rare elements, luxury yachts and planes." Zhang Cheng didn\'t cover up for Alexander pierce from beginning to end. He spoke out the content and object of the transaction.

Of course, as a person who actively embraced the darkness, he deliberately skipped some of the most important information.

After all, the "stewed egg" didn\'t ask, so naturally he wouldn\'t take the initiative to answer.

"What?! Hydra! Are you sure?"

Before director Cyclops could react, Steve Rogers stood up excitedly.

Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking: "yes, at least they call themselves so, and it seems that they are still planning an important plan recently."

"Damn it! You gave them your blood!"

Nick Frey\'s focus obviously deviates slightly from that of the captain of the United States.

You know, although the s.h.i.e.l.d. has not carried out any "super soldier plan", scientists in the middle have analyzed that the mysterious substances contained in the dragon\'s blood are enough to give life a great power.

He could not imagine how dangerous the whole world would become once it was obtained by some terrorist organizations and created 20 or 30 super soldiers comparable to the captain of the United States.

"Why, I have to restrict who I sell my blood to? This is not a free trade promotion. Is there a problem with my understanding?" Zhang Cheng continued to pretend to be stunned.

Anyway, the s.h.i.e.l.d. and the U.S. government don\'t dare to do anything about him now. In addition, it won\'t be long before the whole world will fall into chaos because of the insight plan. Attacking the Hydra will become the primary task of governments and the new s.h.l.d. all over the world. Where do you have time to pay attention to a black dragon that few people know