All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 418

As an orc chief who grew up in a cruel natural environment, Gar is smarter and better at thinking than his peers.

Taking advantage of the snowstorm, he led his men to attack three or four medium-sized barbarian tribes, and soon returned to the base camp with booty and prisoners.

He clearly knows that his sneak attack tactics will not work well as the storm subsides. Once one or two barbarians escape in the battle, all the barbarians in the whole ice wind valley will get the news soon.

Despite the backing of the red spring, he was not afraid to fight a hard battle with these proud barbarians and completely destroy them from the front.

However, considering his own losses and the potential benefits of incorporating barbarians, he finally gave up the idea of frontal combat.

After all, winter has just begun, and there is still plenty of time. There is no need to rush to take risks. Moreover, he has another plan, an annexation plan that will not arouse the vigilance of many barbarians.


As soon as they returned to the huge cave of the steaming hot spring, the victorious Orc soldiers grabbed spoons and bowls from the goblin servants, took large pieces of meat, fish and shrimp from the stone pot and stuffed them into their mouths.

In the open space not far away, a huge whale has been dismembered.

The red meat is cut into small pieces, some are cooked and eaten in a pot, and some are thrown out and frozen for storage.

The tongue and fatty parts are used to extract oil so that soldiers who go out to fight can apply it on their bodies, which can not only prevent the rapid loss of heat, but also prevent the skin from cracking and frostbite in the cold wind.

As for bone and skin, the former can be used to cook soup and make crude weapons, while the latter can be wrapped inside the armor to resist impact damage and keep warm at the same time.

In short, since Zhang Cheng taught these guys the skills of whaling before he left, they haven\'t worried about food anymore.

Every once in a while, the orcs would carry hammers and chisels to dig a big hole in the ice a few kilometers away. When the whales at the bottom of the sea came up for a breath, they would stab the thick javelin in, and then follow the red water and wait patiently for the whales to be exhausted.

Since no one in Phelan has realized the economic value of hunting whales, there are so many whales in the sea that it is no problem to feed thousands of people.

"Invincible chief! Please taste the delicious food carefully prepared by your humble servants!" a human man who looked about 30 knelt on one knee and placed a pot of steaming stew on the stone table in front of the seat.

"I haven\'t had any accidents since I left, Yves?" Gar asked without looking up as he picked up the pot and ate the stew with a little spice and salt.

"Of course not! Everything is under your control! The dog headed people discovered an underground vein not long ago. Together with the captured three dwarf blacksmiths, you will be able to continuously obtain the best weapons and armor. At that time, the whole ice wind valley will be your kingdom and hunting ground. Any guy who dares to stop you from conquering will be killed "Crushed in an instant." the man known as Yves tried to resist his fear and complimented loudly.

As a businessman who was first captured by akar Kaisuo and then accidentally fell into the control of the monster, he undoubtedly knew his situation and had no idea of escaping at all, because even if he escaped, he could not cross the dangerous frozen wasteland and simply died for the orcs.

He can see that this powerful Orc chief with red skin is obviously different from those ordinary orcs who are full of fighting and killing. As long as he contributes his management ability, he doesn\'t have to worry about being killed or abused and tortured.

On the contrary, he has now been appointed as the head of the interior of this increasingly large tribe, not only above many goblin slaves, but also two exclusive Orc bodyguards.

After hearing this, Gar swallowed the meat in his mouth and nodded with satisfaction: "very good! The master will be satisfied with our progress. As a reward, I authorize you to choose a woman from the prisoners."

"Woman?!" Ives subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the barbarian woman whose hands were firmly tied by the rope, and his eyes suddenly burst into a light like a hungry wolf.

Although female barbarians are much taller and stronger than ordinary humans, they generally do not accord with the aesthetics of normal people.

But for a person who has been abstinent for several years, and the female creatures around him are either disgusting goblins or monsters such as orcs, orcs and ogres, it is completely naked temptation.

In particular, one of them looks only about 17 or 18 years old and has long blond hair, which makes him have an impulse to burn himself.

But unfortunately, before Yves asked for it, Gar hooked his finger at the girl: "come here! I have a question for you to answer."

The latter hesitated obviously. Finally, he came to the table carefully and stared at everything around him with two frightened eyes.

She still can\'t believe that the other party can gather such a large number of troops under her own eyes. She can even feed thousands of soldiers without going out hunting.

"First of all, tell me your name." Gar put the iron pot aside and looked at each other with interest.

"Malvina! If you want to know why those soldiers obey my orders, the reason is very simple. I am the daughter of the chief, and the person killed by your soldiers is my father." the girl lowered her head and explained.

"Oh, the chieftain\'s daughter!" Gar was slightly surprised, smiled and asked, "then why did you surrender? Normally, you shouldn\'t put all your eggs in one basket and avenge your father?"

"No, hatred is meaningless. It can neither bring food nor let us survive. I care more about living than revenge." after that, Malvina clenched her fist and showed her strong desire for life.

Gazing into the girl\'s eyes, Gar seemed to judge how many words in the dialect were true and how many were lies.

After a full minute, he laughed recklessly: "ha ha ha! You are very special! At least among the barbarians who regard death as the highest glory! Now, I give you a chance, a chance to change your destiny. Kneel down and offer loyalty to the great master, and then I will return your tribe to you, and give you strong strength and power."

"I will! But tell me, who is the great master?"

Without any hesitation, Malvina knelt down directly.

Different from most people who believe in the God of war tampas, she has not chosen her own faith so far, let alone good or evil. Her only desire is to live and prove the value of her existence in some way.

"Very good! Our master is the great king of the black dragon. He has more power than you think. Come and drink this gift, and then you will understand what I mean."

As soon as the voice fell, Gar took a cup of red spring water from an orc soldier and handed it to the girl