All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 409

No one knows what the devil said to the Black Dragon

No one knows what kind of agreement they have reached

In short, after a short conversation, ERTU allowed the dragon to stay among the large-scale monsters, and he came to a place hundreds of meters away from brin Shande\'s tall wall, raised his arms and sang a vague ancient spell loudly.

In the blink of an eye, the crystal under his feet, which was constantly emitting strange energy, began to emit strong pulsations, followed by all the sunshine just emitted on the horizon, which was distorted and poured into it.

Obviously, for those ordinary people who don\'t understand what magic is, they were completely stunned by what happened in front of them.

You know, the sun has always been synonymous with justice, warmth, life and other beautiful meanings!

But now!

A guy who doesn\'t know where to come from has the power to almost surpass the sun, coupled with the endless army of monsters, which is desperate to the extreme.

Feeling the continuous transformation of sunlight into pure magic energy, Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and whispered: "It\'s incredible! As an evil artifact, klingniben\'s power comes from the sun, which is the opposite positive energy. However, after Naru exhausts the holy light, it seems that it will also be transformed into Shadow form. Maybe I can start from this aspect to uncover the mystery of the mutual transformation of energy..."

Just as he talked to himself, the replica of the broken magic crystal became bigger and bigger, and finally grew into a beautiful crystal tower.

When all the monsters with low IQ saw this scene, they immediately shouted madly: "Kaisuo! Kaisuo! Kaisuo..."

Needless to ask, these poor guys are controlled by the unspeakable magic power of broken magic crystal. To be exact, they invade the target\'s spiritual world through a series of hypnosis, hints and dreams to make them become loyal slaves of their own holders.

"Come with me!"

After completing the guiding ceremony, ERTU immediately waved to Zhang Cheng in the form of a dragon, and then strode into the porch full of mirrors on both sides of the tower.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Cheng quickly passed through the slightly narrow space for the dragon and soon came to a huge mirror.

The devil made a strange gesture in front of the mirror. The next second, a thin, hunchbacked young human appeared at the other end of the mirror.

He was wearing a smooth red robe, with an arrogant and conceited smile on his pale face. After half a minute, he took the initiative to ask, "how is the plan going? Did the slaves in ten towns tremble in front of my army?"

"Of course! Now they are hiding behind the city wall and watching their homes ravaged and destroyed with desperate eyes. In addition, I have recruited a potential ally for you, a real dragon enough to destroy the enemy\'s will to resist." said ERTU, turning aside to give way to the sight blocked by his huge body.

"Hello, the tyrant of ice wind Valley - akar Kaisuo." Zhang Cheng slightly lowered his huge head so that the guy in the mirror could see himself.

"Oh? What a surprise! Tell me, what do you want from me, black dragon?" akar danced excitedly.

Born in a humble family, he can\'t wait to let the huge black dragon join his evil army, even if he pays a little price for it.

After all, the dragon is a symbol of power and power in the eyes of many people, and it can easily cross the city wall with its flying ability, so that a city can fall into endless chaos and panic.

Except for a few powerful crossbows and magical powers with complex technology, nothing can stop these wild beasts.

But the power of magic can not be possessed by any city at will. In particular, the high cost of the mage tower is enough to directly bankrupt the finances of more than 80% of the cities on the continent.

Therefore, to some extent, many cities have no good way in front of the Dragon except to kneel down, offer wealth and beg each other\'s kindness.

As a former apprentice of the arcane brotherhood, akar Kaisuo is undoubtedly well aware of the destructive power of dragon terror. Although he has a powerful demon ally, he still covets the magical creature dragon.

Aware of this, Zhang Cheng flashed an imperceptible mockery in his eyes, lowered his voice and said: "It\'s very simple. I hope to get some books and notes about magic. In exchange, I\'d like to take you over ten towns. Think about how wonderful those fools will look if they find that their last defense wall doesn\'t work at all?"

"Ha ha ha! Well said! I agree with your terms."

With a burst of triumphant laughter, akar Kessel walked through the mirror, appeared out of thin air in the room full of translucent crystals, and directly handed over the basically worn-out books and notes.

This is the booty he got by killing his mentor "Red Wizard" Mokai, especially the spell book that can\'t be deciphered so far, which records many powerful spells he once spied on.

But now, he has an artifact broken magic crystal. He no longer needs to study the complex and profound magic knowledge. Most of the time, he can cast a powerful spell that even Mokai can\'t catch up with with with just one idea.

Of course, akar Kaisuo couldn\'t understand that all his abilities at present came from that small crystal. If klingnippon abandoned him, he would immediately be beaten back to his original form and become the humble mage apprentice that everyone could step on again.

But Zhang Cheng obviously wouldn\'t remind the other party of this. Waving a sharp dragon claw, he probably looked through several books and notes, and soon nodded with satisfaction: "yes! This is exactly what I need. When are you going to let me fulfill the agreement?"

"Don\'t worry, my dear friend, I still need some time to prepare. You know, as a tyrant of ice wind Valley, I don\'t want my appearance ceremony to be too shabby." akar Kessel left the room quickly with a vicious and crazy light in his eyes, and didn\'t know what he wanted to do.

After seeing him go away completely, ERTU opened his mouth and said sarcastically with a smile: "under the appearance of extreme arrogance, there is an extremely humble soul. It\'s interesting, isn\'t it?"

"Interesting? No, what\'s really interesting is not the boring guy, but the broken magic crystal in his hand." Zhang Cheng blinked his eyes with a smile.

"Remember your promise! Klin Simpson is mine!" ERTU burst into a strong anger as soon as he heard the broken magic crystal.

"Don\'t worry, I swear that as long as you are present, I will never take the initiative to rob the broken magic crystal. Oh, by the way, I suddenly remember that I have something to do. Excuse me for a moment."

With these words, Zhang Cheng left a meaningful expression, left the Magic Crystal Tower in the blink of an eye and disappeared on the cold lake