All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 447

Amid chaos and shrill screams, the last flagship of the deep water city fleet was slowly dragged into the water by a giant octopus.

Although the sailors and soldiers fought hard, and even cut off their two tentacles with magic, fire oil and sword, they still didn\'t escape the fate of death in the end.

To be exact, Zhang Cheng had no intention of letting them go at all. When the old mage disappeared on the deck with the super long-distance transmission spell, Xini controlled one of the giant octopus and launched the final attack.

Less than 50 minutes from the start of the station to the end, the navy of Shenshui City, the largest and most well-equipped in Jianwan area, completely disappeared, leaving only a bucket, mast and broken board floating on the sea.

As for those who fell into the water, they were swallowed up by the huge sea monsters cruising under the sea, and there was no bone residue left.

"The gods are on the earth!"

With such a frightening and tragic picture, not to mention the pirates who didn\'t know it at all, even Ian couldn\'t help shivering, and his eyes at Sydney were full of surprise and fear.


The female apprentice\'s eyes showed a trace of pride. She soon tightened her hood and continued to maintain her cold and high posture.

To some extent, her ability is almost synonymous with invincibility in this sea, except for gods and a few deep-sea races. Even if the powerful archaic dragon is surrounded by so many sea monsters, I\'m afraid it\'s bad.

Of course, if anyone can cross the protection of huge waves and sea monsters and come directly to Xini, it is also possible to successfully kill her.

In any case, her current attainments in magic are only the level of senior apprentices, which is far from enough to deal with all kinds of complex emergencies. Otherwise, Zhang Cheng would have used the terrible power of the deep sea queen to directly teach juedong city and deep water city an impressive lesson.

After all, as a coastal city, the saddest place is that it can never withstand the impact of huge waves and tsunamis.

Maybe powerful casters can escape by magic, but most ordinary people can\'t go. Once they all die, the city can\'t be called a city.

However, it is obvious that Zhang Cheng will not easily use such a "big move". You should know that there are all kinds of gods in mainland Phelan, and according to the historical process, another two years will be a famous "turbulent year". His majesty IO, the God of God, will knock down the gods and walk as a saint.

If he really does such inhuman things, good gods and their believers will definitely come to the door to "eliminate harm for the people".

Before confirming that he can compete with the gods, he must suppress all kinds of crazy "death" ideas in his mind, especially the strong temptation and impulse to kill the gods.

After solving the enemy\'s fleet, Zhang Cheng didn\'t stay on Ian\'s ship for too long. After issuing the order to integrate the remaining pirates and make an aggressive attitude towards deepwater City, he flew towards luscan with the unconscious female Lord.

He knew very well that the woman he captured was a big trouble, a bomb that would explode at any time.

Whether the Lords of deepwater city or the spies and assassins of the harpist alliance, they will do their best to rescue.

This means that whoever catches him is equivalent to preparing for the fierce counterattack of these two powerful organizations.

Zhang Cheng\'s purpose is very simple, that is, to "give" the noble female Lord to deltagore, and then wait to see the two men fight for you and me, and then make up the last knife when the key time comes.

In fact, the desire for terrible destruction did not affect his intelligence at all.

On the contrary, it is this feeling of breaking the boundary between madness and reason that has changed his way of thinking, becoming darker and more unscrupulous. The terrible means that he could not use before are now used without any burden on his heart. Everything is just to surpass his limits.


After a short flight, Zhang Cheng finally returned to the spire of the arcane brotherhood before dark.

But before he landed and changed back to human form, deltagore, who had been waiting for a long time, welcomed him out, laughed and opened his arms: "welcome back! Respected Lord of the North Tower! Hero of luscan!"

"Hehe, it seems that you already know the result of the naval battle." Zhang Cheng landed steadily on the ground and turned back to human form while throwing the prisoners who were about to freeze to death to an apprentice.

As a world with a magic system that has developed for tens of thousands of years, Fallon\'s spell casters naturally need a variety of investigation methods. Among them, the prophecy magic is a fragment that can detect and predict the future. Therefore, he is not surprised that the other party knows that the deep water city fleet was completely wiped out.

With the power of the mage tower, a positioned crystal ball can show what happened in that sea area in real time.

"Of course! Control the sea monster! What a magical and powerful force! From today on, the west coast of the whole continent will become our sphere of influence. Please allow me to pay tribute to your contribution on behalf of the arcane brotherhood, and from today on, all luscan warships will be controlled by you." deltagger said a beautiful scene in front of countless eyes.

At first glance, it sounds like the right to control all luscan warships is great, but in fact?

In fact, just being able to control the sea monster is enough to make the warship ineffective. In addition, Ian has integrated the remaining pirates. Almost all the maritime forces of luscan are under the control of Zhang Cheng, and he has paid nothing at all.

Zhang Cheng undoubtedly knew this, and quietly bowed: "thank you very much. Oh, by the way, I captured a lord of deep water city. Give it to you as a gift. If there\'s nothing else, I\'ll go back to the North Tower first. There are many interesting books and notes waiting for me to learn."

"No problem, please." deltagore didn\'t know what he was thinking, and took the initiative to give way to the only entrance to the spire.

After seeing Zhang Cheng\'s back disappear gradually at the end of the corridor, he showed a gloomy expression on his face. He clung to the broken magic crystal and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "he can control sea monsters and spit hot flames... Is this really what a black dragon can do? What\'s the purpose of his coming to luscan?"

With becoming the supreme leader of the arcane brotherhood, he no longer only looked up as before, but was more worried about the threat from behind.

After all, the casters who join the arcane brotherhood are not good men and women. Once they have the opportunity, they will never let go of the plan to kill their immediate superiors. The rebellion not long ago is the best proof.

What\'s more, deltagger can\'t understand why a dragon wants to learn magic, why it is not greedy at all, and even doesn\'t show even a little interest in gold coins and jewelry