All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 433

Early the next morning, the whole residents of luscan saw a huge black dragon rising in the air and slowly disappearing in the Far East.

Although most people don\'t know why a black dragon appeared in the suburbs outside the city, they all breathed a sigh of relief for the senior level of the arcane brotherhood who is planning an assassination and rebellion.

You know, after so many days of spying, the masterminds led by deltager zelende have long understood that the young man living in the North Tower is not a human at all, but a fierce and terrible dragon, so they have been secretly vigilant for fear that the other party will make any big moves secretly.

But now, after seeing the Dragon leave with their own eyes, everyone was relieved and devoted all their energy to the grand plan of assassinating Akram Grice and robbing the broken magic crystal.

Of course, in order to stimulate Zhang Cheng, everyone did not reach into the North Tower, and even deliberately connived at some small moves of the North Tower, such as making gildan the top commander of 200 soldiers in the north gate.

No one knew that just when the power struggle within the arcane brotherhood became intense, a mysterious man on the sea had integrated dozens of warships and ships, becoming the largest pirate fleet in the north of the whole deep water city.

Under his strong integration and leadership, this group of Pirates just defeated the defensive navy of juedong City, then landed and plundered the rich port area, loaded with endless wealth and goods, and embarked on the return journey.


"Lord Ian, drink some honey bar and we can go back to luscan in half a day at most. I believe that with this brilliant victory, even those old guys will look at you with new eyes. Maybe they will get the favor of wizards and become the next commander." a young pirate looked adored and handed over a bottle of spirits that hit into a poor green glass bottle.

"Ha ha! Silly boy! Don\'t think so much! Go clean the deck for me honestly!" Ian turned up the bottle and took a sip of wine, pretending to laugh forthright.

In fact, the reason why he was able to subdue so many rebellious pirates so quickly was to act according to Zhang Cheng\'s plan.

After all, among the many ports along the north coast, deepwater city and juedong city are the only cities that can pose a threat to luscan.

The former is too powerful to act rashly for the time being, so luscan has always regarded the Jue Dong city nearest to him as an enemy that must be defeated. The pirates who take luscan as their home port have been robbing the merchant ships flying the flag of Jue Dong City.

Therefore, when Ian offered to rob juedong\'s rich port area, every pirate captain in the surrounding area fell into hysterical madness.

In addition, he deliberately let a small number of Pirates close to juedong City, led the Navy defending the port to the whale bone islands, and made a beautiful ambush, completely annihilated and disintegrated the other party\'s last maritime defense force.

With the help of these captured warships, they directly sent a large number of Pirates ashore and launched an attack on the unprotected port area.

In just one day, this once bustling area has completely become a sea of fire.

Although under Ian\'s constraints, the pirates did not wantonly massacre civilians, or commit crimes of raping women and looting people, they took all the valuable things in this area and set a fire before leaving, completely destroying the business and reputation of juedong City, which had been hard established for decades.

It is estimated that for a long time, businessmen will refuse to invest in this city known as the Pearl of the north because of their lack of security.

Obviously, a Judong city without trade circulation is what Zhang Cheng is eager to see.

In his plan, there should never be a second competitor around luscan, which started from trade. Moreover, the two cities are still so close. Unless one city falls, the other city will never grow up.

Of course, in addition, Ian also established a great prestige among pirates with the help of this successful plunder, and even vaguely meant to establish the dominant position in the northern waters.

Although luscan has the reputation of the city of thousands of sails, in fact, there are not many pirate ships really controlled by the arcane brotherhood, only about 200, and dozens are nearly one sixth, which is enough to play a decisive role at the critical moment.

"Head! We sincerely wish you a long life! Become a new generation of pirate king!" another drunken sailor raised his glass and shouted.

"Yes! Our captain is the best!"

"To the future pirate king!"

"To the future pirate king!"



For a moment, the crew on the whole flagship seemed to be infected by some emotion and shouted excitedly that they were the title they wanted most in their life.

"Hehe, it\'s really a group of guys who are easy to be hot-blooded." Ian subconsciously touched the big sword with both hands behind him, cocked up the corners of his mouth and showed a playful smile.

Now he finally understood why the master would let himself control these pirates who were as annoying as pests in the eyes of many people.

Because as long as we control this force, we can control the trade of millions, even tens of millions of gold coins, on the west coast of the whole continent of Fallon.

Perhaps the pirates themselves are not powerful, but no country or organization can resist the harassment and siege of countless pirates day and night.

Deep water city, Bode\'s gate, juedong City, askatra, Kalin port

One after another densely populated big cities are like stars scattered on the west coast of the continent.

The reason why they can be more prosperous than other places, in addition to geographical factors, the secret lies in the prosperous maritime trade. If the maritime trade of any city is cut off, it will be equivalent to the human beings who have been stuck in the esophagus, and will slowly become thin and decline in a short time.

Feeling the great power hidden behind him, Ian clenched his fist tightly and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "become the pirate king? It sounds good..."


His eyes became beast like vertical pupils, emitting a light called ambition.

In fact, after gaining a longer life span, he once lost his goal in life. He didn\'t know what he should do next, but subconsciously obeyed the orders given by his master.

But now, the desire sleeping in the bottom of his heart finally awakened. He began to yearn for money, power, power, fame and beautiful women

Maybe the hard life in Bingfeng Valley has suppressed the relationship for too long, or it may be the dragon blood in the medicine. In short, Ian has set a goal for his life after tasting the wonderful taste of power.

But the pirate king doesn\'t mean that you can be a pirate. At least before you become the most powerful Pirate Group, it\'s a stupid choice to challenge the current pirate king.