All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 407

"Get out of the way!!!"

The dark skinned spirit shouted and arched, trying to contain the dragon\'s attention as before.

But unfortunately, this dragon has long been different from the one just now, and is in a state of madness. It is not afraid of injury or death at all. It ignores the sharp arrows and opens its mouth again to spit out a deadly dragon breath.


The terrible heat wave not only melted the roaring arrows, but also melted the solid ice within tens of meters around. Even the mountains of gold coins turned into liquid and gathered together to form a spectacular golden river.

"My God! This world is crazy! First, a white dragon has become a black dragon. Now the black dragon is still spying. Is it not black dragon that should be sprayed with acid? I knew I should not have come to this ghost place with you behind me." the black skinned elf make complaints about scattered spattering sparks while tucking away.

It can be seen that he has experienced many battles, even after such an incredible situation, he still remains calm, as if nothing can make the surprised expression on his indifferent face.

I can\'t remember, blonde soldiers are much more reckless. After avoiding the hot breath under the cover of the terrain, he immediately waved the war hammer and rushed up and shouted: "this must be the test given by the God of war! I will kill it! No matter what it becomes!"


The Dragon seemed to feel the provocation of the mole ant in front of him, and turned his tail and beat him in the abdomen.


With a crisp sound!

The arrogant unlucky guy flew back ten meters and hit a solid ice wall, spewing out bright red blood.

In a different time, this time he suffered 100% serious internal injuries and his face quickly turned pale.

"Wofga! Don\'t be brave! You should understand that we are not the opponent of this dragon at all! It\'s too powerful! We must retreat!"

"No! Trist! I\'m not reconciled! I have to go back with enough achievements and wealth!" the blonde warrior called wolfga struggled to get up and threw out his magical magic hammer to recreate the scene of turning defeat into victory again.

But before the Warhammer flew into the air, it was firmly grasped by the black dragon claw, followed by it and threw it back.

If he hadn\'t hid quickly, I\'m afraid he would have been smashed into meat patties by his own weapons on the spot.


Hopelessly powerful!

The young looking man couldn\'t believe that such a great change had taken place in his ambitious plan.

He even couldn\'t understand why the white dragon who had been killed by himself would be resurrected and become a fire breathing black dragon after resurrection.

Everything happened so suddenly that a reckless man like him who likes to solve problems with his fists and muscles is at a loss.

However, the confusion of the young soldier does not mean that the spirit named trist will also fall into confusion.

Not only was he not confused, he quickly released his racial talent - Dark nodules, covered the eyes of the irrational dragon, pulled up his companion and ran in the opposite direction.

Due to the hot dragon breath just now, the place originally isolated by solid ice has now become accessible in all directions, so he did not drag wolfga to disappear into the depths of the glacier like a maze.

After the dark border disappeared, the black dragon found that there were no enemies around. He quickly fell down quietly. Everything was so quiet except that his eyes kept switching between destruction and reason.

I don\'t know how long it took

Maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours, maybe several days

In short, when the Dragon woke up from his deep sleep again, the breath full of madness and destruction had disappeared, replaced by a cold and extreme temperament.

After half a minute, he showed a strange smile on his ferocious face, and then muttered to himself: "ice wind Valley? Forgotten country? Mainland Ferran? Secret silver five heroes? And the famous artifact broken magic crystal - klingnippon? I really came to a wonderful place..."

Obviously, through unremitting efforts, Zhang Cheng finally temporarily suppressed the surging negative emotions in the tears of nesario and the residual whispers of the ancient god enzos.

However, this does not mean that he has overcome the endless crazy ideas. On the contrary, he is constantly being eroded. Both his mode of thinking and his subconscious are constantly sliding towards the abyss of extreme evil.

If someone casts a detect camp spell at the moment, he will immediately see his red to black and black to purple color.

When the demons from the ninth hell and the bottomless abyss see it, I\'m afraid they will all bow down.

By clearing up the memory that originally belonged to the white dragon in his mind, Zhang Cheng quickly figured out the identity of the unlucky man who was occupied by himself.

White Dragon - ingrocasti mizirian!

It also has another title - ice death!

you \'re right!

This is the guy who should have been killed by the barbarian hero wolfga and the Dark Elf Ranger trist to provide him with wealth and magic weapons.

It was because of the killing of ice death that wolfga was qualified to challenge the chief of the elk tribe and let the barbarians unite under his flag against the monster army raised by broken magic crystal.

Similarly, it was from ice death that trist got a magical machete called "ice death" that he could defeat the powerful demon from the bottomless abyss - ERTU.

But now, due to Zhang Cheng\'s sudden intrusion, everything has been disrupted.

He is now eager to know to what extent the war started by broken magic crystal has been carried out. If he does not interfere, will ten towns be destroyed?

If you have changed the historical process of Phelan, will those gods who are high in the sky be aware of it?

If they do, will they intervene?

A series of questions quickly popped out of my mind.

With the idea of figuring out the current situation first, Zhang Cheng quickly turned himself into a human with the help of the natural deformation ability of dragons, roughly swept the valuable things of the ice dead nest * *, such as various magic items, gemstones and a small amount of gold coins, and then quickly left the cave on the edge of the great glacier.

As for the remaining mountains of treasures, he didn\'t care whether they would be stolen by humans or other white dragons.

After all, he is not a dragon, and his desire for knowledge and power is far greater than wealth.

In any case, as a place where magic is relatively developed, Phelan is one of the few theoretical systems comparable to Azeroth. Whether it is the floating city and God killing magic of the ancient netherriel civilization, or the space gate technology and magical creation technology of the imaska Empire, it is coveted.

What\'s more, there is the creator race who created the "netherriel scroll"