All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 449

"You know, many people mistakenly believe that magic is only a power, a power that can change destiny and make themselves powerful.

But they didn\'t understand the essence of magic!

The most precious and essential thing of magic is creation! It is change!

It can be a technology, a knowledge, or a tool to protect yourself or defeat the enemy.

Arcane arts, divine arts, special abilities, and even the divine power used by gods are one of the external manifestations of magic.

In particular, after the magic goddess weaves all the energy scattered in the world into a magic net according to a certain sequence, all spells are easier and more convenient to cast, but it also makes many mages give up their desire to explore the essence of truth and magic.

They are satisfied with the convenience provided by magic net, the superior social status and the wealth that magic can bring.

Only a few top casters who feel the upper limit of the magic net and the restriction of the magic goddess on mortals will choose to get rid of the restriction of the magic net and build their own magic model with the original magic energy.

Although this is very difficult and will also produce a lot of additional consumption and waste, it can break the imprisonment and restriction and create a more powerful legendary magic than the nine ring spell.

You know, in the golden age of the ancient netherriel civilization, the great arcane masters could easily cast powerful spells of more than ten rings. They created the floating city and the core of Mishra that could draw energy from the magic net. Calthas could even kill one of the most powerful gods at that time with a magic of twelve rings.

But now, how many mages have the courage to do such a thing?

Your mind is firmly confined to a narrow space. Ilminster\'s God\'s running dog is divided into people. Magic is a dangerous force, and warns everyone not to use it as much as possible.


From today on, I will lead you to regain the glory of magic, explore the deepest mystery behind the magic net and unlock the hidden truth!

Cheer, my servant, a new era is coming soon... "

Standing on the spiral stairs in the public area of the North Tower, Zhang Cheng spoke in an impassioned tone to more than a dozen people who had been transformed into dragons.

To be exact, he needs to make these ambitious guys have a clear goal, so that after capturing the arcane brotherhood, he won\'t fall into internal struggle again, and draw a big cake by the way.

Since del tagger has not yet solved the many obstacles left by Akram Grice, he has been unable to enter the central control room or control the whole mage tower like the former, resulting in his serious lack of security. If not necessary, he is unwilling to stay in the central spire, but in the mage tower formed by broken copies of MAGE crystals, There\'s no need to worry about snooping.

As the army of deep water city moved closer to juedong city along the land road, the nominal leader of the arcane brotherhood completely abandoned his control over the spire and devoted all his energy to the upcoming war.

Under the constant hint of broken magic crystal, he was not the powerful mage for a long time, but a monster driven by infinite desire and ambition.

"So great master, do you mean that after we seize power, the arcane brotherhood will give up its original goal of controlling the north and turn to in-depth study of the mystery of magic?" a man in his thirties with messy brown hair raised his head and asked enthusiastically.

In fact, he was an old man wandering on the edge of death a few days ago, but the potion provided by the moon elf made him regain his youth and strength.

As a price, he must be loyal to his new master and give everything he has.

Perhaps at first, this change made him a little resist his heart, but after seeing himself with his own eyes, the resistance soon became an indescribable impulse, an impulse to kneel down and obey and praise, as if the young man in front of him was the Lord of his life.

Not only him, almost all mages and warlocks transformed into dragon people have a similar feeling.

Through the power of dragon blood, Zhang Cheng could even distinguish everyone\'s emotions and replied with a smile: "these two things do not conflict. We can have a little fun while studying the mystery of magic."

"Have fun?!" wallindra raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Hehe, why, don\'t you think it\'s a very interesting thing to destroy the spirit and will of alastro, the highest leader of silver moon city?" Zhang Cheng raised his mouth and hinted meaningfully.

"Oh? Can you tell me what you\'re going to do?" valindra was obviously interested in the topic and showed strong curiosity in her eyes.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders carelessly: "it\'s very simple. Hasn\'t she always appeared in the eyes of the world in the image of justice, selflessness, kindness and guardian?

We will use this to create several tragedies to make everyone realize that she is not omnipotent, and then find out several potential targets from the victims to induce and cultivate.

At that time, these people will start to think, why did the hope lady they admire fail to protect themselves?

Why does tragedy only happen to yourself?

Suspicion and doubt will soon turn into hatred, and then hatred will turn into a strong sense of revenge.

Imagine that if one day alastro found that the people she tried her best to protect hated herself and attacked again and again to kill herself, would her spirit and will be as firm as now?

If her spirit and will are no longer firm, will she degenerate like a paladin?

If she falls, will silver moon city still be silver moon city?

When the other voters of the magic goddess knew this, would they choose to turn against each other, or would they try their best to save her once noble soul?

There are too many unknowns waiting for us to explore. This is the game that a powerful caster organization should play.

As for expanding territory or ruling the world, it\'s too boring. I don\'t mind supporting one or two puppets secretly, but I will never put all my energy and resources into it.

Our goal is to become the black hand behind the scenes, not to go to the front stage and become the target of countless people. "

After hearing the evil words emanating from his bones, walindra couldn\'t help laughing wildly, laughing and praising loudly: "Ha ha! My dear master, this idea is really great! You are the embodiment of conspiracy and evil! Allow me to express my most sincere respect to you. If one day you plan to put this plan into practice, please be sure to give it to me. I am very looking forward to seeing the picture of alastro\'s will collapse."

"No problem. But now, I want you to inform Gar and make him and his troops ready. When the troops outside the city go south, they will occupy Luskan immediately..."