All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 450

In May 1357, a history destined to be remembered is also an important part of Zhang Cheng\'s crazy plan. It will finally be staged on the plain ten kilometers away from the wall of juedong city.

The expeditionary army from deep water city has now joined the guards of Jue Dong City and arranged in a neat square array, ready to start a fierce war.

In particular, the large-scale mage group and church organization are enough to plunge most enemies into complete despair.

This is why no city on the whole west coast dares to be an enemy of deepwater city.

Even if they knew that they were going to face the holders of broken magic crystal and a powerful black dragon, they still didn\'t mean to shrink back, nor did they hide behind the wall and tremble. Instead, they chose to take the initiative to attack and prepare to defeat the enemy directly.

Of course, luscan\'s army is not bad, even stronger. The cannon fodder composed of monsters alone exceeds tens of thousands of people.

Under the hint of broken magic crystal, they are not only extremely fanatical, but also never have to worry about morale. Even if they all die, they will not violate their master\'s orders.

After all, the south of the ridge of the world is not the desolate frozen soil of ice wind valley. For a powerful mage, as long as he is willing to spend some time, he can easily find all kinds of goblins, orcs, orcs and jackals, and then use the power of broken magic crystal to control their leaders for his own use.

In addition, the Church of bane, the God of tyranny, also sent many priests and dark guards to join it, hoping to take the opportunity to expand its influence.

In short, this war is no longer a competition between deepwater city and luscan for Northern hegemony, but more related to faith and the gods hidden in the dark.

Standing on the high platform made of trees and soil, del tagger looked at the neat enemy opposite, suddenly turned around and asked with a smile: "my dear friends, what do you think we should do with Jue Dong City after the war? Send someone to take over it or destroy it directly?"

"Destroy it, of course! I hate this city! Hate the old guy who flaunts kindness and justice all day!" Yaru Talas made no secret of his hatred for juedong city and directly expressed his views.

"What about you? Dear Lord of the North Tower?" del tagger didn\'t know what he was thinking. He turned and looked at Zhang Cheng.

"I think it\'s too wasteful to destroy it. If you don\'t mind, you can hand over the city to me for transformation. I promise it will become the bridgehead of our attack on deepwater city in a few years." Zhang Cheng quietly gave another answer.

Perhaps others will think that deltagger has a very high chance to win and occupy Jue Dong City, but as the black hand behind the scenes, he knows very well that the other party has no hope of winning at all.

Because after the generals led the army through the Jue Dong forest, gar, who had been waiting for a long time, led his monsters to capture Luskan, and the Dragon Mage and Lich of the old nest of the arcane brotherhood also jointly controlled the mage tower.

In other words, the seemingly powerful army in front of them has actually lost the support of the rear. No matter what the final outcome of the war is, what awaits them will be defeat.

"Since you like this city, it will be yours after we defeat the army of deepwater city." after that, del tager nodded to the herald.

The latter understood, immediately raised a huge horn and blew it with all his strength.

Woo - Woo - woo——

With a low voice echoing over the plain, luscan\'s army finally began to take action.

I saw thousands of soldiers with long bows running out from behind the square, quickly lined up in three rows, then took out arrows, pulled full bows and fired at the sky.

Normally, a distance like this clearly exceeds the maximum range of the longbow.

But then, the magic ceremony guided by low-level mages and apprentices made up for the deficiency.

After a short spell singing, a strong wind suddenly appeared out of thin air, blowing all the arrows high and drawing beautiful parabolas. When reaching the highest point, with the help of gravity acceleration, it hit the coalition forces of deep water city and juedong city like raindrops.

"Raise the shield!!!!!"

"Raise your shield!"

"Raise your shield!"


The officers of deep water city found the arrows falling from the sky and immediately issued corresponding instructions.


Thousands of shields were put together to form an airtight shield wall.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

Although there were still many arrows passing through the gap, causing slight damage and confusion, most of them were blocked by shields, and only more than 20 wounded were quickly dragged to the rear for the priest to heal you.

"Ha ha! How stupid! They gathered the soldiers together after only one round of arrow rain."

When del tagger saw this scene, instead of being angry, he laughed happily and raised the broken magic crystal to bathe it in the noon sun.

About a few seconds later, a dazzling white light fell from the sky and directly ploughed an open space from the middle of the formation of the coalition forces of deep water city and Jue Dong City. All the soldiers who came into contact with it were gasified in a moment, and their armor and weapons were turned into dark red molten iron. Their terrible power immediately shook the hearts of many soldiers.

"Long live the great del tagger!"

"For the glory of the master!"


"Kill all these humans!"

Monsters who could not bear the desire to kill and destroy immediately attacked the enemy in chaos like crazy.

The troll who rushed to the front completely ignored the sharp spear and dagger and jumped up to tear the formation.

Their terrible regeneration ability can be quickly put together even if they are cut into more than a dozen pieces. Some parts that have been separated for too long will even slowly become another independent individual with a smaller size.

To really kill this, you need to use fire or strong acid.

However, it\'s a pity that deepwater city may be very rich, but it can\'t equip every soldier with enchanted weapons or alchemy items such as fire glue.

Although many trolls were killed by officers with burning swords, more still rushed in, causing great trouble to the soldiers in the front row.

Before they could get rid of these terrible trolls, the ogre who followed them waved a big stick and beat the whole array to pieces.

The goblins and the jackals quickly plunged into the middle to kill. In less than ten minutes, more than 200 soldiers of deepwater city fell into a pool of blood.

There is no doubt that Del tagger clearly knows how to take advantage of the inherent advantages of monsters than the idiot akar kesso.

For example, he will let the trolls that are difficult to kill rush in front to attract fire, and then let the powerful ogres destroy the formation. In short, he will not use the oil adding tactics as foolishly as the former to give the enemy the opportunity to destroy his own effective power