All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 412

After a brief conversation with the soul arrest Messenger, Zhang Cheng quickly forced himself to calm down and quietly approached the devil\'s position along the cliff.

As a person with strong conceit in his character, he never believes in illusory things such as luck and destiny. Therefore, even if he knows what will happen next, he can\'t help adding insurance himself and completing his crazy plan by the way.

After all, ERTU\'s identity is the baloyan devil at the top of the bottomless abyss food chain. Above him are either the abyss Lord, the great king, or the evil gods who also live in the abyss and establish the kingdom of God.

Perhaps many people don\'t understand what baroyan devil means, but Zhang Cheng knows very well that the vast majority of giant dragons in Phelan who are in their prime or old age will not be opponents of baroyan devil. What\'s more, trist is just a Ranger. In addition to his excellent dual weapon fighting skills, I\'m afraid there are only the inherent resistant skin of the dark elves.

Generally speaking, it doesn\'t take much effort for baro Yanmo to kill him. It only needs an advanced spell - Flame storm or implosion.

Unfortunately, ERTU underestimated the enemy

When Zhang Cheng sneaked to less than 25 meters from the target, he immediately heard a malicious joke: "it\'s an unusual choice for the dark elves. I bet your God rose will become very unhappy when she knows this."

As soon as the voice fell, a burning whip and a serrated blade appeared in the devil\'s left and right hands out of thin air.

Obviously, these two magic weapons are the standard configuration of baroyan devil, especially the famous "decapitation long sword", which has a great chance to ignore defense and directly cut off the enemy\'s head, even the Heavenly God and dragon are no exception, which can be described as a fierce name.

At the same time, a white unicorn handicraft carved from fish bones on the dark elf\'s neck slowly floated.

Needless to ask, it is this emblem symbolizing the forest goddess melikai that reveals his true identity.

The reason is very simple. No traditional Dark Elves will believe in the forest goddess.

Don\'t mention the external gods. Under the cruel rule of the spider God, rose, even several other dark elf gods can only survive under her shadow. Therefore, if a dark elf wears the emblem of other gods, it is basically equivalent to betraying the ethnic group and is an exile.

Perhaps the abyss demons will fear the powerful magical power and cruel and cunning character of the dark elf group, but they will never take a mere exile to heart.

"Tell me, who are you?" asked ERTU, with an amused tone.

He has known many dark elves for hundreds of years, but never one will abandon his cold and cruel character and worship at the feet of a kind God.

It was this unusual that aroused the curiosity of the devil\'s subconscious mind.

"It\'s true that I\'m trist duckedon! But I abandoned my family and later became a loyal believer of the goddess merykay. I must defeat you and completely expel you from the material world."

After that, the dark elf slowly pulled out two machetes and was ready to fight to the death.

Maybe he has a lot of lies that can get him out of trouble, but unfortunately, in this world, no one will slander his faith and patron saint.

"Ha ha ha ha! What did I hear? Are you going to kill me?" ERTU seemed to hear some funny joke and laughed recklessly.

With the harsh laughter, his body began to burst into flames. The bright light stabbed people\'s eyes, and then slowly raised the beheading sword.

Although Drizzt couldn\'t see the opponent\'s specific actions due to the light of fire, with his rich combat experience, he noticed something and quickly began to move.

But before he made any defensive moves, he found that the devil suddenly took a step aside, followed by an angry roar.

"Go away! You damn beast! I\'ll tear you to pieces!"

The Panther, which had been hidden in the corner for a long time, finally came out, bit her strong arm and dragged the devil several times bigger than herself to the ground.

However, ERTU is not a vegetarian. He immediately turns a whip around the dark elf\'s legs and makes his opponent lose his balance and fall to the ground together with himself.

Just when Drizzt thought he would be burned alive by the hot flame whip, he suddenly found an interesting thing, that is, the flame at the end of the whip disappeared without warning. In addition, the flame from the devil shrank back inexplicably for some reason, as if he was afraid of something.

He soon realized that there was a cold feeling from the machete in one of his hands. Whenever the machete passed by, the flame would disappear quickly.

After understanding this, the Dark Elf Ranger did not hesitate and immediately took turns to cut the devil\'s right leg.



ERTU\'s skin, which was strong enough to resist the steel blade, made a wheezing sound, and emitted a lot of white smoke, as if he had encountered an enemy.

"Asshole! How dare you!"

With a crazy roar, the devil endured the pain, opened his mouth and began to sing complex spells.

When the second knife came, he quickly raised his finger and shouted, "Law: shock!"


Whether Drizzt or his most trusted combat partner, the black panther, were fixed in place by the powerful magic force on the spot and couldn\'t move.

"Go to hell! Dark elf!" ERTU struggled to get up and raised his beheading sword to kill the dangerous enemy owl.

But at the moment when the giant sword fell, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the dark!

Next second


The Dragon claws falling from the sky pressed the devil on the ground!

Needless to ask, Zhang Cheng, who has been hiding for a long time, finally made a move.

He completely ignored ERTU\'s roar and curse, took care of himself, held the magic sword with the claws on the Dragon Wing, cut a deep bone opening in his chest, and even could see the beating huge heart in his chest.

After all this, he said to the devil with a crazy face: "you should be honored, my friend. Tonight, you will help me complete a great experiment, the ultimate issue of life evolution. What will happen when the devil and the dragon are perfectly combined? Imagination is exciting, isn\'t it?"

With the last word falling, Zhang Cheng chewed the medicine bottle in his mouth and let the strange dark purple liquid flow into his stomach. Then he twisted ERTU\'s hands and feet alive and stuffed them into the huge wound on his chest.

"No!!!!!! no! Let go of me! You damn madman!"

"Ha ha! Ha ha! Relax, any struggle is futile. You will soon become a part of me..."