All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 506

Cars, speedboats, planes

Escorted by the armed men under the control of Hydra, Zhang Cheng soon came to a rather luxurious country villa.

No one else was standing at the door of the villa. It was Alexander Pierce. Next to him were "cross bone" bullock Ramlow, "winter warrior" Bucky Barnes, hitville and John Garrett. Anyway, the Hydra senior level lurking in the Divine Shield Bureau was almost here.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces, Zhang Cheng deliberately pretended to be careless and shrugged his shoulders: "please explain who you are and what\'s the purpose of bringing me here?"

"I\'m very sorry to invite you in such a rude way. But believe me, all this is out of helplessness. A great creature like you deserves more respect than pretending to be a mortal." Alexander pierce took the lead to stand up, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed deeply in a very pious tone.

As a hydra leader, like other leaders, he has a fanatical obsession with supernatural forces, especially after learning that the blood of the black dragon in front of him can create thousands of super soldiers comparable to the captain of the United States.

"You haven\'t told me your name yet. In my hometown, when people express goodwill and sincerity, they usually start with announcing their name." Zhang Cheng hinted with a smile.

"My name is Alexander Pierce. I am the former director of the Divine Shield Bureau. At the same time, I have another identity, that is, the supreme commander of Hydra lurking inside the Divine Shield Bureau. I believe you can easily find it with your power, can\'t you?" Alexander pierce introduced himself with a smile.

Although he was no longer the director of the s.h.i.e.l.d. and Nick Frey was also a guy who liked to hide secrets, there were too many personnel who carried out comprehensive inspection and testing for Zhang Cheng at that time.

In particular, the ability to invade the brain, read the agent\'s memory at will, and even make the agents obey orders through hypnotic hints is extremely impressive.

"So?" Zhang Cheng\'s face showed an innocent expression.

"You should know that our Hydra and s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. are mortal enemies? And many of the agents tested have taken refuge in our Hydra, but you didn\'t expose them, which makes me have a guess. Today I want to confirm this guess," Alexander pierce explained bluntly.

Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully: "I see. But my answer may disappoint you. Strictly speaking, I don\'t tend to either side, that is, the Divine Shield Bureau or the hydra. It doesn\'t matter who is in power. I won\'t participate."

"Hehe, no, this answer is very good news for us. Besides, are you willing to make some transactions with us? I promise, I will never let outsiders know the contents of these transactions." Alexander pierce made an invitation gesture and took the lead in walking towards the villa.

Through the exquisite garden, the party came to the hall filled with all kinds of exquisite food and wine.

Judging from the dishes on the table, he obviously inquired about Zhang Cheng\'s eating preferences, and the supply was sufficient to fill in the appetite of a giant dragon hundreds of meters long.

"I\'m beginning to like you a little, Mr. Pierce." Zhang Cheng picked up the plate and tasted a small piece of spareribs. His eyes showed satisfaction.

Undoubtedly, compared with the fast food provided by the Divine Shield Bureau, hydra is undoubtedly sincere. Every dish is cooked by top chefs, which greatly meets the thirst of taste buds.

You know, he doesn\'t eat to supplement energy, just to enjoy. The more delicious things, the higher the enjoyment.

Seeing this, Alexander pierce quickly showed a flattering smile: "you\'re satisfied. If you don\'t mind, can I talk about the transaction now?"

"Of course! Please!"

Zhang Cheng opened his mouth and slowly poured a large plate of two or three kilograms of ribs into his mouth, making a creaking and creepy chewing sound.

The reason why it is creepy is that he chewed and swallowed all the bones, several of which are thick leg bones. This biting force alone has surpassed any existing carnivore on the earth.

"First of all, I hope to get some of your blood!"

"My blood? You shouldn\'t be..." Zhang Cheng threw down the empty plate and quickly glanced at the bodyguard behind him.

Sure enough, there are three adult men with weak divinity in their bodies, and their bones, muscles and skin strength are dozens of times that of ordinary people due to the addition of unknown things.

"That\'s right! We have created six super soldiers by using that finger and the existing technology at hand. You can see three of them. Between the launch of the insight plan, I need more such soldiers to eliminate the resistance within the Divine Shield Bureau. In return, no matter what you ask, I promise we will be disorganized as long as we can do it Pieces meet. "

After that, Alexander pierce stopped and looked into each other\'s eyes, looking forward to a positive answer.

He believed that since the other party did not expose himself, there must be some possibility of cooperation. Otherwise, as long as he made a little action, Nick Frey could detect the trace of Hydra.

A trace of mockery flashed on Zhang Cheng\'s face and answered without thinking: "yes! I happen to have a wish list here. If you can send it to me within 48 hours, I will agree to provide you with two liters of my blood, enough for you to make hundreds of super soldiers. But the premise is that you should give me another medicine formula mixed in those soldiers."

"No problem! We Hydra are very sincere..."

Alexander pierce took the note full of small letters, looked at it for a few times, and quickly smiled with satisfaction.

No way, not satisfied!

Most of the things on this note are the existing assets of the Divine Shield Bureau, such as Kun fighters, some rare elements, a large number of more advanced individual combat heavy firepower weapons and ammunition. Anyway, it basically takes as much as it takes to go to the warehouse.

Although he didn\'t understand the use of a dragon with terrible supernatural power, it was a good thing to say that the other party needed it.

Moreover, compared with two liters of dragon blood, this payment is nothing at all.

"In that case, I\'ll wait for your news here. Remember, my patience is very limited. Once I don\'t get everything on the list for more than 48 hours, the consequences will be very, very serious."

With these words, Zhang Cheng\'s whole body suddenly began to expand and directly incarnated into a black dragon with a length of more than 100 meters, crowded the whole living room, and the golden pupils exuded endless majesty