All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 431

"That\'s right! I know you\'re working for Basha puck in port Karin, but that fool obviously doesn\'t realize your real value as an ace killer. Otherwise, you wouldn\'t be sent to find and track a halfling who stole the charm pendant. In my opinion, even a hundred pendants are not far less than the huge benefits you can bring."

Zhang Cheng put his hands across his chest and gave the other party a very high evaluation.

In his eyes, the real use of killers of this level like Artemis ntrelli is deterrence.

First, through a series of difficult assassinations, publicity and speculation, let everyone in the surrounding area have a strong fear and awe of him. When everyone believes that as long as ntrelli takes action, the target will die, the person in control of him can use this invisible deterrent to control many things, such as intelligence, and then some invisible transactions.

In this regard, the shadow thieves in AMM area do very well. They will set up a "Star" or "example" every once in a while, which can frighten their enemies and reassure their subordinates on the other hand.

After all, as long as the "Star" has not fallen, it means that no matter how embarrassed the guild is, it has not lost.

But look what the stupid short-sighted Basha puck did?

He even let Artemis ntrelli go away from his nest to kill the halfling Regis, just to recapture the garbage pendant that can barely affect the target with uncertain will. A ring of Magic - friendship may be more effective than this.

Another slightly smarter guild leader may have started a war sweeping the underground world of Kalin port with his excellent killing skills, and then continuously expanded his territory and strength, and finally established a criminal network covering the most densely populated city on the mainland.

But it is a pity that Basha puck is only a humble little man after all. He has neither ambition to dominate nor high enough vision.

Before long, he will be thrown to the ground by the big trouble he caused, and become one of the guild leaders who have disappeared in the long history of Kalin port.

There was no doubt that ntrelli saw the flame of madness and destruction in each other\'s eyes. It took a full minute to quietly test: "if my answer was no, what would you do?"

Zhang Cheng smiled and spread his hand: "I can\'t do anything. In fact, I don\'t expect to get your loyalty when I meet for the first time. Today is just contact to let you know that I have such an idea."

"Just contact?!" Artemis nTree frowned subconsciously.

The reason is very simple. Among the many superiors he has contacted, no one will easily let go of those who are unwilling to accept their "good intentions", not to mention that he is still on the other party\'s territory.

"Hehe, please don\'t doubt my sincerity. You should know that you are a very important part of my future plan. Well, let\'s stop talking today. You don\'t have to make a decision right away. Oh, by the way, if you don\'t mind, I\'ll take this girl first."

After that, Zhang Cheng pulled up Katie Brill and made a gesture of preparing to turn around and leave.

"Let go! She belongs to me!"

But before they walked out, the killer\'s eyes burst out a terrible cold light, suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed it out in a very strange posture.

"Sorry, she belongs to me now."

Zhang Cheng raised a finger without looking back and sang a short and astringent spell in a low voice.


Masses of light composed entirely of energy burst out from between your fingers!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of loud noises, Artemis ntrelli had to give up the attack, kick over the table and roll back to avoid the tracking of the energy bomb.

Obviously, this spell is a brand-new three ring spell created by combining the magic missile, the local arcane skill of Phelan, and the arcane missile commonly used by mages Azeroth. It not only increases the number of energy missiles, but also has the power comparable to that of a large caliber shotgun.

The hardwood table, which can withstand the chop of ordinary swords, was smashed at the first time when it collided with a missile. There are pits the size of an adult man\'s fist everywhere on the floor.

"Gildan and Sydney, teach him a little lesson and let him realize his identity. Remember, don\'t be disabled by accident."

After saying these words, Zhang Cheng didn\'t give the killer a second attack at all. He just pushed the door and disappeared into the boundless night.

Needless to ask, he didn\'t like the arrogance and conceit that ntrelli showed now.

To be exact, what he needs is an obedient chess piece, a sharp blade hidden in the dark, not a guy who thinks highly of himself.

This will change slowly after ntrelli meets trist. He needs to be patient.

"Hey, hey! As you wish, sir." gildan, eager for revenge, grinned and drew out his long sword. The whole man launched a charge at a speed beyond the limit of the body.


With one blow, he broke the chair thrown by the killer.

With strong emotional fluctuations, the veteran experienced in many battles felt a powerful force flowing in his blood vessels, and his strength, agility and speed were greatly enhanced.

Although the duration is very short, it is undoubtedly a power he has never heard of, from a bottle of mysterious magic potion

"How is this possible!"

Witnessing the incredible scene, ntrelli\'s pupils contracted violently and avoided the almost fatal chop with her sensitive skills.

In his impression, except for power monsters such as ogres, few humans can split hardwood chairs with a long sword, especially not long ago. At that time, the strength of the opponent was not as exaggerated as it is now.

"Hum! Well, are you surprised? Don\'t worry, the good play has just begun, and I\'ll give you back all the humiliation I\'ve received." gildan pushed away the customers running outside with a happy smile on his face.

You know, a few hours ago, the killer put a sharp blade around his neck and threatened his life recklessly. Now he has a chance to get it back with interest.

"Don\'t forget the master\'s orders! He can\'t be disabled! Let alone die!" Xini, who has always been silent, suddenly opened her mouth to remind her.

"Understand! I\'m not going to kill him, I just want to beat him up..."

With the last word blurted out, gildan once again burst out more than twice his usual strength and speed. He let the sharp dagger stab into his shoulder and hit his opponent\'s face with his right fist.

When ntrelli measured his body to avoid the punch, he suddenly felt that he stepped on a pool of water, and his body immediately lost balance.

Next second


He felt himself rise in the air, his left face was solid, and then fell hard on the bar counter. sib