All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 408

Valley in 1356, two major events took place in the ancient phalon continent. One was that rashan of scar Valley tried to unify the valley, but failed. The kingdom of Camille controlled Tiffany ton, an important border town across the storm Cape mountains. Another is that someone saw the dragon fly into the valley and the sea of the moon.

As for what happened in the ten towns at the junction of northern civilization and wilderness, no one cares at all.

Anyway, in the eyes of most people, Shizhen is almost a collection of losers. Only those who are completely abandoned by the whole world will choose to live there.

They did not know that a puppet manipulated by the broken magic crystal, an independent thinking artifact, was leading an evil army composed of goblins, semi giants, giants, trolls, orcs and humans towards the vast blonde town.

He vowed to crush all forces that dared to resist his rule, crowned the tyrant of ice wind Valley and took the first step to conquer the world.

Of course, the most important thing is that this army also has a sinister, vicious and cunning commander, a baroyan demon at the top of the bottomless abyss food chain - ERTU.

Brin Shande, the most powerful of the ten towns in the north, is busy receiving and reorganizing residents who have fled from other towns.

Standing at the top of the central hill of the tundra between the three lakes, anyone can clearly see that the towns of kekoni and kedinawa are in a sea of fire in the distance.

Countless goblins from the frozen wasteland have rushed into the wall, unscrupulous butchers, old and weak women and children, while ogres and giants block the dock and kill all fishermen trying to rescue from the lake.



No mercy!

Broken magic crystal - clinchinipen proved with practical actions that he is worthy of being one of the most terrible artifacts in the whole continent of Fallon.

Under its bewitchment, even the cowardly goblins have to be brave and fearless, and the orcs who like to betray most will become loyal.

In less than two and a half hours, all the towns along Lake Durden were occupied.

Any form of resistance is futile and ridiculous in front of the endless army of monsters

Looking at the ordinary people who were killed or even eaten, Zhang Cheng had no sympathy or pity on his face. Instead, he raised his mouth and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "well, it\'s time to choose the camp again. Should I choose good or evil this time?"

There is no doubt that with the dragon\'s excellent flying ability, it hardly took him long to cross the endless frozen wasteland and enter ten towns in human form before the arrival of the monster army.

At present, no one knows that a terrorist force enough to turn the war around is lurking in brin Shande.

Although Zhang Cheng has lost most of his power, including evil energy and shadow, and has no way to use the powerful card of devil transformation, the two professional templates of mage and dark guard have been well preserved. Coupled with the inherent spitting ability of dragons, the number is nothing at all, just two more breaths of dragon breath.

The only regret is that due to the intervention of the magic goddess, all magic energy in the whole Phelan continent is dominated by a special system called magic net. No matter who wants to extract energy to form a spell, he must complete the ceremony called touching the net. Therefore, at present, he can\'t perform any magic learned from Dalaran.

To put it simply, if you want to cast a spell in mainland Phelan, you must first register your real name in the magic net of the magic goddess. Secondly, you must follow the rules of the magic net system, contact deeper and more complex magic nets through casting and research again and again, and finally achieve the purpose of improving your own casting level.

This means that all the casters in the world are essentially monitored and controlled by the magic goddess. Once the goddess prohibits a unlucky man from touching the net, he will immediately lose most of his ability to release magic, even the gods.

However, everything has a good side and a bad side. The good side is that under the accurate energy control of the magic net, the caster can often greatly increase the number of spells without weakening the power and coverage of the spell.

Of course, in addition to the original magic net of the magic goddess, there is also a little-known shadow magic net in Phelan, which was created by the goddess of night, shar.

But the goddess is not a good thing. Anyone who uses the shadow magic net for a long time will be greatly damaged in mind.

In short, if Zhang Cheng wants to restore the mage\'s ability and study the profound magic knowledge of the world, he must choose between the genuine magic net and the shadow magic net.

As for the awakening of the innate magic talent occupying the body, I\'m afraid it\'s impossible without decades and hundreds of years of effort.

After all, the white dragon is one of the five colored dragons in Phelan

No, it should be said that it is the most garbage and waste wood among all dragons.

Compared with the intelligence and cunning of the same kind, the behavior of the white dragon is undoubtedly closer to the beast. Especially before adulthood, the white dragon will only rely on a strong body to fight the enemy. He is basically good at using his brain. Few white dragons awaken their magic talent before entering the prime of life, otherwise ice death will not be light and easy to be killed by two pure soldiers.

Fortunately, due to absorbing the pure energy contained in the tears of nesario, Zhang Cheng is no longer a white dragon in the ordinary sense.

To be exact, he doesn\'t know his current state, so he doesn\'t dare to hold the net touching ceremony easily, at least not until he has read the unique magic theory of the world.

As we all know, ten towns are the boundary between civilization and wilderness. It is difficult to see even a decent mage, let alone build a costly mage tower here.

Coincidentally, the puppet dominated by the broken magic crystal, akar kesso, happened to be a mage apprentice from luscan, the city of thousands of sails. He must have several books on basic theory in his hand.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help smiling and sighed softly, "I\'m still more suitable for the evil camp..."

The voice just fell!

He rose into the air and became a huge black dragon. Under the gaze of countless pairs of frightened eyes, he flew over brin Shande Town, and then slowly landed in the middle of a group of trolls.

It was no one else who led these trolls, but the devil from the bottomless abyss - ERTU.

"Please show your intention, dragon!" ERTU carefully retreated two steps, let his trolls stand in front, and secretly prepared powerful spells.

As a balonite demon, he is not as afraid of dragons as the residents of the main material plane.

In fact, as long as he is willing to pay a certain price, he can kill most adult dragons.

"I want to see the tyrant of ice wind Valley - akar Kaisuo!" Zhang Cheng said his purpose without thinking.

With the magic power of parchment scroll, he mastered several languages including common language, dragon language, Goblin language, elf language and orc language from the moment he occupied the white dragon\'s body, and even read and write, so there was no obstacle to communication.