All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 414

Early in the morning the next day, Regis, a halfling with an important mission, walked through the city gate and walked quickly towards the location of the enchanted Crystal Tower.

Because yesterday afternoon, the foolish akar kesso did not destroy all the resistance forces at one fell swoop while he was at his strongest, but pretended to be generous and gave an ultimatum.

He threatened that ten towns, including brin sander, must unconditionally turn to today, or kill everyone with the power of broken magic crystal.

At the same time, trist, who didn\'t sleep all night, also lurked around the magic crystal tower and tried to find a secret passage to the inside of the tower with the help of Guan Haifa, a magical creature from the star world.

In the conversation with ERTU, he has learned some secrets about the broken magic crystal, so he is ready to risk his life to assassinate akar Kessel.

For a long time, living with evil compatriots always made him have an inexplicable strong sense of guilt, which led him to the desire for redemption of anyone.

Stopping an evil wizard and his powerful monster army is one of the best ways to prove himself.

As an outsider, Zhang Cheng knew the inner thoughts of the Dark Elf Ranger very well, so he didn\'t stop the other party. He just smiled meaningfully, and soon lay on the ground and continued to read the magic books and notes he got not long ago.

As for those goblins, orcs, orcs, trolls and other monsters, they trembled under the inherent power of the dragon and didn\'t dare to get close at all.

About half an hour or so, a huge crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the Magic Crystal Tower!


Click! Click! Click

Then more cracks began to fill the surface of the tower!

Before the monsters around could react to what had happened, large pieces of crystal fell from the sky and smashed the Goblins who had little time to avoid into meat mud.

"Ah!!!!!! no! Damn it! Look what you\'ve done! You\'re committing suicide!" akar kesso\'s harsh scream echoed over the broken tower.

Although he tried several times to call the black dragon lying not far from the magic crystal tower to help himself, unfortunately, the other party didn\'t even respond.

As a last resort, he had to use the only power left in the tower to get into a mirror, followed by the dark elves.

When they opened their eyes again, they were no longer near the magic crystal tower, but came to the top of Kane\'s giant cone.

However, it is a pity that akar Kaisuo did not learn a lesson at all. He held up klingnippon high and wantonly showed off the unparalleled power of artifact. As a result, he accidentally triggered an avalanche.

No accidents!

With a deafening noise!

The white snow quickly gathered together, forming an unparalleled destructive force!

Zhang Cheng can even see that the dark elves try their best to run in order to avoid being buried alive.

As for akar Kaisuo, he had been abandoned by the broken magic crystal and completely buried under the terrible snow. He also saw the location where the artifact was buried.

"The plan was surprisingly smooth, wasn\'t it?"

Zhang Cheng raised his mouth, murmured to himself, followed by glancing back at the black flag hanging on the wall of brin Shande, quickly put away his books and soared into the air, spewing out a deadly dragon breath towards the Goblins who were making a crazy attack on the wall.


The high-temperature flame enough to melt the metal instantly burned more than 100 goblins crowded together to ashes, and more than a dozen were burned to be disabled and seriously injured, fell to the ground and cried in pain, and more goblins turned around in horror and wanted to escape.

They couldn\'t believe it. Why did the Dragon suddenly turn around and attack itself?

The two frost giants who took over the command of the army from akar Kessel also showed surprised expressions on their faces and even forgot to give orders to their ogres and Troll guards.

"My God! That dragon really fulfilled its promise!" Cassius, the leader of brin sander, subconsciously opened his mouth.

Although the speakers spent several hours discussing the issue of dragons in the middle of the night yesterday, they never expected that the other party would simply fulfill the agreement, which is completely unlike the style of a dragon.

"Don\'t think too much! First solve the enemy in front of you! Anyway, he is helping us now." another bearded man patted the former on the shoulder, then raised his axe and led the people to pursue the escaping goblins.

Anyone who has a wild adventure knows that for goblins, if they can\'t break them all at once, these evil little monsters will soon regroup and attack the surrounding businesses, villages and towns.


Blood and fire!

Sword and life!

Normally, in such a large-scale scuffle with more than thousands of people, both sides will drain the last drop of blood in continuous consumption. Even if they win, they will only win miserably, and it will take many years to recover.

But now, with the participation of Zhang Cheng, the victorious Libra has obviously fallen to Shizhen.

With the hard dragon scales that can\'t be pierced by ordinary weapons and the breath of deadly flames, every dive will cause considerable killing. If you count the blow to morale, it can be said that the monsters will start to retreat quickly wherever they pass.

In just seven or eight minutes, the two frost giants realized that they could not win the battle at all. They threw down their troops and ran to the depths of the frozen wasteland.

After a while, ogres, orcs and orcs also began to withdraw from the battlefield, taking the trolls and goblins with poor brains as cannon fodder behind the temple.

Just when the residents of Shizhen were going to celebrate the victory, Zhang Chengshun caught up with an orc tribe marked by winter wolves with scattered footprints on the ground.

Unlike most Orc tribes, the number of this tribe is not too large, less than 150, but there are no women, old people and young children. All are adult men.

The first guy was very tall and strong, wearing a half body armor robbed from somewhere, and carrying a giant axe with a faint magic light in his hand.

Although it was a retreat, the team was not messy at all. To be exact, he took the opportunity to attack two other Orc tribes and took a lot of food from each other.

With this food, this Orc tribe will not be swallowed by all kinds of terrible beasts due to the loss of too much physical strength in the process of escape, like other tribes.

Obviously, the leader of the orc is not as stupid as his peers, but full of wisdom and foresight.

What Zhang Cheng needs now is just a man with wisdom and foresight.

After a short observation, he quickly dived down from high altitude and intercepted the escape route of the orc tribe