All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 505

Eat, sleep, read, and occasionally guide the future "Zhenbo girl" how to use the newly obtained spiritual power

For a long time, Zhang Cheng showed what his "neutral attitude" was. Even if the Airbus was hijacked or attacked by the enemy, he didn\'t make a little response, let alone play the game of standing up as a "hero" at the critical moment.

To be exact, no matter what kind of enemy, he will subconsciously ignore his existence, just like he doesn\'t see this person at all. Even if someone talks to him, the other party will turn a blind eye.

Such a strange situation, not to mention a group of rookies who have just started, even Colson, who has seen big scenes and contacted countless senior agents of supernatural forces, is full of surprise.

However, knowing Zhang Cheng\'s real posture, he didn\'t go too deep to inquire about how many incredible mysterious powers a mythical black dragon mastered, and he also prohibited his men from doing so.

This state of peace lasted until a certain ignorant idiot shot the "heroine", and another senior Hydra member hidden in the s.h.i.e.l.d., John Garrett, finally appeared.

Needless to ask, this guy wants to take the opportunity to use Colson\'s hand to find the mysterious "Tahiti plan", that is, gh325, a resurrection medicine made from Corian body and blood.

After all, so far, using the mysterious power contained in that unknown biological finger to create the super warrior plan, although several experimental bodies have successfully survived and have unmatched terrorist power, the scientists engaged in research have never understood what substances are working, let alone improve the success rate of the experiment.

Maybe it doesn\'t matter if you just use this thing to make super soldiers. Anyway, the success rate of about 50% is enough to satisfy the Hydra executives, but for John Garrett whose life is threatened, the success rate of 50% is like gambling.

In contrast, the Tahiti plan, which successfully brought Colson back to life, is obviously much more reliable.

Of course, before leaving, he didn\'t forget to test Zhang Cheng\'s attitude towards the Divine Shield Bureau until the latter made it clear that he would not pay attention to the struggle between humans, and then he left contentedly.

Seeing the plane of the conspirator disappear at the end of the sea of clouds, Zhang Cheng raised his mouth slightly and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "aha, the boring days are finally coming to an end. War, killing, betrayal and death are the holidays I look forward to. I hope the hydra can be a little more interesting than the Divine Shield..."

As soon as the voice fell, he glanced at grant ward, who was drinking not far away, stood up, smiled and said to everyone in the cabin, "I\'m very sorry, everyone. I\'m afraid I\'ll excuse you for a while."

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" Colson\'s face showed an alert expression.

"Relax, I\'m just a little tired of staying on the plane for a long time. I\'m going to buy some books, eat some delicious food and call me if I have anything." Zhang Cheng shook his very advanced multi-functional mobile phone and directly virtualized his body through the wall and fell from tens of thousands of meters.

"Damn it! Come on! Contact the director!" Colson shouted at his old partner Melinda.

The latter also realized the seriousness of the problem, without saying a word, nodded and immediately ran to the upper area.

Within about ten seconds, the news that the dangerous target was out of control was sent to Nick Frey\'s desk at the Trident headquarters of the Divine Shield Bureau.

Unfortunately, director Cyclops was not in the office at the moment, so the news was intercepted by Alexander Pierce.

Without saying a word, he picked up the phone to inform his confidant "cross bone" bullock Ramlow, indicating that the latter would immediately go to the crash site to meet the mysterious creature with terrorist power.

It has to be said that the technology of Marvel Universe earth is far more advanced than any earth experienced by Zhang Cheng. Perhaps it is due to the influence of shape technology, including a series of leading technologies such as super chip, high-capacity storage device, ultra long standby battery and 3D holographic image, which are all integrated into palm sized mobile phones.

Whether it is the earth where he was born or the magic earth, it can instantly trigger a scientific and technological revolution and bring endless wealth to the holders.

Unfortunately, these things mean nothing to him.

He has got rid of the low-level desire to pursue so-called wealth, power and reputation, but moved towards higher goals, such as power and immortality.

With the strong air blowing through his cheeks, he soon saw the light on the ground. At the moment of close contact with the ground, he took out a small piece of liquid metal wrapped in rings from his pocket.


The whole person seems to be affected by some anti gravity, floating in the semi empty space, and finally slowly falling on the top floor of a building.

There is no doubt that this small mass of liquid metal is nothing else, but a mysterious substance that came into contact not long ago - gravitonium.

However, this small group was not stolen from under the eyes of the s.h.i.e.l.d. it was created out of thin air by him in combination with alchemy and particle structure.

Just creating such a small point exhausted nearly a fifth of his magical energy.

In fact, these days, Zhang Cheng has been exercising his alchemy level.

Because he could feel that an incredible thing in his body was about to break out of the shell, and alchemy was the key to breaking the last shell.

Looking down at the night view of the city, Zhang Cheng put away his gadgets and asked without looking back: "how long are you going to stand at the door? Do you want me to invite you out?"

With the last word blurted out, the safety door on the top floor of the building slammed and flew away by unknown force, then twisted and compressed, and finally turned into a smooth metal ball.

Click! Click!

The heavily armed soldiers hiding in the passage were obviously startled, opened the insurance and raised their automatic rifles.

"Asshole! Put the gun down! If you don\'t want to die!" the leader shouted.

As the temporary operation commander of the team, he learned from his immediate boss that the seemingly harmless young man in front of him had such terrible power that he would be wiped out if he was careless.

Although the soldiers were reluctant, they finally chose to obey the orders and were relieved of their weapons.

You know, Hydra\'s obedience to his subordinates is very strict. Any behavior that dares to disobey orders means death, or a more terrible punishment than death