All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 439

In the evening, the cold sea breeze gently blew across the wharf, making many sailors who had just got off the ship shrink their necks and walk quickly towards the nearest tavern and hotel.

Needless to ask, what they want most now is to drink a glass of spirits that can warm themselves up. If you can, you\'d better find another woman to comfort the loneliness caused by long-term exposure to the sea.

No one noticed that on the second floor of one of the taverns, Ian was haggling fiercely with a fat man with a weight of 300 Jin.

"Sir! This price is already our limit! After all, we have to bear the corresponding risk if we eat all your booty at one time." the fat businessman waved his hands and shouted excitedly.

However, as long as you look carefully, you will find the fleeting greed and endless desire for money in his eyes.

"Limit? Are you kidding, Sampson? Your price is less than 30% of the real value of this batch of booty. Don\'t play tricks on me, at least double it, or I\'ll find another buyer." Ian is not a vegetarian and directly exposed the other party\'s trick.

As an adventurer from the bottom of society, he knows more about the mercenary virtues of businessmen than his peers.

In fact, since returning to luscan, he has been looking for buyers for the looted goods. However, because the quantity is too large, few businessmen or chambers of commerce can eat it in one bite, so he can only bear to sell part of it.

The fat man known as Sampson was not embarrassed to be exposed, but tried to argue: "No, no, no, sir. What I buy is not ordinary goods, but military weapons and armor engraved with the mark of Jue Dong City. We must find a way to erase the mark before we can sell them. In addition, once they are found, they will be immediately hostile to Jue Dong City and even prohibit us from doing business. Therefore, according to the risk taken, the price is very reasonable It\'s too late. "

Just as Ian was about to refute each other, the closed door was suddenly pushed open and a mysterious man wrapped up in a cloak came in from the outside.

"Who are you?! where are my men?" he suddenly stood up, one of his hands tightly holding the secret silver sword behind him, and he had entered the state of battle.

"Relax, it\'s me. Your pirates are just knocked out." as he said, the intruder took off his hood and showed a very young face. It\'s Zhang Cheng who just killed Akram Grice.

"Master?!" Ian was obviously surprised.

"Yes, it\'s me. Now I have something for you to do." Zhang Cheng completely ignored an outsider in the room and quickly indicated his intention.

"Please tell me!" Ian, who recovered his composure, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly.

Seeing the other party\'s humble posture, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "very good! I need you to integrate all the pirates around luscan within half a month. Whether it\'s buying, wooing or direct annexation by force, in short, I want to see a powerful fleet in half a month. Tell me, can you do it?"

Ian stared in surprise, frowned for a full minute and asked, "are you sure you want to do this? Is the arcane brotherhood..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Cheng waved his hand and interrupted: "you don\'t have to worry about the interference from the arcane brotherhood. Because just a few hours ago, Akram Grice suffered a rebellion and assassination, and finally died in my hands. At present, the interior of the spire has fallen into a fierce internal struggle, and there is no time to pay attention to the changes in the outside world."


"Akram Grice is dead?!"


The two people in the house shouted in surprise.

Sampson, a businessman in particular, kept sweating on his forehead and trembling fat all over his body.

Zhang Cheng glanced at the fat man and continued to say to his men meaningfully, "remember! You only have half a month! If you can\'t complete the task after half a month, I will regard you as incompetent. You should know what I will do to those who don\'t have the ability."

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t let you down. In addition, I want to ask, why are you in a hurry to integrate pirates?" Ian clenched his fist and his eyes burst out with strong ambition.

"It\'s very simple. I have a hunch that war is coming. This time, our enemy is likely to be a coalition composed of deepwater city and juedong city. How about, do you have the confidence to give them an impressive lesson?" Zhang Cheng has a faint smile on his face and seems to have paid no attention to his opponent at all.

"Ha ha! The Allied forces of deep water city and Jue Dong City? I\'m glad to have such a stepping stone. If I\'m right, you\'ve sent someone to mobilize the army hidden in the depths of the frozen wasteland?" Ian laughed happily, full of excitement and expectation.

What do people live for?

Perhaps some people who boast of kindness will say that they live for feelings, for the happiness of relatives, friends and lovers.

But the strong who really stand at the top of the pyramid structure will say that it is for fame, power, power and money.

There is no doubt that he belongs to the latter, eager to stand high and accept the gaze of countless people, either hatred, fear or worship

"I appreciate your ambition. Work hard. If you can satisfy me, I don\'t mind giving you what you want."

With the last word falling, Zhang Cheng turned and disappeared at the end of the dark corridor. He knew that his men knew how to deal with the next thing.


Shortly after Zhang Cheng left the front foot, Sampson immediately knelt down and begged in a trembling voice, "don\'t... Don\'t kill me! I swear I didn\'t hear anything! Let alone go out and talk nonsense!"

"Hehe, do you think I believe these ridiculous promises?" Ian pulled out his weapon with a sneer.

"I... I am willing to work for you! You know, I have a very large chamber of Commerce, with more than a dozen good cargo ships and dozens of wagons, which can buy anything you need." the fat man tried his best to show his strength in order to survive this crisis.

He is not a fool. He knows how important the content he just heard is. Under normal circumstances, 100% will be killed. The only vitality is to make the other party feel that he is still useful.

"Oh? Tell me, what can you offer me?" Ian put a sharp sword around the merchant\'s neck, and a playful expression appeared on his face.

"I can... I can... By the way! Food! I can raise enough food for you! Didn\'t the adult mention that he has a large army to go south? I can prepare enough food for this army!" Sampson was quick and gave a condition he thought was good.

Ian, who had planned to directly cut off the merchant\'s head, heard this sentence, his eyes brightened slightly, quickly transformed into the shape of a dragon man, and gently patted each other on the cheek: "Congratulations, my dear friend, you successfully moved me and saved your life..."