All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 436

In the private room of the Lord of the East Tower of the arcane brotherhood, deltagar zelund is carefully enchanting a crossbow arrow.

His movements were so gentle that he was afraid of accidentally damaging hundreds of dense and exquisite lines on them.

This crossbow arrow with more than eight powerful magic attached is the "kiss of death" carefully prepared by him for Akram Grice, which is enough to instantly break most of the protective spells and insert the highly toxic arrow into the other party\'s body.

No one knows better than him that the founders of the arcane brotherhood are careful and cautious, so there is only one chance. Once the assassination fails, it means disaster for all participants.

At the moment when deltagore zellund finished reciting the spell and blessed the last spell, the closed door was suddenly pushed open.

I saw a man in a blue robe shouting in an excited tone: "out! He\'s out! What are we going to do now? Do it now?"

"Coming out?! Akram Grice left the private room of the central spire?" deltagore zelende trembled slightly, and his eyes burst into strange light.

"That\'s right! He looks very tired. He shouldn\'t have had a good rest for a long time. Maybe..." a fierce and distorted expression appeared on the man\'s nervous face.

"Inform everyone! Do it now! Remember! Don\'t let him escape outside! Klingnippon has the terrible power to turn sunlight into energy! Once standing in the sun, it is almost invincible." deltagger made a quick decision.

Starting a rebellion from the bottom up has always been a no return road, so he can only succeed and can\'t fail, otherwise he will face the continuous pursuit of the whole arcane brotherhood.

"I see!"


Meanwhile, in the public area of the central tower, Akram Grice, who has just solved his physiological needs, is dragging his old and tired body to the stairs.

Broken magic crystal is now being held in his hand, full of thoughts about how he should continue his life.

Is it a lich transformed into immortal form?

Or occupy the body of a long-lived race through other powerful spells, such as elves, elemental creatures and dragons?

The most important thing to know why the broken magic crystal is regarded as an artifact by many evil camp casters is that it can create spells for the holder with the energy converted from absorbing the sun\'s light. When it is full of energy, it can continuously create 16 terrible nine ring spells.

What does sixteen nine ring spells mean?

It means that sixteen baroyan demons as terrible as ERTU can be summoned from the bottomless abyss of the devil\'s hometown!

It means that you can cast 16 powerful spells such as time stop, imprisonment, pop explosion, Banshee howl and so on!

In fact, akar Kaisuo, the last holder of broken magic crystal, didn\'t even exert 1% of the power of this artifact, otherwise ten towns would have become dust in history.

But Akram Grice is different. He is a powerful mage and knows many profound magic, so he naturally improves several spells that he could not master before with the help of the power of broken magic crystal.

Now extending life is no longer a problem. The problem is which way to choose.

Which way can he really get through the dangerous period as quickly as possible and bring the chaotic tower back into control?

Just when the old mage was immersed in happy troubles, he didn\'t notice that his most trusted assistant had quietly come behind him and stabbed him with a cold dagger.


There is no accident. Before the sharp blade touches the skin full of wrinkles and age spots, the trigger protection spell will start instantly.

For a moment, protective spells such as stone skin, Mage Armor, protective element damage and spell invalid enchantment quickly emerged one by one, and the dazzling magic light lit up the dark hall.

"Damn it! What are you doing?!" Akram Grice turned and roared angrily.

He never dreamed that the person he trusted most would betray himself.

"What are you doing? Of course it\'s your life! Old man, you\'ve ruled the arcane brotherhood for too long, and we all agree that you should change the leader." said, the body of the guy who launched the assassination quickly twisted and deformed into another middle-aged man.

He did not intend to give the enemy too much breathing time. He quickly retreated a few steps and immediately raised his right hand.

"Go! Kill him!"

"Cast the spell quickly!"

"Don\'t give him time to sing spells!"


The rebels who had been in ambush for many days in the hall tore off their camouflage. Some began to sing powerful destructive spells loudly, while others started magic wands or other magic items to shoot dazzling attack spells, drowning the old man alive.

Unfortunately, after a round of indiscriminate bombing, Akram Grice was not seriously injured as expected, but did not lose a hair.

With powerful protection magic, most of the attack spells around the third ring are dispersed by an invisible force field ten meters away.

"That\'s an invalid enchantment! You must use more than four rings to break it!" I don\'t know who recognized the cover like a light ball and quickly reminded at the top of his voice.

"Damn you all! Damn you all!"

Akram Grice was undoubtedly angered by the sudden rebellion and assassination. His eyes burst out with anger, raised his staff and poked it hard at the ground.


An unspeakable scream began to reverberate in the hall!

After hearing the sound, six low-level mages and apprentices who were close to each other fell to the ground and swallowed their last breath.

The rest of the people were no better. They sprayed a lot of dark red blood from their mouth, nose and ears.

There is no doubt that this is the famous nine ring spell of the necromancer system - Banshee howl.

With just one spell, Akram Grice turned the situation around and made the mages who tried to assassinate him pay a heavy price.

The gap between high-level mages and low-level mages is reflected incisively and vividly at the moment.

"Tell me! Which tower Lord started this rebellion? Who were the participants?" the old mage stepped on the stomach of one of the mages.

Before the unlucky man could answer, a cold light suddenly appeared out of thin air and flew to his chest at a very fast speed.

"Protective arrow!"

Akram Grice\'s staff suddenly shone.

Next second


The arrow burst out a dazzling light, dispelled all physical protection magic including protective arrow, Mage Armor and stone skin art on the spot, and inserted straight into his chest.