All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 416

With the cold wind blowing from the far north sweeping the earth, ice wind Valley and ten towns finally officially announced that they had entered a terrible winter.

Different from the winter understood by most people, the winter here has exceeded the limit that human beings can tolerate in a strict sense. The coldest days can even reach more than minus 60 degrees Celsius, and the duration of the day is very short. Even there are polar nights for one or two weeks, and there is no sunshine at all.

In such a harsh environment, except for those creatures who have evolved special physique in the cold environment, any outdoor activity is basically equivalent to suicide.

Therefore, the only thing the residents of ten towns can do is hide at home, enjoy dried fish and bacon caught and dried in the summer, and light fuel mixed with herbivore dung for heating.

Although the war started by akar Kessel caused heavy losses to the residents of ice wind Valley and had to strictly restrict the ration to let more people spend the cruel winter, they survived anyway and didn\'t have to live with the annoying barbarians.

Due to Zhang Cheng\'s intervention, although wofga still persuaded some of his compatriots to come to support with his powerful force, the number was less than 200.

In addition, by the time they arrived, the war was over, so they couldn\'t get the recognition of the residents of ten towns. Finally, they had to choose to leave.

The barbarians did not know that a powerful army was rapidly sweeping the whole frozen wasteland under the cover of the cold wind. Before long, they would also become one of the targets to be conquered.

At that time, either surrender or be slaughtered. There will never be a third situation.


As the planner behind all this, Zhang Cheng is now lying in the best house in ten towns in human form, eating a very rich dinner and reading the spell book originally belonging to "Red Wizard" Mo Kai.

After more than half a month\'s study and research, he has completed the study on the basic theory. Yesterday, he took the time to crack the protective magic blessed above and began to explore the unique casting skills of Phelan, so as to transform his mage professional template into the casting level of the world.

Of course, before that, he still needs to finish touching the net.

Through the description in the basic textbook, he has understood that although the magic goddess controls the magic net, she will not casually prohibit someone from using the magic net, even if the other party is the enemy of the goddess.

This means that in addition to directly attacking the goddess herself, there is no need to worry about being prohibited from touching the net.

Just as Zhang Cheng was absorbed in interpreting the wonderful spells in the magic book, the closed door was suddenly pushed open, followed by a man with a biting cold wind.

He first closed the door again, then shook the snow on his cloak, put a huge elk on the ground, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed gracefully: "good evening, sir, I\'ve brought you fresh meat. I\'m sure you won\'t change your taste if you are tired of dried fish and pickled meat."

"Thank you! But I\'m afraid this weather is quite uncomfortable for the dark elves? But why do you go out hunting every three or five times to bring me fresh food?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and asked meaningfully.

Since he lived in brin sander, Drizzt would visit every few days and bring elk, rabbits and fresh fish, no matter how bad the weather was.

Maybe ordinary people think that the Dark Elf Ranger is to express gratitude, but he knows very well that this is actually a disguised form of surveillance and distrust.

After all, his current identity is a terrible dragon, a monster that can easily plunge the whole town into a sea of fire, so it\'s normal to be on guard.

"I just hope you don\'t get angry because you\'re not satisfied with the food. Besides, I\'ve been on the surface for a long time and have almost adapted to the bad weather here." after that, trist stepped back and asked the servant to carry the heavy elk into the back kitchen.

In order to appease Zhang Cheng, Cassius, the leader of brin sander, not only gave up his residence, but also specially arranged two maids and two men to take care of his daily life.

So after a while, the servants disposed of the whole elk and brought the steaming stew and bone soup to the table.

"Let\'s have some together." Zhang Cheng pushed one of the plates containing meat and the bowl containing soup forward.

"Thank you very much."

Drizzt didn\'t refuse. He sat down boldly, picked up a bowl and carefully sipped the hot bone soup. After a few mouthfuls, his body frozen by the cold wind warmed up.

But his attention obviously didn\'t focus on the food. Instead, he looked at each other with the remaining light from the corners of his eyes. About three or five minutes later, he pretended to ask: "Sir, are you learning magic?"

"Yes, I am very interested in magic. If you have relevant books or notes, I am willing to exchange equivalent things." Zhang Cheng gave a positive answer without thinking.

"I don\'t understand. You are already an awesome and powerful existence. Why do you want to learn magic?" the dark elf looked puzzled.

In his memory, dragons should be lazy and arrogant. Most dragons would rather sleep on treasures than leave their nests and enter the human world, let alone learn martial arts and magic knowledge.

"Strong? Am I really strong?" Zhang Cheng put down the tableware in his hand, his eyes showed a playful color, and soon shook his head. "No, Ranger, there are many more powerful things in the world than me, such as the powerful necromancer lich, and those famous old dragons and powerful legendary mages. No matter which one can kill me, it is not the lofty gods and terrible abyss lords..."

"So you want to use the power of magic to make up for the gap?" trist seemed to think of something and frowned subconsciously.

"Yes! Knowledge is power! I need to learn and travel in the ocean of magic step by step from the beginning. Maybe you can\'t understand the greatness of magic because of childhood prejudice and discrimination, but I can tell you that this is a power that can kill gods with mortals."

When he said these words, the gas in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes was once again full of madness and destruction, and it was not easy to suppress it.

"Last question, how long are you going to stay in ten?" the dark elf was keenly aware of the passing breath, and the muscles all over his body tightened involuntarily.

"A winter! At the beginning of next spring, I will choose to go south to luscan." Zhang Cheng did not try to hide anything, but directly said part of his plan.

"Spring? My dwarf friend Bruno is also going out to take risks in spring. If you don\'t mind, can you come with us?" trist quickly offered an invitation.

Needless to ask, he hopes to solve this potential threat when he leaves.

"No problem! I\'m looking forward to walking with you..."