All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 417

Just as Zhang Cheng was lying in the warm house enjoying dinner, Gar was leading 40 Orc soldiers who had drunk the spring, seven ogres, 30 bear goblins, and 300 ordinary Goblins who became ferocious under the strengthening of the spring. With the help of the cold wind, he approached a barbarian tribe camp.

After a period of expedition, he has completely controlled the territory originally belonging to akar kesso and let those who are willing to give their loyalty and pass the test drink the spring water.

Although in this process, many hapless people with weak physique were torn alive by the power of terror, all those who survived were strengthened, whether strength, agility and physique.

In addition, some orcs, orcs and Goblins who are not very strong have gained interesting spell like abilities. Some of them can control the green flame to burn the enemy, and others can gather terrible negative energy to let the enemy die in pain and wail.

In short, the extra power brought by the spring is making the army under Gar more and more powerful, even much stronger than under the control of broken magic crystal, which makes him more and more convinced that he is right with his master.

"Chief! There are twenty-five tents in total! No more than 240 people at most! The other party has no defense!" a scout came panting and reported.

Although the biting cold wind made him very uncomfortable, there was a strong thirst for blood and cruelty in his eyes.

"Good! According to the plan, surround all the tents first. Remember, this is the first barbarian tribe we are about to conquer. I hope these fools can be more interesting, or I don\'t mind letting them integrate in another way." after that, a trace of ferocity appeared on Gar\'s ugly face.

When the orcs around heard it, they couldn\'t help cracking their mouths and laughing.

Because everyone knows that the integration in the chief\'s mouth is actually killing all men, leaving only fertile women, and then letting the strongest soldiers * * repeatedly until they give birth to mixed race Orc offspring.

This is usually the way in which one tribe annexes another in a land beyond the reach of civilization.

Because there is no so-called "reproductive isolation", in more than ten years, the annexed tribes will completely disappear, and the surviving women will lose their will to resist in repeated ravages and become a reproductive tool and walking corpse.

The orcs moved quickly and surrounded the camp of the barbarian tribe from all directions in less than ten minutes.

At the same time, the barbarian also found the enemy pouring out of the darkness and shouted desperately at his throat.

In the blink of an eye, more than 40 adult male barbarians came out of the tent. They were holding simple weapons one by one, and their faces were full of nervous expressions.

Needless to ask, these are all the soldiers of this tribe. The rest are either women, old and young, sick and disabled.

Seeing this scene, Gar immediately waved to the soldiers behind him.

The latter understood, ran quickly to the front of the team, shouted against the cold north wind: "listen, barbarians inside! You are surrounded now! Either drop your weapons and surrender immediately! Or wait to be slaughtered! I promise you will never have a chance to escape."

"Who are you?! why attack us in winter?" a weather beaten one eyed soldier in his forties took two steps forward and questioned loudly.

North of the ridge of the world, all tribes have an unwritten rule that they will not attack in winter in order to avoid losing too many people.

"Hum! We are the servants of the great black dragon king! At his command, unify the whole frozen wasteland. Now decide! Will we surrender to serve our master under our flag, or disappear forever and become the food of hungry beasts?" the orc raised his chest and stared at his blood red eyes for an answer.

As long as the other party dares to say half a word of no, he will be the first to rush in and turn over the enemy\'s chief with his sharp blade.

The one eyed barbarian watched carefully around, took a deep breath after a full minute, stood up alone and roared: "the people of tampas will never fall without war! I ask for a duel! A one-to-one fair duel! The winner gets everything!"

"Ha ha! Duel? Chief! He asked for a duel!" the orc soldier couldn\'t help laughing.

Not only he, but all the orc soldiers behind him couldn\'t help laughing mockingly. Maybe before drinking the spring, the barbarians were one of the best soldiers in the far north, but now, they can\'t be the opponent of the orc soldiers at all.

Gar didn\'t even plan to do it himself. He just cut his throat at his men in front of him.

The orc warrior understood it, took out his cold hands and big sword, and hooked his fingers with a grim smile: "come on! I will let you understand that under the incomparable power of the master, you are as poor as a lamb to be slaughtered."

"Dead!" the one eyed barbarian was obviously irritated and hit down with a hammer made of thick iron.

It has to be said that even according to the average smelting level of Phelan, his weapons are extremely poor, and there is no merit at all except the weight. But even so, there are still a few young savages with expressions of excitement and worship on their faces.

Because the barbarians of Bingfeng valley were originally pure hunting people, they couldn\'t even smelt the most basic bronze. Some spears were simply sharpened wooden sticks, so a hammer made entirely of pig iron was already a powerful weapon.

But what happened next stunned every barbarian present.

The orc soldier didn\'t even hide. He raised his strong left arm and grabbed the hammer falling from the sky. Then he cut his opponent in two with a backhand sword.


With the sad cry, the bright red blood was immediately sprinkled on the white snow, and the intestines and viscera all flowed out.

No barbarian dared to believe that his powerful leader was killed by an orc without holding on for a round.

But after a short silence, some guys who couldn\'t accept the reality began to charge with blood, shouting the slogan of revenge.

Without any hesitation, the orc warrior waved a huge sword made of refined steel and killed them one by one.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen bodies appeared on the snow.

Just when the angry barbarians were ready to put all their eggs in one basket, a young girl got out of the tent and stopped fiercely: "enough! There\'s no need to sacrifice more people! We surrender! We surrender..."

Under her persuasion, only a few barbarian soldiers finally chose to throw away their weapons and close their eyes with humiliation.

"Oh? Funny! A woman can have such a position. After a while, she will take in the prisoner and bring her to me." Gar touched his beard on his chin, revealing a sinister and cunning light in his eyes.