All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 507

Hydra\'s action is always fast and efficient. It takes only more than ten hours to transport all the things on the list to the villa.

Even an additional yacht, which looks like a large yacht, but is actually loaded with advanced nuclear power systems. The rear deck is equipped with two direct landing aprons, which can take off and land Kun fighters or helicopters. The decoration is extremely luxurious, with a total length of more than 230 meters. At first glance, the Hydra high-rise is to meet its own needs, Good things specially designed and made by ourselves are never bought with money.

Looking at the behemoth docked at the seaside wharf of the villa, Zhang Cheng turned his head and asked Alexander pierce with a smile: "can you explain what this means?"

"Nothing else. It\'s just a small gift. I hope you like it."

The latter wore a faint smile, as if to say that such a valuable yacht is not worth mentioning at all.

In fact, it is true!

For one of the few people standing at the top of the huge organization Hydra, his wealth, rights and technology are far beyond ordinary people\'s imagination. As long as the "insight plan" can be implemented smoothly, all efforts are worth it.

"Use a yacht to test my preferences? Don\'t you forget that I can invade a person\'s brain at any time and read his deepest memory and thinking?" Zhang Cheng ruthlessly exposed the other party\'s careful thinking.

With the vigorous growth of spiritual powers, ordinary people have no secrets in front of him. As long as an idea, they can instantly know all human psychological activities within a radius of one kilometer.

"No, never forget. I just want to reach some consensus between you and us. Believe me, hydra can always give you much more than s.h.i.e.l.d." Alexander pierce hinted in a low voice.

"I said I wouldn\'t interfere in your struggle, so please don\'t continue to do these boring little moves." after that, Zhang Cheng opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth and began to sing the astringent dragon language.

In just a few seconds, the huge yacht began to shrink rapidly, and finally became a gadget about 20 cm long, just like a model.

At the same time, several multi-functional Kun fighters with different emphases and trucks full of arms were reduced.

When he had finished all this, he gently hooked his fingers and put all the scientific and technological products that had been more advanced than the magic earth for at least 60 or 70 years into the magic waist bag. He planned to take them back for a rainy day.

At least it can be a little faster to explore those inaccessible places.

However, Alexander pierce obviously didn\'t know this. He was stunned and couldn\'t say a word when he looked at the planes, trucks and yachts reduced by the same proportion.

After several minutes, he finally regained his consciousness and said in a slightly excited tone, "how did you do it? Technology or magic?"

"Magic!" Zhang Cheng gave the answer carelessly.

Whether in the world of philon or Azeroth, reducing or enlarging objects belongs to an application in the field of arcane art.

Generally speaking, the higher the casting level, the more accurate the control of energy, and the higher the proportion of reduction or amplification.

Of course, the spell he just cast integrates the advantages of the two worlds. As long as there is no spell to disturb and reduce the stable magic energy around the object, the object will not suddenly return to its original state due to the passage of time.

"Magic? Does it have a wide spread?" Alexander Pierce\'s eyes burst out with great longing.

"If you mean whether human beings can learn, the answer is yes, yes. But the premise is that this person must be very smart, and it takes up to 30 to 50 years of learning, and can barely reduce the object to one twentieth of the original. If I were you, I would never think about anything else at this critical time, but should focus on Insight into the plan. Don\'t think you are sure to win. Nick Frey is not as easy to deal with as you think. "Zhang Cheng gave a meaningful warning.

Arrogance is the natural enemy of success!

Turning over the short history of mankind, it is easy to find countless unlucky people who are only one step away from success, because arrogance leads to their own defeat.

He was looking forward to seeing what the Marvel Universe would look like if Hydra\'s insight plan succeeded.

Alexander pierce shook his head with a reserved smile: "I know Nick Frey very well. Every decision he made is in my expectation, and it is impossible to turn over. Moreover, at present, more than half of the members of the Divine Shield bureau have sworn allegiance to the hydra, and no one can stop our rise."

"Well, I\'ll wait and see. Oh, by the way, this is the blood promised to you. In addition, I\'m very satisfied with your little gift, so I\'ll give you another gadget." Zhang Cheng handed each other a large bottle of dragon blood and a translucent crystal ball.

"What is this?"

Alexander pierce handed the dragon\'s blood to Brock romlow next to him, raised the translucent crystal ball in the palm and observed it carefully.

In the center of the crystal ball, there is a flowing silver liquid, constantly changing its shape, as if there was life.

"A very interesting gadget. As long as you break it in front of the captain of the United States, I promise Steve Rogers will immediately rebel and swear allegiance to the hydra." Zhang Cheng cracked and showed a very ferocious smile.

"Captain America is loyal to Hydra? Are you sure you\'re not kidding?" Alexander Pierce\'s face was unbelievable.

In his eyes, even if the whole world is under the rule of Hydra, American captain Steve Rogers can\'t bow to Hydra.

The relationship between the two sides has gone beyond the hatred in the ordinary sense and sublimated to the essential conflict of consciousness, ideas, world outlook and values, which is an absolutely irreconcilable contradiction.

"I never joke! Think about what a spectacular scene it would be if Steve Rogers knelt in front of you and shouted" long live Hydra "in front of the audience all over the world. At that time, the set of freedom and democracy advocated by the whole western world will be smashed on the spot, and the army and ordinary people will become defenseless..."

At the moment, Zhang Cheng is like a devil whispering in the ears of the Hydra senior management. Every word wants to have magic, full of inexplicable agitation.

No top hydra can resist the temptation of the American captain kneeling in front of him and shouting "long live Hydra".

Once they do this, they will surpass the greatest leader of Hydra during World War II, red skull John Schmidt.

No one knows at all. The reason why Zhang Cheng did this is just to satisfy the evil interest in his heart. By the way, try what impact the Hydra will have on the world