All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 448

In the evening, in the private room on the top floor of the North Tower, Zhang Chengzheng overlooks the city full of chaos and desire through the only window.

After a full minute, he turned and asked the moon elf not far away, "so my army has reached the outskirts of luscan?"

"Yes, master. You\'d better find a way to solve their food as soon as possible, or the army will be hungry in a few days," warindra warned quickly.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve prepared enough food. I\'ll have it sent to him if I have any."

Recalling the picture of the fat businessman kneeling in front of him a few days ago swearing allegiance, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help raising the corners of his mouth and showing a playful smile.

It was also with the help of the big businessman that he could raise food for thousands of troops without disturbing anyone.

After all, luscan is located below the ice wind Valley and the ridge of the world. According to the earth\'s standards, it belongs to the periphery of the Arctic circle. Although it is not impossible to plant, because the summer is too short, the output is not very high. It mainly depends on fishing, grazing and a small number of large farms to support its internal consumption.

This means that local food alone is not enough to support thousands of extra troops. They need to be purchased from deepwater city and juedong city in the south.

However, according to the current tense situation, let alone purchase, even ships flying the luscan flag close to each other\'s coastline will be immediately greeted by various catapults and crossbows.

But it would be different if they were foreign businessmen. They often have multiple flags. When they enter the luscan sea area, they fly the luscan flag, and when they enter the deep water city sea area, they can still go freely in this chaotic land even during the war.

Walindra nodded thoughtfully, "I see. I\'ll make chief Gar ready. Take the liberty to ask, when are you going to use them?"

"When deltagar is defeated! If I guess correctly, he has broken magic crystal, I\'m afraid he has secretly gathered a lot of monsters in the forest. No accident, he will attack juedong city in a week or so. While deepwater city will never watch his allies destroyed and will soon choose to send troops to rescue, so the battlefield that really determines the victory or defeat is juedong Winter city. "Zhang Cheng said his next plan without thinking.

Because he knew too much about the essence of klingnippon. It was a terrible magic item created by seven powerful lichs through complex magic rituals, integrating the endless desire for destruction in the bottomless abyss.

Therefore, the end of each holder of broken magic crystal is not very good. He is either killed by a dagger from behind or becomes a stepping stone for heroes like akar Kessel.

This is why even the most evil and chaotic gods are not interested in broken magic crystals. They will only exhaust the resources of an area through killing and destruction, and do not understand the importance of creating and maintaining balance.

Perhaps deltagore is a powerful mage, but as long as he begins to be influenced and hinted by klingnippon, his tragic ending is doomed.

Neither the voters of the magic goddess nor the senior members of the harpist alliance who fought for the so-called "ideal" will let him go.

Although Zhang Cheng has never liked clinchinipen with independent thought and consciousness, this does not mean that he will give up using this powerful force to serve his own plan.


Meanwhile, far south, in the Lord\'s Council of deepwater City, a fierce quarrel was going on.

"My God! A hundred and fifty warships! More than two thousand people! Were buried like this?!" a fat man in a mask waved his strong arm and asked loudly.

"No! This is not the most serious! The most serious thing is that one of us was captured by the enemy! Do you know what this means? It means that our true identity will be known by the enemy!" another woman wearing the same mask roared angrily.

"I\'m very sorry. But I want to say, it\'s not our fault. The enemy is too powerful. Can you believe it? They can actually control the sea monster! And the so-called master of the North Tower is still a dragon! A terrible black dragon! The magic goddess is on the! I\'ve never seen such a huge dragon. It\'s twice as big as an adult red dragon." The old mage who escaped alive explained with trembling.

"Twice as big as an adult red dragon?! damn it! Is it an archaic black dragon waking up from a deep sleep? And what\'s the matter with controlling sea monsters?"

"Intelligence! We need more information!"

"What\'s the news from the Harper alliance?"


For a moment, more than a dozen other masked lords became nervous one after another.

Whether the whole fleet was destroyed or one of them became a prisoner of the enemy, it stimulated everyone\'s most sensitive nerves. Several even clamored to send troops to level luscan and let the bastards of the arcane brotherhood taste the power.

Just as the venue began to become more and more noisy, the closed door was suddenly pushed open and a serious looking middle-aged man came in from the outside.

As soon as he appeared, the originally messy meeting room suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The old mage with gray hair and beard, regardless of others, quickly bent down and bowed deeply: "master kelben!"

Obviously, the comer is no one else, but kelben "black staff" arusan, the patron saint of deepwater city and one of the highest leaders of the harpist alliance, the voter of the second generation magic goddess and the famous legendary mage of mainland Phelan.

It is said that he mastered almost all the magic in the world, especially the original "black staff" series of spells, which even the magic goddess was amazed at.

The powerful mage looked at everyone with a frown, and then said in a low voice: "The harpist alliance spy has just sent the latest news! The current holder of broken magic crystal, del tagger, is recruiting monsters in the forest. It is estimated that he will attack juedong city in a short time. As an ally, we must not sit back and watch the expansion of evil. Everyone, the war has begun. You\'d better abandon your prejudices and unite."

"Will the tower of order take part in the war?" asked the fat man at the beginning.

"Yes! Not only is it the tower of order! The Church of the God of justice, the God of guard and the God of dawn also said that it would send a large number of priests and paladins to participate in it. The broken magic crystal is a dangerous artifact, and we must destroy it and its holders." kelben gave a straightforward answer.

"What are you waiting for? Let\'s declare war!"

"Yes! The Lord\'s Council issued an order! Assemble the city guards!"

"This time we will completely destroy the armed forces of luscan! So that these evil people can no longer threaten the surrounding areas!"
