All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 452

"Deltagar zelund! In the name of Tyr, the God of justice! I command you to put down the evil artifact in your hand immediately! And stop the invasion of juedong!" shouted an old soldier who looked about 50 years old.

Wearing silver armor and holding a long sword with golden shimmer, he gave people a serious, serious and responsible first impression.

"Order? You order me?" deltagore raised his eyebrows, not knowing that he felt insulted.

"I promise! If you don\'t do what you just asked, it\'s not just a command, but I\'ll kill you." then the old man clenched his weapon, closed his eyes and prayed to the God he served.


A golden light tore the dark clouds in the sky and shrouded him from head to foot.

Even an idiot who knows nothing about magic can feel that this light contains unimaginable energy.

God\'s grace!

Standing by and watching, Zhang Cheng immediately jumped out of his mind the word mentioned in many books.

As it literally means, it is a reward given by the gods to believers and a proof of faith and piety. Usually, it will only be given to the most powerful paladins and priests. It can not only greatly improve the basic physical qualities such as strength, agility and physique, but also make the target obtain the corresponding magic resistance.

Judging from the situation just now, the old man who half stepped into the coffin was obviously a paladin subordinate to the God of justice Tyr, and was very, very strong enough to kill high-level casters.

"Hum! As a mad dog kept in the temple, you really did your duty, the great judge - Germain." before deltagore responded, Yaru Talas took the lead and made an attack.

From the hatred in her eyes, it is not difficult to see that there must have been an unknown past, or a bad relationship between them.

"Is it personal?" Zhang Cheng tentatively put on a curious look.

"It\'s none of your business! In a word, leave the old guy to me, and I\'ll let him pay for that thing." Yaru Talas obviously didn\'t want to reveal too much, raised his hand and shot a large magic missile from his fingers.

"Price? You turned the civilians in the whole village into monsters! I regret not killing you earlier now!" the old man roared angrily.

He obviously had rich fighting experience against the caster. He didn\'t use a shield or other things to block. He directly used the time difference to rush through the barrage, raised his long sword and stabbed his opponent\'s heart.

However, it was a pity that at the moment when the long sword was about to pierce the chest, the figure of Yaru Talas shook slightly, and then the long sword didn\'t pierce anything and went straight through.

"Damn it! It\'s misleading!" he woke up quickly, looked around carefully, and tried to find out the enemies hidden around him.

Misdirection, as the name suggests, is a spell used to mislead the enemy.

As like as two peas, the original body will be created with a phantom identical to the caster, or a copy, and the noumenon will be transmitted to the nearby side in an invisible gesture.

The caster can use this time to prepare more powerful spells, or directly choose strategic retreat.

In short, all senior mages will prepare one or two such spells for a rainy day.

"You fool who overestimates your strength! Let you feel what despair is!"

Deltagger didn\'t intend to stand by and watch the play all the time. He quickly mobilized the power of broken magic crystal to form a powerful nine ring arcane.

Soon, one portal after another connecting the bottomless abyss appeared out of thin air, emitting the smell of chaos, corruption and death from the other side of the door.

"No! Come on! Stop him! This guy is calling the devil!" a deep water city mage first responded and loudly reminded his companions.

But it\'s too late

Before the other mages had time to respond, Baloch Yan demons holding beheading swords crossed the channel and came to the material world.

Closely following these terrible monsters at the top of the abyss food chain, they exercised their spell like ability, and also summoned more than a dozen crazy war demons and four mystery lures from the abyss.

The arcane brotherhood, which was still at a disadvantage in number, was suddenly turned around.

Guard against evil!

Deltagore quickly blessed himself with the low-level spells necessary for demons, and then ordered with a grimace: "kill all the enemies! According to the agreement, you can capture and take away their souls!"

"As you wish! Powerful and Evil Human Mage!" headed by Barlow Yan devil, he stroked his chest with one hand and leaned slightly. His two eyes made no secret of his greed for broken magic crystals.

Of course, they did not intend to rob immediately, but chose to obey the order and attack the assault team in deepwater city.

After all, in terms of the life span of demons, which is often hundreds of thousands of years, the life span of human beings is too short. There is no need to be too urgent.

As long as you know who has the broken magic crystal, you can wait until the holder dies, or he is abandoned by an artifact before grabbing it.

With the emergence of demons, the battlefield situation becomes more and more chaotic. All kinds of powerful advanced spells fly around. If you are careless, you will die.

No one noticed that Zhang Cheng had quietly left the place where the battle was most intense and came to the rear of the coalition forces of Shenshui city and juedong city.

Just as he was about to get close to the enemy command center, a magic alarm was suddenly triggered.


The harsh sound echoed over the whole area, and he was quickly surrounded by the incoming guards.

About two or three minutes later, a woman with long brown hair crowded through the crowd, frowned and asked, "are you the Lord of the North Tower of the arcane brotherhood?! why is the black dragon that destroyed the deep water city fleet here? Do you want to sneak into us?"

"Sneak attack? No, no, no, I just want to talk." Zhang Cheng replied with a smile without being surrounded by the enemy.

"Talk?" a puzzled expression appeared on the woman\'s face.

Zhang Cheng gently nodded his head: "yes! Don\'t you think it\'s time to put an end to this farcical war. Take me to the commander of deepwater city. There are a lot of things we need to exchange opinions."

"How can I make sure you don\'t suddenly hijack an important person like the last negotiation?"

"Sorry, I can\'t give you any guarantee. It\'s just whether you are willing to believe it. Look over there, the commando team you sent has been surrounded by a large number of demons. If it goes on like this, it\'s only a matter of time. When they die, what are you going to use against deltager zelender, who holds broken magic crystals?"
