All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 435

"What will I do? First of all, I will withdraw the powerful magic protection covering the whole silver moon city, let each resident face the threats from orcs, barbarians, goblins, ogres and trolls, and then lead them to irrigate and forge the soul of the city with blood and fire." Zhang Cheng looked into each other\'s eyes and gave the answer without hesitation.

"But that will kill a lot of people!" alastro frowned subconsciously.

Obviously, she doesn\'t like this ruling style full of iron blood at all.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "no, this sacrifice is worth it.

At least people will learn how to use their strength to fight and defend their property and right to survival.

Look now, under your strong protection, what have the civilians of silver moon city become?

They are so weak that they only want to ask you for help when they are attacked by a small group of monsters!

I don\'t deny your contribution to the city. I just think your protection is too much.

You should know that competition and elimination are eternal laws in nature, but you are trying to eliminate competition and elimination with the help of powerful forces at the cost of turning civilians into a group of weak sheep.

Maybe when you are alive, the enemies hidden in the dark will not act rashly, but once you are missing or dead, guess what silver moon city will look like?

It will rapidly decline or even perish under the fierce attack of the enemy again and again.

The residents living here are enslaved by the purest and most savage violence!

Because they have been protected for too long, they have lost the spirit and strength of resistance.

Although silver moon city has achieved peace and prosperity under your rule, this peace and prosperity is fragile, false and soulless, which is completely based on your strong personal strength and prestige.

Your people worship you and are eager for your selfless help and shelter.

But remember, the world is so dangerous that even the gods above will fall.

As a ruler, if he cannot establish an administrative system that can still operate after his death or resignation, he is not unqualified.

In my opinion, you are such a naive, naive ruler immersed in his beautiful fantasy... "

Without any concealment, Zhang Cheng directly pierced the hope of alastro\'s life in his heart.

There is no doubt that all this stems from the desire for destruction in his mind.

After all, destroying a city is far less fulfilling than destroying the hope of others, especially this person is also the voter of the magic goddess, alastro silver hand, known as the lady of hope.

Alastro obviously didn\'t expect to hear such a clear and critical evaluation from a dragon. His face changed slightly and retorted without weakness: "No! You are wrong! As long as there is hope in people\'s hearts! Silver moon city will never be destroyed! Maybe my ideal is a little childish, but you don\'t see how many people come to silver moon city all the way because of this childish ideal just to help me realize it."

"Ha ha! So this is your excuse to keep Yinyue city as it is for hundreds of years? Don\'t argue any more. You\'re not a qualified ruler at all. I don\'t even need hundreds of years to create miracles that you can never achieve in ten years at most." Zhang Cheng laughed and sarcastically.

"Ten years?!" alastro keenly grasped a key word.

"That\'s right! It won\'t be long before I control luscan, and then you will understand what I mean." after saying this meaningful sentence, Zhang Chengzhen rose up in the air, incarnated into a huge black dragon and slowly disappeared into the clouds.

Seeing him fly higher and higher and finally become a black spot, alastro finally breathed a sigh of relief, narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself: "it\'s incredible! I\'ve never seen a dragon with such mature and rational thinking..."

As an "old woman" who has lived for nearly 600 years, she has long seen all kinds of dragons, both good and evil, but most of them can not change their arrogance. Even if she enters the mortal world, she will maintain a high attitude and look down. Where can she have such a profound understanding of politics.

Although she herself is not willing to admit that there is anything wrong with the current policies implemented by Yinyue City, the crisis just mentioned does exist objectively.

In particular, according to the news from foreign adventurers, the number of monsters in the wilderness seems to be increasing, and there is a tendency to gather.

If she is gone one day, the remaining casters in silver moon city alone can\'t resist for too long.

"Maybe... It\'s time to unite the surrounding towns to form a stronger Union," said erastrow with a strange light in his eyes.

She is neither an idiot nor a fool. Her age is long enough for her to see through a lot of things. Therefore, she is also very clear about the defects of Yinyue city. She has long formulated a series of plans to make up for her shortcomings. The most important step is to unite all important towns around Beidi to form a unified alliance.

As long as the covenant is concluded, millions of good people will unite around silver moon city to resist all forms of threats.

Of course, it is not easy to do this. There are interest disputes in many towns.

Therefore, she will continue to establish her high image of being positive, selfless and unrequited for hundreds of years. She intends to use this popular personal prestige to adjust the cracks between each other. At least when there is a dispute, the two sides can sit at the negotiation table to solve the contradiction, rather than raise weapons and fight each other.


With the help of transmission magic, alastro and Katie brier disappeared in place, and Artemis ntrelli, who hid behind the tree for a long time with the help of invisibility cloak, finally came out.

The ace killer first glanced at his surroundings, then took a deep breath and said sarcastically, "your way of soliciting me is really special! If you don\'t mind, can you tell me what happened to sergeant luscan? What happened to his sudden explosive power?"

"You mean gildan? Nothing. I just used the potion to activate the magic energy hidden in his body. Believe me, if you drink something similar, it will be 100 times stronger than him."

Zhang Cheng, who should have flown away in the form of a giant dragon, suddenly came out from behind another big tree.

"Tell me! What on earth do you want to do?" ntrelli\'s eyes showed deep fear.

"I don\'t know!

You know what? My mind is full of all kinds of things that can make most people go crazy in an instant.

In order not to let myself completely go crazy, I have to find something to do for myself, such as controlling and transforming a city, and then, for example, tit for tat with those great people who boast of kindness, destroying what they call "Hope" bit by bit.

Using the lines of a classic character, I\'m like a dog chasing a carriage. I don\'t really think about what I want to do and what I want to get, but when I catch up, something very interesting will happen.

How about joining me? Let\'s have some fun together? "

After that, Zhang Cheng stretched out his right hand, and his slightly pale face showed an indescribable madness.

Although his mind is very clear and calm at the moment, he knows very well that he has just crossed a certain boundary, a dangerous boundary