All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 504

"Impossible! This is totally against the common sense of physics!" Leo Fitz, who is responsible for providing technical and logistical support to the team, finally couldn\'t help but retort.

As a highly educated mechanical engineer and electronic engineer, he never believed that anything in the world could easily change the atomic and molecular structure of matter.

"Oh? Really!"

Zhang Cheng pursed the corners of his mouth meaningfully, stretched out a finger and gently clicked on the glass.

Just a second later, the cup began to produce incredible changes. Under the gaze of several pairs of eyes, it became a diamond cup with strange luster.

"My God! How could that be!" Gemma Simmons ran out of the lab and picked up the cup to find out what had just happened.

About two or three minutes later, she raised her head and gently nodded to her colleague and good friend Fitz, indicating that this thing is indeed an out and out diamond structure.

The latter was stunned and hesitated. He didn\'t know what to say to ease the embarrassing atmosphere.

You know, it only took him more than a minute from negation to face slapping. It\'s a little too fast.

"Poof! Hahaha!"

Seeing Fitz\'s embarrassing appearance, Skye finally smiled unkindly.

But with a smile, she didn\'t forget about exercising her superpowers. She quickly asked, "turn glass into diamonds! How on earth did you do it?"

"Very simple! Power! As long as you are strong enough, there are many ways to change the material structure, and even let the material and energy transform freely, just like this..." Zhang Cheng picked up the cup and started the power of the gold smelting stone.


The glittering diamond suddenly turns into a mass of water, followed by gold, silver, steel, wood, flame, stone and other different substances. The speed is dizzying.

When many people were immersed in the incredible scene in front of them, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


The cup that was still in the state of fluid one second ago immediately changed back to the original glass.

"My God! It\'s like magic! Can I do this one day?" Skye clenched his fist excitedly.

"Hehe, of course. But are you sure what your eyes just saw was the truth, not an illusion?" Zhang Cheng looked into each other\'s eyes and put forward a hypothesis with great interest.

Because it was a holiday, he didn\'t intend to do anything in this world, let alone join the avenger alliance, or go to the front of a wave of annihilation hegemony to feel the power of infinite gemstones. Instead, he was ready to follow Colson with a relatively low risk coefficient until the woman who claimed to be the creator sent him back.

The reason is very simple. Neither infinite gemstones nor mages living in seclusion in Kama Taj are attractive to him.

The former is the embodiment of some rules of the universe. Once you leave the world, you will immediately lose the powerful power you have, which is not worth the effort.

Similarly, he can do all the magic power that the latter master. Even outside the time gem, the so-called supreme mage Gu Yi can\'t compare with the divine dragon.

As for the messy advanced technology, the only thing useful to Zhang Cheng is the Research Report on quantum physics, especially the part on the structure of matter.

These precious knowledge helped him quickly improve his alchemy level.

After all, for alchemists, the more they understand the structure of matter, the faster they transform and the less they consume.

"What do you mean? Isn\'t what I just saw true?" Skye frowned subconsciously.

Zhang Cheng shook his head with a smile and explained: "No, I mean, do you have the ability to figure out the difference between reality and illusion? What is illusion? What is reality? In fact, all your cognition comes from perceptual organs such as eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then through the brain to analyze, understand and remember, and finally form a huge and complex feedback system. Just like you pick up a fried chicken and immediately You can realize that it\'s food. If you go deeper, you can also confirm the nutrition and calories it contains... "

"I don\'t understand!"

"Don\'t interrupt, let me finish." Zhang Cheng ignored the girl\'s puzzled expression and went on: "In fact, it\'s not difficult to deceive the brain, especially for us who master psychic powers. As the controller of psychic powers, you should learn to question and question everything around you from now on. The so-called truth is not important in our eyes, but whether you believe it is true. If you believe it, it will become true if it is not true , if you don\'t believe it, even if it is true, it will become false. "

"My God! Do you mean that if this power called psychic power can affirm or deny the existence of a person or object?"

Gemma Simmons is worthy of being a top student of s.h.i.e.l.d. college. She was the first to understand the meaning expressed in the words and grew up surprised.

"Hehe, you\'re smart. Yes, that\'s the greatness of psychic power. It can change everything according to the user\'s wishes unconsciously. But it\'s just in theory. At least I haven\'t seen a guy who can exercise psychic power enough to change a world."

After saying this, Zhang Cheng ignored anyone and continued to read the books and papers at hand.

Through the monitor, Colson looked at what had just happened and quickly raised his head and asked his old partner, "what do you think of him?"

"How about what?" Mei asked expressionless.

"Character. Don\'t you think he\'s a little too rational as a terrible dragon?"

"I think this is a good thing. At least I don\'t have to worry about him all day. He\'ll go out and do damage, won\'t he?"

"I don\'t understand why the director allowed him to take our plane..." Colson whispered, quickly picked up the cup, drank up the amber liquid inside, and turned to his room.

Seeing him disappear around the corner, Mei was a little relieved. She quickly got into the cabin, opened the secret phone hidden behind the panel and dialed the only number.

For about a second or two, Nick Frey\'s voice came through the microphone: "how\'s it going? Is everything going well?"

"Yes, everything is going well. Whether it\'s Colson or the dragon, it\'s normal."

"Very good! Keep a close watch on me! If you find anything unusual about that guy or have contact with someone, report to me immediately."

"I see!"

"Keep in touch!"

"Keep in touch!"
