All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 413

The wise man said that there is a crazy beast hidden in everyone\'s heart, but most people will lock the beast in a cage with all kinds of shackles. But once the cage is broken, the outbreak of madness will destroy everything.

Zhang Cheng used to think that this sentence had a lot of exaggeration, but now he suddenly realized that there was nothing wrong.

To some extent, he has now broken the cage, and under the influence of nesario\'s tears, he has completely abandoned the so-called reason and began to try something he was afraid of, such as taking extremely unstable evolutionary potion, and swallowing a barrow inflammatory devil from the bottomless abyss.

In short, he endured the whispers of the ancient gods all the time. He didn\'t care what he would become. Anyway, he was crazy enough and didn\'t care to be crazy any more.


Under the action of powerful evolutionary medicine, tentacles connecting the central nervous system grew out of thin air, one after another inserted into ERTU\'s eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and finally entered the poor guy\'s brain and began to inject a steady stream of silver and transparent liquid.

In less than a few minutes, it slowly gave up resistance, as if in a deep coma.

After a while, the cut on the chest gradually healed, and only the end of the horn was left outside.

There is no doubt that this powerful baroyan devil has become the first victim of Zhang Cheng\'s arrival at Phelan, but it is by no means the last.

Through the connection of tentacles, he can not only use all spell like abilities of the other party, but also integrate some demon advantages with slow digestion and absorption, such as magic resistance and immunity, telepathy, summoning demons and so on.

Of course, the disadvantage is that before completely digesting the devil, he must be careful not to seriously hurt his chest, otherwise ERTU may wake up and resist control. At that time, he may be killed under internal and external troubles.

But it\'s all worth it!

At least in the eyes of Zhang Cheng, who is not sure whether he can return the dragon\'s body, instead of wasting resources, he might as well use it to do some dangerous experiments he dared not do before, especially to accumulate experience in biological transformation.

As for whether absorbing demons would bring additional chaotic effects to the brain, he didn\'t care at all.

Anyway, more lice do not itch, more debt do not worry.

Trist, who recovered from the magic shock state, stared at ERTU disappearing into the dragon\'s body bit by bit. Finally, he couldn\'t help but ask loudly, "what did you do?"

"You mean this?" Zhang Cheng pointed to his healed chest. "It\'s just a small experiment. Don\'t worry, he won\'t have a chance to trouble you in the future."

"No! I mean your crazy behavior! And! Why are you nearby?" the dark elf looked like a great enemy.

Although he had seen many terrible things in the dark area, there had never been such a shocking thing as today.

A powerful demon!

A cruel character that even the masters of Menzoberranzan had to deal with carefully, and now he was stuffed into his stomach by a dragon!

"Of course, I\'m here to help you solve this dangerous enemy. You know, if I hadn\'t done it just now, you would be the soul of his sword." Zhang Cheng didn\'t care about the hostile attitude of the other party at all and responded carelessly.

To tell the truth, he is full of thoughts of killing and destruction. He doesn\'t like the character of the dark elf at all.

Just to expose himself early, he also needs rangers to finish the adventure ahead.

"Can you tell me what you really want to do? In the afternoon, you seem to have joined the camp of akar Kessel, but just now you did not hesitate to sneak into ERTU. I don\'t understand. Which side are you on?" trist said cautiously.

He has experienced countless betrayals in Menzoberranzan and knows that evil is never monolithic. On the contrary, they sometimes prefer to kill each other.

If you can pull a dragon to your side, the endless army of monsters outside the city wall will not be so desperate.

Undoubtedly aware of the dark elf\'s intention, Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and replied in a slightly ponderous tone: "I\'m not on either side. I\'m only fighting for myself. How about making a deal with me?"

"What\'s the deal? What\'s the content?" trist\'s Lavender pupil ignited a trace of curiosity.

To tell the truth, he had seen dragons and understood how arrogant these winged lizards were, but the one in front of him seemed to be completely opposite to his peers. Instead of being arrogant, he was full of unspeakable madness and wisdom.

"It\'s easy! I\'ll tell you how to defeat the clowns in the magic crystal tower and help defeat those annoying goblins, orcs, half beasts, trolls and ogres. At the price, you provide me with a comfortable and quiet residence and enough food to spend the whole winter." Zhang Cheng made a straightforward offer.

Before going to luscan as planned, he needed some time to master the magic theory of Phelan.

In addition, he also plans to take advantage of the chaos to build his own army, and the defeated orcs, ogres, trolls and giants are the most ideal choice.

You know, in his magic waist bag, there are more than half a bottle of blood from the Lord of the abyss of the Burning Legion!

With only a few drops to pollute a water source, he can quickly obtain a fearless, ferocious and cruel army.

"That\'s all? A place to live, some food?" trist couldn\'t believe the dragon\'s offer would be so relaxed.

He also thought that the other party would ask Shizhen to offer all the treasures as a reward

"That\'s right! That\'s all. I know you can\'t decide. Please convey the conditions to those who control power for me. If they agree, please hang up a black flag, and I will fulfill my promise when I see it. Oh, by the way, if you plan to enter the magic crystal tower, I have a little suggestion here, bring a bag of flour. Trust me, it will play an unexpected role 。”

After that, Zhang Cheng winked playfully, spread his wings and quickly disappeared into the boundless night.

At the moment, he knew very well that the dust of the war had been settled, and akar kesso, who lost ERTU, could not and did not have enough wisdom to reverse the defeat.

The only value left of this humble apprentice is to make the broken magic crystal an ownerless thing.

At the same time, trist Durden also quietly entered brin Shande under the cover of night, and planned to discuss the conditions with one of his friends, the halfling Regis.

Although he does not believe in the promise given by a dragon, it is not a bad thing to get a strong ally anyway. Even if he is destined to turn over in the future, he should first solve the current crisis