All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 503

How attractive is divinity to mortals?

The s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. and the World Security Council, the supervisory body behind it, will not say for the moment. In any case, within a few days, Alexander Pierce, one of the leaders of Hydra, had secretly taken out a small part of muscle tissue from the storage room and handed it over to his men to start a inhuman human experiment.

In a secret research laboratory in Mexico, dozens of researchers are busy injecting the newly extracted golden serum into six healthy adult men.

There is no doubt that these people are all loyal members of Hydra.

In particular, John Garrett, who was responsible for supervising the whole process, narrowed his eyes and watched the reaction of each experimental body to judge whether this thing called divinity could save his declining life.

You know, hydra is not the Divine Shield bureau that needs to be both a bitch and a memorial archway. It doesn\'t care about media reports, public opinion and public relations at all.

As long as the top makes a decision, the bottom will act quickly. It doesn\'t matter no matter how much sacrifice or damage to civilian lives and property.

To some extent, if Hydra replaces s.h.i.e.l.d. to control the whole western world, it is not a bad thing.

At least, the work efficiency will be doubled, and the rate of all kinds of bad criminal crimes will also drop rapidly, so as to create an absolutely orderly and stable living environment. By the way, we will eradicate the military industrial complex that can almost be said to be a cancer and the Wall Street consortium that kidnaps the whole country to serve ourselves, and smash the privileged class that controls 99% of wealth, rights and resources.

As for what bullshit freedom and democracy, in this information age, I\'m afraid only idiots will believe it.

After all, the most basic need of human beings is survival, so material is the first. On the premise that the most basic clothing, food, housing and transportation can not be met, any guy talking about spiritual morality is playing a rogue.

Just as John Garrett was a little impatient waiting at the door, one of the experimental questions lying on the hospital bed suddenly had a violent reaction.


With the scream of pain, the 25-year-old white man with strong muscles all over his body suddenly soared into the air, and his veins expanded like earthworms. He rolled his fists and smashed them right in front of the wall.


After a loud noise, a 20 cm thick reinforced concrete wall was directly hit with a hole.

"Oh my God! That\'s... Great!" John Garrett raised his mouth with an excited expression.

"Damn it! This guy is out of control!

"Come on! Get a sedative!"

"Soldier! Subdue him!"


The researchers hurriedly shouted and tried to push the unlucky egg swallowed by the divinity to the ground.

Unfortunately, they obviously underestimated the influence of divinity on mortals.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers were knocked to the ground. No matter whether it was sedatives, anesthetic bombs or armor piercing bombs, they all did not work. Even if their heads and hearts were broken, they would be repaired slowly under the action of some unknown force.


More powerful than everyone imagined!

John Garrett can\'t believe that just one tenth of the cell tissue extracted from the fingers of mysterious creatures can turn an elite soldier into a monster comparable to the captain of the United States!

Even Steve Rogers doesn\'t necessarily have such terrible self-healing ability!


It should be said that the body of immortality is more appropriate!

Fortunately, this self-healing is not unlimited. When a small amount of divinity is exhausted, the experimental body soon falls down and dissolves into a pool of sticky unknown substances in just a few minutes.

At the same time, the other five experimental questions also woke up one after another. Two of them were the same as the first one and became monsters who only knew destruction and killing, while the remaining three perfectly maintained their reason and began to eat crazily and ingest the nutrition the body desperately wanted.

No one noticed that the golden light occasionally flashed in the pupils of these three people, which was not only a sign of divine awakening, but also the first step from mortal to transcendence.

In a short time, they will gain some incredible power. At the same time, their character will change sharply, and all kinds of ambitions and desires will increase exponentially.

However, John Garrett had not found this for the time being. His 50% success rate made him ecstatic and quickly reported the experimental results to Alexander Pierce.

Without saying a word, the latter immediately issued an order to steal as many magic fingers as possible without disturbing Nick Frey, and was ready to contact another black dragon that could provide similar blood.


As for the culprit of all these changes, Zhang Cheng is now maintaining human form. He is sitting on a modified airliner, reading a large number of books and cutting-edge papers on quantum physics, and guiding the famous Zhenbo girl to practice her spiritual powers.

After getting the cells of the mind snatcher\'s brain, Skye slept for 17 hours and regained consciousness. Then he found that he had obtained unforgettable, extraordinary memory, incredible learning and understanding ability.

Of course, the most important thing is that she has mastered a magical power. With one thought, she can control the random movement of objects no more than 200 grams.

As a super power fan, is there anything more exciting than this?

Therefore, she easily accepted the fact that she inadvertently summoned a dragon, and tried day and night, as if she wanted to develop some very powerful "must kill skills".

Watching the other party control a glass up and down for a long time, Zhang Cheng finally couldn\'t help but remind him: "Remember! Psychic power is a power from the heart! Its strength depends on your subconscious self recognition. Only if you firmly believe that you can do it, can you create miracles. This is not a science, nor is it in line with your known common sense, but a distortion of reality."

"You mean... I can do it as long as I want?" Skye stared with incredible expression.

"That\'s right. Do you remember your dream when you were in a coma?" Zhang Cheng put down his thick book and raised his head with a smile.

"Er - you mean the other me?" Skye hesitated a little and quickly tried carefully.

Obviously, she has not understood what happened to herself in that dream.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "Yes. According to the standards given by psychology, she is your second personality, which also reflects the deepest desire of your subconscious mind. You need to constantly debate with her, and re understand yourself again and again through this debate to complete the recognition of your first personality. For example, if you want to turn this glass into a diamond, you must first subvert physics Common sense, and then ensure that both the first personality and the second personality firmly believe that they can do it... "