All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 432

"What are you going to do to me?" not far from the bar, Katie Brill couldn\'t help stopping and yelling.

She is not an idiot. Through the previous dialogue, she has understood that the terrible black dragon around her is not as "kind" as shown in the ice wind Valley battle, but has quite terrible plans and conspiracies.

Looking at the strong vigilance and vigilance in the girl\'s eyes, Zhang Cheng smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Not so good. You are free. You can choose to stay and accept my protection, or turn away and face the hungry hooligans and villains hidden in the alley alone. However, for security reasons, I suggest you choose the former. After all, for a young and beautiful girl, being knocked down by more than a dozen or even dozens of men is not a happy thing Things. Of course, if you have any special hobbies, think I didn\'t say that. "

"Bah! You\'re shameless!" Katie Brill blushed and spit fiercely.

Although she is still a girl who has not had intimate contact with men, she still understands the hints revealed in dialect words.

Perhaps in other towns, she can ignore this slightly ridiculed threat, but in the "notorious" luscan, it is absolutely possible to become a reality.

In fact, even for the sergeants in charge of public security and defense in luscan, the wharf area is a dangerous place. Several naked bodies are found here every morning. The clothes and all valuable items on the bodies are stripped away. If they are women, they will show signs of violations.

It is said that the "grand commander" appointed by the arcane Brotherhood to manage this area will even escort these dirty activities in person.

Therefore, deception, murder, robbery, rape, trafficking in human beings and other acts regarded as symbols of evil and chaos are nothing in luskangen. As long as the authorities in power take good care of them, they don\'t have to worry about being arrested.

"Shameless? Don\'t forget, but I saved you from the enemy. Think about what would happen if ntrelli caught up with your adoptive father and friends without me? He would not hesitate to threaten your life! At that time, someone might die because of you, and I stopped it." Zhang Cheng glanced at the girl meaningfully.

"What\'s your purpose? I can feel that you\'ve been planning something secretly since the battle of ice wind valley. From helping Drizzt defeat ERTU to betraying akar Kessel, you\'ll be there at every key point." Katie Brill retorted otherwise.

It has to be said that as one of the few members of the future "secret silver five Xia" adventure team who still have a little brain, she obviously grasped some key parts.

"Why, shouldn\'t I help Drizzt and watch him killed by baroyan demon? Or should I not betray akar Kaisuo and integrate the monster army to directly capture ten towns after his death and establish my own rule with terror and violence?" Zhang Cheng raised his mouth and asked with a playful expression.

Katie Brill quickly shook her head: "no! That\'s not what I mean..."

"You mean I\'m a black dragon! A vicious dragon! So no matter what I do, I must be plotting some terrible conspiracy in the dark. Look, what a ridiculous suspicion, because my race has been unjustified. Haven\'t you learned to judge good and evil by behavior rather than race and skin color after living with trist for so many years?" Zhang Cheng growled, pretending to be indignant.

Of course, he is completely bullying the other party and won\'t use any magic. Otherwise, the simplest way to detect good or evil will immediately see his dark red magic aura symbolizing the extreme evil.

"Yes... I\'m sorry." the girl obviously didn\'t experience the experience of being criticized from the moral commanding point. She subconsciously lowered her head and showed a guilty expression.

"Forget it, I\'m used to it anyway. Let\'s go. I\'ll take you to silver moon city as soon as dawn tomorrow. It\'s the only way for your adoptive father and friends to take this adventure. It should be safe for you to stay there and wait for them."

After flirting with Katie Brill, Zhang Cheng quickly gave a compromise that the other party could accept.

Anyway, the secret silver hall is quite attractive to him. Whether it is a large amount of secret silver or thousands of grey dwarf tribes, it is a must.

As for the poor black dragon Shuo shadow, if it is convenient, he will be saved as a servant. If it is inconvenient, he will collect the corpse for each other to make all kinds of powerful magic items.

"Really? Take me to silver moon!" Katie Brill grew up in surprise.

She thought that she might be under house arrest and used as a bargaining chip, but she never dreamed that the other party would release herself so easily and send it to her closest relatives and partners.

"Of course! So now hurry up and go back to the tower with me to take a bath, change into clean clothes, have a good night\'s rest, and start at dawn tomorrow."

After that, Zhang Cheng ignored the inexperienced girl and gently tightened his hood to cover his face to prevent the flickering flame in his eyes from being found.

The reason why he chose to leave luscan at this time has nothing to do with Katie Brill\'s arrival.

This is just an excuse, a shield to cover up the real intention.

His real purpose is to let the other three tower owners go free and launch an attack on Akram Gris.

Because as long as the founder and controller of the arcane brotherhood dies or is seriously injured and missing, the whole luscan will be in chaos.

At that time, he can not only hide in the dark and eradicate the strongholds of the Harper alliance one by one with the help of the spreading chaos, but also extend his tentacles into the army, the pirate alliance and the administrative system.

But if he doesn\'t go, the other three tower masters will secretly reserve their strength to guard against his sudden enemy when planning to attack Akram Grice. Once the assassination fails, it will undoubtedly affect many follow-up plans.

But Katie Brill knew nothing about the power struggles within the arcane brotherhood.

After happily taking a bath and changing into a smooth silk robe, she lay down on the soft bed and fell asleep. She didn\'t know how much impact the next events would have on the complex and changeable situation of Fallon, especially in the north.


At the same time, in the tavern in the dock area, gildan carried Artemis ntrelli, who had been beaten up, to the hillside not far from the city, threw him roughly to the ground, sneered and said sarcastically, "you\'re lucky! Be honest and lie here all night! The adults will take you to your target in person early tomorrow morning."


The killer stared at each other with two eyes and didn\'t say a word.

He understood that the strange young mage didn\'t want his own life, but had other arrangements.