All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 410

Just as akar Kessel was preparing for his gorgeous appearance ceremony, trist dukheden was hiding in a secret cave to meditate on the unique sleep of elves.

To be exact, he wanted to awaken the memory of Menzoberranzan, his hometown in the dark region, in order to find the name of the powerful baroyan devil, which was still prominent even in the monster army

However, before entering the meditation, the Dark Elf Ranger who fled the underground world suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing in from the hole, followed by a violent vibration from the ground.

Out of instinctive vigilance, he forced himself to get rid of those painful memories and quickly wake up from meditation.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, his limbs became stiff and he dared not move.

Because now there is a giant dragon covered with dark scales, staring at two eyes like fireballs, blocking the only entrance.

The dark elves can\'t guarantee that if they make any hostile or threatening actions, they will get a fatal dragon breath.

He clearly remembered that the black dragon in front of him was originally a white dragon, but somehow there was a sudden change. What spewed from each other\'s mouth was neither the Frost Breath of the white dragon nor the acid breath of the black dragon, but the flame breath of the red dragon.

This means that under the hot flame enough to melt the steel, the self blocked in the cave doesn\'t even have a chance to resist. At most, it will be roasted into coke alive twice.

"Good morning, trist ducheston, a faithful believer of the goddess of forest and ranger." Zhang Cheng undoubtedly noticed the tension shown by the other party and took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, respected king of the sky, ruler of the great glacier. Please allow me to apologize for my rudeness and that of my companions last time. Please believe me, it was just a small misunderstanding." the Ranger quickly took this opportunity to bend down and bow gracefully. At the same time, all kinds of compliments and flatteries were sent out without money.

As a dark elf who grew up in Menzoberranzan, lying is as easy for him as eating and drinking water. Especially in the face of invincible enemies, he never mind giving full play to his eloquence.

"Misunderstanding? Ha ha!"

Zhang Cheng seemed to hear something funny. He couldn\'t help laughing. It lasted for a long time before it subsided slowly.

He looked at each other with interest and said with a smile, "well, if you say misunderstanding, it\'s a misunderstanding. Relax, I\'m not here to trouble you. On the contrary, I\'m here to help you."

"Help me?" trist looked puzzled.

He really couldn\'t think of any reason to help the enemy in front of this giant beast that almost had a great hatred with himself and wolfga.

Zhang Cheng pretended not to see the distrustful eyes of the dark elf and nodded gently: "yes! I know you are looking for the memory of the devil. As a gift, let me tell you his name first."

"Do you know his name?!" trist\'s face suddenly became nervous.

Perhaps in the surface world, many people don\'t know what the devil\'s name means.

But as a dark elf, he knows very well that once he knows the name of the devil, he can summon the corresponding devil through complex rituals. Few demons will resist this call.

"His name is ERTU. Oh, by the way, I have a little surprise for you." said Zhang Cheng, putting the prepared magic machete ice death at the door of the cave.

When he had finished all this, he rose in the air and flew in the direction of the enchanted Crystal Tower.

"What on earth does the Dragon want to do?"

Seeing the huge body of the Dragon go away, trist frowned and whispered.

But soon, he was deeply attracted by the weapons placed on the huge rock at the mouth of the cave.

The refined gold handle inlaid with precious stones is exquisitely crafted, and it is also carved into the sharp tooth shape of a cheetah. You can feel its strength and extraordinary just holding it in your hand.


Meanwhile, in front of the towering magic crystal tower outside the wall of brin Shande, a new farce is being staged.

In order to cover up his humble soul hidden under the arrogant appearance, akar Kaisuo wantonly wasted the energy accumulated by the broken magic crystal, just to increase the awe of the ordinary residents of ten towns.

He had no idea what serious consequences this stupid decision would lead to.

At the bottom of the magic crystal tower, a red light first appeared, rotating and rising along the transparent wall, and then a blue light also appeared at the top of the tower.

When the two lights met, they mixed into a dazzling green, and finally separated quickly, as if nothing had happened.

The residents of ten towns who had never seen the powerful power of magic were completely stunned by the gorgeous performance in front of them and stared at what was about to happen.

As the two lights turned faster and faster, the base of the whole Magic Crystal Tower was gradually surrounded by dazzling green light. After a while, two trolls holding gorgeous mirrors came out of the tower.

Before the residents of ten towns could figure out what had happened, all the light suddenly disappeared.

Next second!


The top of the tower shot two beams of light fiercely, hitting one of the mirrors respectively. After the reflection of the mirror, it finally intersected at a point in front to form a dazzling white electric light.

When the lightning disappeared, a thin, hunchbacked figure appeared out of thin air.

The goblins, trolls, giants and ogres all knelt down and buried their heads deep in the frozen soil.

At this point, the residents hiding behind the wall of brin Shande realized that the legendary tyrant of ice wind valley was coming!

Appreciating the faces full of fear, awe and panic on the opposite wall, akar kesso\'s poor self-esteem was greatly satisfied.

Just as he was going to make a speech and ridicule Cassius, the brin sander leader who had ignored him, a huge shadow fell from the sky.


Due to the deliberate failure to slow down the falling speed, with the terrible weight in the form of a giant dragon, Zhang Cheng stubbornly left two deep concave scratches on the frozen soil.

After standing firm, he bent down directly, built a simple climbing ladder with his left wing, and then said to akar Kessel, "I think now is the best time to fulfill the agreement, don\'t you think?"

"Oh, yes, I think so."

Without saying a word, the latter immediately climbed up the dragon\'s back excitedly, facing the cold wind in the north, and looked down at brin Shande\'s wall.

Under the terrible shadow of the black dragon that is difficult to describe in words, even the bravest people subconsciously hold their breath, because they know that if a dragon joins the war, the last relying on the city wall will become useless. Just one dive and spit can take the lives of dozens of militia