All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 437


Feeling the severe pain and subsequent general paralysis, Akram Grice finally realized that the assassination against him was not a temporary intention at all, but a long-term plan.

In particular, the anti magic force field blessed on the arrow directly causes him to be unable to use even a spell or magic item, so he can only wait for death.

"Ha ha ha! What\'s the taste of the kiss of death tailored for you?"

With a burst of unbridled laughter, deltagore zelender finally came out from behind a bookshelf, followed by several other participants.

He hooked his fingers at the crossbow arrow that pierced into his chest. The terrible arrow made a harsh sound, followed by it quickly turned into an eight claw shape and grabbed the hard hit heart.

As a powerful mage second only to Akram Grice in the arcane brotherhood, he clearly knows the terrible power of top casters, which is fatal in the eyes of many people. For mages who master the nine ring arcane, it only takes a few seconds to completely turn the situation around, So we specially designed and made this crossbow, which is worth enough to be worth ten of the best warships.

"Very good! Very good! So you planned all this secretly!" Akram Grice gritted his teeth and covered his bleeding chest.

He never dreamed that three of the four tower masters appointed by himself had betrayed himself, and his eyes showed strong hatred.

"That\'s right! Old man! We\'ve had enough of your stubbornness and stupidity! It\'s time for luscan to enter a new chapter, and your death will be the end of the old era." deltagger turned and made an attack gesture at a tall granite structure.

Without saying a word, the latter smashed his fist the size of an iron pot.


When the deafening sound reverberated in the hall, Akram Grice, who was seriously injured, suddenly turned into a silver and translucent spirit state and disappeared without a trace with the help of the power of the mage tower.

However, all his belongings, including clothes, rings, magic wands, even broken magic crystals and crossbows inserted in his chest, were left in place.

When del tagger saw this scene, his pupils suddenly contracted and shouted, "Damn it! Don\'t let him run! Come on! Turn on the detection function of the high tower!"

"Calm down! Don\'t you forget how many traps and protections he set up in the main control room? We can\'t attack it right away! Instead of wasting time chasing a lost dog, we\'d better discuss who will control the arcane brotherhood and who will control the broken magic crystal." as he said, another tower master turned his eyes to the broken magic crystal with strange brilliance.

For a moment, everyone was deeply attracted by the powerful magic pulse of the artifact, and greedy light burst out of their eyes.

Needless to say, at the moment when Akram Grice was injured and escaped, the alliance privately signed by several high-level mages had broken down, and then there was a more cruel struggle for power.


At the same time, with the help of the last card, Akram Grice, who escaped successfully, is now heading towards the deep water city along the periphery of the Jue Dong forest.

Although he had managed to repair his broken heart with the help of seven Ring Magic - limited desire, his extremely old body made him very weak and didn\'t dare to stay for a moment, for fear that the rebels would find their traces.

While cursing his betrayal, he secretly vowed to make a comeback and let all the betrayers pay a painful price, a huge shadow suddenly crossed the sky.

Before the old mage could react, what happened? A hot flame fell from the sky!

"One dragon?!"

The nervous Akram Grice quickly released a "flame barrier" and looked up at the behemoth hovering in mid air.

"Hehe, it\'s really sad. I\'m afraid no one would have thought that the founder of Tangtang arcane Brotherhood was seriously injured by the rebellion launched by his men." the black dragon laughed with a big mouth full of sharp teeth.

You don\'t have to ask. He\'s no one else. It\'s Zhang Cheng who just came back from the suburbs of Yinyue city.

Due to the development of several dragon mages in advance, he got the news at the beginning of the assassination and began to search along the periphery of luscan. As a result, he found the trace of magic transmission soon.

"You know me?! no, no, you\'re the guy who gave me the broken magic crystal!" Akram Grice\'s face quickly became ugly.

He was not a fool. He quickly realized that the strange black dragon in front of him didn\'t happen to meet himself, but waited here for a long time.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "yes, I gave you the broken magic crystal, but have you ever thought about what caused the rebellion today?"

"What do you mean?" Akram Grice frowned subconsciously.

"I simply mean that I pushed the whole thing forward.

From the moment you get the broken magic crystal in public, this rebellion is bound to come.

Didn\'t you notice at all?

Since you are immersed in the pursuit of prolonging your life, the arcane Brotherhood has been doing everything from top to bottom to climb up.

A few years ago, Mokai, the Red Wizard of the North Tower, was killed in the ice wind valley. You didn\'t mean to trace the murderer, but took his place.

To some extent, you encourage this unscrupulous competition.

Think about it. If the people below realize that there will be a master with endless life and invincible power on their head, will they make a nuclear reaction?

Of course, do not hesitate to eradicate this threat, so that one day you can climb to the peak of power.

So from the moment I gave you the broken magic crystal, you were destined to encounter a terrible assassination and rebellion.

Goodbye, Akram Grice, I will inherit your organization and make luscan the most powerful city-state in the North... "

With the last word blurted out, the wand on Zhang Chenglong\'s claws suddenly flashed a green light, then flapped his wings and dived down again to attack.

"Damn it! What did you do to me?"

Akram Grice, hit by the green light, showed panic and fear in his eyes.

He found that his vitality was losing rapidly, and the magic stored in his body was being gathered to form a space tunnel enough to tear his body.

"Sorry, I\'m not sure what incredible changes this thing will make in you."

After that, Zhang Cheng, who dived down, directly tore the old body of Akram Grice with sharp dragon claws.

At the moment of his death, a huge portal to unknown space was finally formed.

But incredibly, nothing came out of the other end of the portal. Just a second later, portal collapsed and disappeared forever