All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 440

Conspiracy, betrayal, assassination

In the wizard tower of the arcane brotherhood like a dead tree, a fierce battle continues.

The tower masters and high-level mages who jointly launched the rebellion did not stop because Akram Grice was injured and fled. On the contrary, they were more intense than ever, even so intense that they gave up their control over the whole luscan in order to climb to the top of their power.

However, these struggles fell into a strange tranquility when Zhang Cheng returned to the North Tower.

Sitting in his own private room, he continued to read the library collection without raising his head and asked, "how, can you fully control the power in your body now?"

"Yes, master. I can control the water, communicate with the fish and beasts in the sea, and even set off huge waves and tsunamis more than ten meters high. Please allow me to express my gratitude. You made me from a humble apprentice to what I am now." Sydney bent down and bowed gracefully.

Compared with the appearance of the "ugly duckling" in the past, she is now as beautiful as a water goblin, with an unusual charm all over her body.

"Are you sure it\'s gratitude, not hatred?" Zhang Cheng joked.

"Of course! I\'m very sure! You gave me great strength and gave me a beautiful face and body. As a woman, what else am I dissatisfied with? Although your method is a little rough, I don\'t mind at all. On the contrary, I like your strong sense of oppression and deep and evil heart."

With that, Sydney took the initiative to take two steps forward, knelt down and gently kissed the back of the hand of the young man in front of her, revealing a morbid enthusiasm in her eyes.

Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly aware of this, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

He was a little uncertain whether it was the other party\'s performance or a sign of Stockholm syndrome.

But before further exploration, there was a very rhythmic knock on the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Who?" Zhang Cheng let the female apprentice hold his left hand and asked loudly.

"Good evening, dear Lord of the North Tower. I\'m deltagore zelund, your good neighbor." a man\'s low voice came through the crack in the door.

"Good evening, Lord of the East Tower. Do you have anything important? If not, please go back first. I\'m ready to rest. I\'ll talk about it tomorrow." Zhang Cheng obviously knows the purpose of the other party\'s late night visit and puts on a look of refusing people thousands of miles away.

"Don\'t you invite me in? You know, I\'ve brought a great little gift. Besides, I think it\'s good for you and me to talk." deltagore zelund obviously prepared and didn\'t retreat for a few words.

Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and hesitated for a moment. He quickly smiled and nodded: "well, you convinced me. Please come in."

The voice just fell!

The closed door suddenly creaked, and then a man wearing a black robe and a thick black short beard came in.

He seems to be in his early fifties, with a little white hair on his temples, and his brown eyes show a strange green light, which is undoubtedly a constant relationship with magic. Eight of his ten fingers have glittering rings, and he doesn\'t know which is a magic object or a purely hidden ornament.

In fact, most of the people who are able to wear magic items in mainland Phelan will wear colorful gem rings on their fingers, which is a gesture of nouveau riche.

On the one hand, the advantage of this is to confuse the enemy and make him unable to detect which magic ring really works. On the other hand, it is to deal with pervasive thieves. At least when they are stolen, they have a great chance not to lose precious magic items.

Of course, no matter how many magic rings ten fingers wear, only two will work in the end, that is, only one real magic ring can be worn on the left and right hands, otherwise a series of unpredictable results will be triggered when starting, such as violent explosion and being transmitted to an unknown place.

But Zhang Cheng could feel that the hand of the mage with a short beard in front of him was not a meaningless ornament for the wearer, but a pile of Dharma storage rings. Powerful spells were stored in each ring.

Through a magic coordination that cannot be described in words, the other party minimizes the impact between the rings. Although it is not 100% safe, it is also enough to offset the mutual interference during startup.

As a saying repeatedly mentioned in the book, none of the top casters, especially mages, are given for nothing, and often have their own ability to press the bottom of the box.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" deltagore put a beautifully packaged small box on the table and said tentatively with a smile.

"Please sit down!" Zhang Cheng raised his arm and made a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you very much!" deltagore sat down on the chair and explained in a slightly annoyed voice, "first of all, I want to apologize for the misunderstanding before. I hope you don\'t mind my little temptation. After all, I didn\'t know your real identity at that time, and Akram Grice got the broken magic crystal, which made me nervous."

"No, you don\'t have to apologize. On the contrary, I want to thank you because you sent me some good experimental products." after saying that, Zhang Cheng raised his hand and snapped his fingers.



A dark figure came out of the dark door behind the bookshelf.

When he took off his hood, deltagore grew up in surprise. Half a minute later, he said with incredible admiration: "Lich?! you turned Joey into an immortal Lich!"

"That\'s right! To be exact, only he succeeded among the three, and the remaining two have become idiots without mind and memory." after saying that, Zhang Cheng waved his hand and signaled that his men could step down.

The Lich named Joey didn\'t speak, just bowed his head and saluted, dragging his dead body back to the secret door.

Because his life box was controlled, he didn\'t dare to have the slightest idea of resistance. No matter what order the master gave, he must carry out it unconditionally, otherwise if his life box was destroyed, as a lich, he would disappear in an instant.

"Interesting! Very interesting! Maybe when I\'m old enough to die, I can consider asking you for the secret of transforming Lich. But now, I think we should talk about the division of power within the arcane brotherhood and who should control the artifact broken magic crystal." deltagger quietly pulled the topic back.

He understood that the appearance of the Lich was the demonstration of the black dragon to himself, and it was also showing its strength.

However, the problem is that after all, the human mages dominate the tower. He believes that he is enough to suppress each other with the support of many internal members, just as Akram Grice did before