All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 438

"Interesting! The curse of doom failed to summon the Doomguard. Are the two worlds in different universes? Or should I appropriately modify the spatial coordinates of the curse of doom?" Zhang Cheng, who changed back to human form, bent down, carefully checked the residual energy on the broken body, narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

Obviously, the wand used just now is nothing else. It is the keel wand obtained by the warlock at the graduation ceremony, which stores a full 20 rounds of doom curses.

This time, in order to completely solve Akram Grice once and for all, he made an exception and used it as a bottom card.

After all, in the original history of the continent of Fallon, the old mage escaped the assassination of his men, and then with the help of a hell devil, he transformed himself into a powerful lich, returned to luscan at a certain time, launched a great purge, and regained control of the arcane brotherhood.

Zhang Cheng doesn\'t want to be careful about the Revenge of a lich that can regenerate continuously for a long time in the future, so he made up his mind from the beginning that he must kill Akram Grice and never allow him to escape.

There is no doubt that his plan succeeded. With the complete death of Akram Grice, the arcane Brotherhood has no second person to be feared.

Even deltagar zelund, who planned the whole assassination, was just a chess piece at his disposal. According to the plan, he would soon die in a fierce conflict with the harpist alliance.

After thoroughly cleaning up the old mage\'s broken body with Long Xi, Zhang Cheng quickly left the periphery of juedong forest and quietly returned to a hidden house in the north urban area of luscan by using advanced transmission magic.

Just as he got rid of the strong dizziness brought by long-distance transmission, the moon elf who had been waiting for a long time stepped forward, bent down and bowed deeply: "welcome back, master."

"Tell me, walindra, what happened in the tower after Akram Grice escaped injured?" Zhang Cheng asked without looking back.

"What else can happen, naturally, is to fight for power. The three tower masters and several high-level mages are gathering together to discuss who should control the brotherhood. It is estimated that there will be no compromise for a while." valindra shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and his eyes showed disdain.

"Hehe, isn\'t this taken for granted? In the past, the organization was strongly integrated by Akram Grice. Now that he is dead, the rest of the people will not accept anyone. But I\'m curious. Who took the broken magic crystal?" after that, Zhang Cheng changed into the robe and cloak handed over by the Female Elf.

"No one! As far as I know, those guys almost triggered a magic duel in order to prevent their opponents from getting broken magic crystals. At present, this powerful artifact is placed in the public rest area of the central spire and supervised by all members." valindra bukasso told what had happened in recent hours.

As the fighting inside the spire became more and more intense, she finally realized how terrible her master was, and unknowingly counted everyone in.

Hearing that the broken magic crystal had not been obtained by anyone, Zhang Cheng showed a funny expression on his face, touched his chin and continued to ask, "what about the North Tower? What is their attitude towards the North Tower under my control?"

"They are trying to please you, my master. Deltagar zelender even proposed that the whole luscan be divided into four areas, and you should control the whole Beicheng district."

In saying this, valindra\'s eyes flashed with a strange brilliance, as if suggesting something.

"Oh? Ha ha! They are really generous..." Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and made no secret of his contemptuous attitude.

Even idiots know that the real value of luscan is the chaotic wharf area and Xicheng District where shops gather.

In contrast, Beicheng district is close to the inland and connects the road to Bingfeng valley. The only valuable thing is fish bone crafts from ten towns.

I\'m afraid you can starve to death if you expect to benefit from this thing.

"Master, they are testing your reaction, specifically whether you can be attracted. At present, the three tower masters and several high-level mages have formed a weak balance, and you are the key to breaking the balance. Please believe me, as long as you show a little tendency to be attracted, the whole situation will become very interesting." Valindra licked her lips greedily.

Obviously, she knows the terrible ambition of the black dragon in front of her. She also knows that as long as the information she provides can satisfy the other party, she will certainly get unimaginable benefits from this turmoil.

"Draw in? That sounds interesting. But before that, I need you to go to the ice wind valley." Zhang Cheng turned his head and looked into the eyes of the moon elf.

"Ice wind Valley?"

Wallindra raised her eyebrows in surprise and did not understand what was worth going to that desolate place.

Zhang Cheng smiled disapprovingly, pursed his lips and explained, "yes! Ice wind valley. I have prepared a large army there. Your task is to lead them across the ridge of the world."

"An army? Do you have an army?"

"Of course! Otherwise, you think I\'m not ready for anything and dare to rule luscan? No, I\'m more prepared than you think. Here, take it, and Gar will believe you are my messenger when he sees it."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Cheng threw a fluorspar to the fairy, then walked out of the house without looking back and gradually disappeared at the end of the alley.

For the chaotic luscan, he never thought that he could win everyone\'s submission by means of differentiation and solicitation. Therefore, an army 100% loyal to himself is necessary, at least to deter those rebellious pirates.

Although in a strict sense, Phelan is a world where quality is much higher than quantity, most people can not clearly realize the terrible power of legendary casters and legendary soldiers.

At this time, quantity is needed to make them more intuitively realize the strength of a person or a force.

In addition, Zhang Cheng also needs to rely on this monster army to resist possible intervention in the southern deepwater city.

You should know that deepwater city is the most densely populated and powerful city in the north, ruling nearly one million people. It has warned and constrained luscan\'s expansion many times.

He was not sure whether the alliance of Lords of deep water city would overreact when his evil black dragon became the ruler of luscan.

However, if there is an army of monsters, the other party will carefully consider the issue of casualties and make a certain degree of compromise.

Perhaps the crazy thoughts constantly echoing in his mind make Zhang Cheng eager for war, killing and destruction, but the only reason is constantly reminding him of the serious consequences of the head-on collision with deepwater city