All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 406


From the biting cold wind of ice and snow!

At the moment, Zhang Cheng stood in front of the huge portal, staring at the endless white snow on the other side, with a dignified expression on his face.

Because just a few minutes ago, parchment gave a new task: after entering the new world, learn to keep reason in endless madness and anger.

What\'s more terrible is that the tears of nesario, a gift from Nefarian, Prince of the black dragon of Azeroth, flew out of the magic purse at some time and now floated in mid air.

The black translucent crystal is flowing with silver liquid containing great pure energy!

Needless to ask, once he crosses this portal, all the resentments of the Black Dragon King full of pain and regret will flow into his body, and maybe there is a whisper from the ancient god enzos!

Let alone remain rational, it will be great luck the next day if you can not become the wing of death.

In addition, so far, he hasn\'t figured out where the other end of the portal is. He hasn\'t seen any signs of life except the endless snow and ice.

"I hate the feeling that everything is unknown!" Zhang Cheng complained in a low voice, forced himself to calm down, and then walked through the portal to explore the new world first.

But what he never thought of was that at the moment when he was close to the portal, a diaphragm like running water suddenly rose on the ground!

When he accidentally rushed over, he was surprised to find that he had completely lost his soul state, and his body stayed in the translucent water flow, falling into a deep sleep like a vegetable.


Zhang Cheng never dreamed that his soul would be stripped from his flesh and weight so easily!

As for the belongings, they float in the air like nesario\'s tears. It seems that they are ready to enter the new world with their souls.

There is no doubt that the owner behind the parchment is obviously dissatisfied. When he turned into ereda devil, his reason and thinking were seriously affected, so he plans to directly let him fall into a completely crazy state, and then slowly find himself.

I have to say, this plan is crazy, but it is undoubtedly quite effective.

After all, there is a saying that the more difficult the enemy is, the better you can understand him and even become him.

In the same way, if you want to keep your mind in a terrible madness, what is more effective than falling into a madness completely?

What\'s more, Zhang Cheng entered this time in the state of soul. He doesn\'t have to worry about death at all. He believes that as long as the soul is well preserved and the strength shown by the owner behind the parchment, it\'s no problem to occupy a body.

After thinking this clearly, he resolutely passed through the huge portal and took the initiative to enter the ice and snow world.

Next second

Zhang Cheng\'s soul and all his belongings, including nesario\'s tears, appeared out of thin air over a huge ice cave.

Before he could react to what had happened, he heard an angry roar from below.

A dragon with white scales all over its body opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth and spewed a fatal frost cold directly ahead.

The fierce battle with it was a strong blonde man with a war hammer and an elf who looked rather thin but had strange dark skin.

It has to be said that the man holding the war hammer was very strong. He actually carried the breath from the white dragon with his flesh and blood, followed by the dark spells and arrows released by the black skin elves, rushed forward quickly, turned a heavy war hammer and hit the enemy\'s chest.


The scales on the white dragon began to fall off on the spot, revealing a large piece of bright red muscle tissue!


Perhaps seeing the dawn of victory, the blonde soldiers began to roar wildly and planned to take turns to hammer a fatal blow.

But unfortunately, the dragon was not a vegetarian. He turned his thick tail and threw it out for more than six meters and hit a pile of gold coins wrapped in solid ice.

Generally speaking, if a normal person takes this blow, even if there is no visceral rupture, at least he will hurt his muscles and bones.

But the soldier was so good that he clenched his teeth and threw the hammer to the top of the ice with all his strength!


Click! Click!

Perhaps the people below are strongly reflected by the ice and snow and can\'t see what happened.

But as a soul state, Zhang Cheng can see clearly!

The roaring hammer is impartial!

Just hit a huge icicle!

Then the conical icicle broke and fell rapidly from a high place. The sharpest part of the front section directly pierced the white dragon below!

And because it just wanted to flap its wings to take off, it accidentally broke its neck when falling, further accelerating its death.

No accidents!

One shot!

Looking at the incredible scene in front of him, Zhang Cheng suddenly felt a little familiar, or deja vu.

In particular, the black skinned elf, who was as agile as a cheetah, began to coincide with a famous double blade ranger in his memory.

Unfortunately, the owner behind the parchment obviously didn\'t like to wait, so when the white dragon died, the black translucent shell wrapped in nesario\'s tears suddenly broke.

In an instant, an unspeakable huge energy filled the whole cave!

Zhang Cheng only felt that he was firmly grasped by a huge force and then roughly stuffed into a body.

In just a few seconds, a lot of crazy thoughts, chaotic thinking, and pain touching the soul poured into the brain!

In addition, there was a low but very clear voice whispering: "destroy! Let the world tremble in front of your power! I am enzos, the great God of nightmares..."

When Zhang Cheng tried to squeeze out these chaotic thoughts and regain control of his body, earth shaking changes had already taken place in the frozen outside.

The dead white dragon has now stood up again. The original white scales are slowly turning black. The two dark blue eyes are replaced by a red flame, and the huge wound is healing rapidly with incredible power.

In the blink of an eye, a white dragon becomes a black dragon, and its body size expands three times!

"Tampas is up! Who can tell me what happened?" the blonde asked stunned.

I don\'t know when the powerful hammer that was thrown came back to his hand.

"Damn it! Don\'t ask me! I don\'t know! But I think we\'d better retreat now, or..."

Before the black skin elf finished his words, a hot flame came out of the dragon\'s mouth!