All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 451

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the deafening sound, colorful magic suddenly fell from the sky.

The monster controlled by the broken magic crystal did not rage for too long. After only breaking down several spear arrays, the deep water city mage group turned it into an incomplete body with overwhelming magic missiles, fireball and lightning.

Six ogres, a dozen trolls, and more than half a dozen jackals, goblins and big goblins were completely destroyed without splashing.

The caster\'s unparalleled power in the war was reflected incisively and vividly at this moment.

All forms of energy existing in nature, such as flame, explosion, discharge, sound wave and vibration, can be made with the help of various spell models.

What\'s more terrible is that after thousands of years of development and evolution, the magic of Phelan continent has long been not limited to destruction, but has formed a huge and complex branch, which is even more precise, complex and changeable than the modern scientific system on earth. Azeroth, who is seriously partial to science, can\'t compare with it

Watching those wonderful spells appear in front of him one by one, Zhang Cheng has a strange smile on his face and has no intention of interfering.

Not only him, but also none of the other senior members of the arcane brotherhood showed anger or excitement, as if the dead monster had nothing to do with himself.

In the distance, the team composed of low-level mages and apprentices remained silent and did not seem to plan to make any counterattack.

After a full minute, del tagger smiled and sighed: "should I say that it is really a deep water city? At this time, they are still saving their strength and thinking of giving me a fatal blow at the critical moment."

"You are the master of broken magic crystal! And now it\'s Day! I think the only thing they can do is delay time and wait for a surprise attack after dark to seize artifact." Yaru Talas analyzed from an objective point of view.

"Procrastinate? No, my friends, they are not procrastinating. They want to kill me and take away the broken magic crystal." del tagger clutched the crystal pulsating in the palm of the Lord\'s right hand and made no secret of his deep intention to kill.

Every holder of broken magic crystal will have an almost morbid sense of dependence. Any guy who tries to take artifact from them will be ruthlessly eliminated.

Obviously, the plans of the deep water mages have aroused the anger of the nominal leader of the arcane brotherhood.

Without even a little hesitation, he directly grabbed the captured female Lord, tore off the other party\'s magic mask, lifted it to tens of meters high in the air with the help of the power of broken magic crystal, and then withdrew the mysterious power to support the other party\'s weight in front of the Deepwater City expedition army.

Next second

The woman, who looked like she was still in her thirties, fell straight down and collided with a hard rock.


Her head was like a broken watermelon, suddenly bursting out of a red and white brain.


Terrible silence!

It seems that everyone has lost the ability to speak.

For a moment, the whole battlefield fell into a dead silence.

Because since the implementation of the secret Lord system in deepwater City, no Lord has been executed by the enemy in full view, and the death is still so tragic.

"Wow! I\'m afraid deep water city has to uncover their cards in advance, otherwise the next war won\'t have to be fought." Zhang Cheng joked with schadenfreude.

As he expected, in less than 30 seconds, the location of the deep water city mage group suddenly gushed out a terrible magic wave.

In just a few seconds, the originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds, which not only blocked the sun, but also the clouds with a large amount of charge began to rub against each other. The first strong white lightning fell from the sky in a short time, turning more than a dozen well-equipped soldiers into black carbides.

These unlucky bastards had swallowed their last breath before they even had time to scream.

Followed by the second, third and fourth

Countless lightning, like silver snakes, raged on the head of luscan\'s army, passing through a scene of doomsday.

On the contrary, they despised it. After they added the lightning protection spell to themselves, they continued to stand in place as if waiting for something.

At the same time, the monsters controlled by the broken magic crystal did not escape. Specifically, as long as the pulsating crystal was still shining, they would never feel fear and fear.

"Interesting! They covered the sun and tried to break the morale of the army with a large-scale magic ceremony," dertagle said with disdain.

People with a little common sense know that when dealing with mages, especially high-level mages who can touch the magic net above the sixth ring, the attack of a single attribute can\'t play any role at all. Whether it\'s lightning, fire or strong acid, just a corresponding protection spell can play an almost complete immune effect.

Different from the protective fire and frost enchantments often used by Dalaran mages, the protective spells in this world are closer to isolation rather than absorption. There is no need to worry about the maximum absorption of the created shield.

Take the protection of flame enchantment as an example. Once it starts to work, it doesn\'t matter to jump into the magma bath unless the duration ends or is dispelled by other magic.

Another high-level mage seemed to notice something and immediately said, "please be careful! I feel the transmission magic!"

"No! They have come..."

With the last word blurted out, Yaru Talas suddenly raised his staff without warning and aimed a penetrating green light at the air on his right hand.


A figure suddenly appeared in the air. Before everyone could see him clearly, he quickly turned into a green powder and flew away with the wind.

Six ring change Magic - dissociation!

Any target hit will suffer great pain. If its magic resistance and vitality are not strong enough, the result will be like the unlucky guy in front of us.

Although he used it and didn\'t know whether it was an invisible potion or an invisible spell, he wanted to launch a sudden attack, but after a dissociation, it suddenly turned into insignificant dust.

The battle between high-level casters is far less exciting than people think, but it is particularly soul stirring. Often a wrong judgment will lead to their own death.

"Hahaha! Welcome! Welcome you! Mage of the tower of order!" del tagger laughed wildly, raised the broken magic crystal and released a high-level prophecy Magic - the eye of truth.

The enemies hiding around suddenly offered prototypes.

A total of 14 mages carrying a large number of magic items, scrolls and potions, as well as 10 heavily armed soldiers, five priests and two assassins, were transported to the temporarily built platform at some time