All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1307

Archie city-state, once known as the Pearl of the sea, has now been distorted by the power of curse essence.

The sky is no longer a normal blue, but a gray color mixed with darkness. The surrounding air is full of wet and heavy fog. As long as any normal person stays in it for a few minutes, he will completely lose his mind and become a crazy and aggressive monster.

What is more terrible is that this force not only acts on life, but also the dead.

All the lives that died in the surrounding areas of the city are now reborn in another form, especially the bodies of people and animals, all wandering aimlessly.

Even in the central area of the city, there was a chilling smell of terror.



Rao is the thirteen "kings" who are well-informed and can\'t help being stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Unbelievable! Is this the curse formed by the grievances and souls of thousands of dead?"

The woman with a strong breath of life all over her body tore up two corpses who rushed up to try to attack, and subconsciously frowned.

If anyone in the audience can feel the pain this land is suffering most deeply, it must be her.

"It seems that the situation is much more serious than we thought! Why don\'t you wake us up earlier? You have to wait until things get out of hand?" another woman who looked as pale as a dead man asked solemnly.

"Too fast! At the beginning, the invaders only dropped in the city, and the diffusion was not serious. Later, they sent people to hunt down the adventure teams chasing the darentes everywhere, and the forces behind them successfully diverted our attention. When we found that the whole world was on the verge of collapse under the power of curse, it was over It was half a month ago, "the guy with cold all over offered to explain.

As one of the people who saw all this happen with his own eyes, he understood why his companions were so nervous and angry.

You should know that this is not a plague or virus, which can not be cured by antidote, but a collision of soul power.

Assuming that the life soul in contact with the curse is strong enough, just like the "kings" in front of us, there will be nothing at all. But if it is not strong enough, it will be entangled by the curse in an instant and enter the incubation period. It will slowly erode in the dark until the soul is weakened to a certain degree, and then it will suddenly burst out.

Therefore, as long as the soul is not strong enough, it can never escape the entanglement of the curse. Unless the essence of the curse is defeated, that is, the essence of the curse formed by the soul of the first guy infected with the curse, the result must be death.

No matter how powerful a magic or item is, it can only delay the process, not touch it or reverse it.

What is more terrible is that with the increase of the number of deaths, the root of the curse will become more and more powerful. Finally, when more than 90% of the whole planet declares complete destruction, it will be equivalent to the Supreme Master and God of the world.

Nothing can defeat the root of the curse unless the planet is destroyed together.

"Damn it! It seems that we know too little. The knowledge and technology carried by the invaders last time didn\'t mention this terrible thing." the short man who always hid himself under a gray cloak shook his head in frustration. "By the way, why hasn\'t the prophet arrived yet?"

"The prophet said he had more important things to solve." the mysterious man with unknown oil paint on his face replied.

"What\'s more important than defeating the invaders and saving our world? Besides, didn\'t he tell us the result of this war?"

"Sorry, he didn\'t say anything. And from his reaction at the time, I don\'t think the result will be very good. You know, I\'ve never seen him act so nervous as if there was an invincible enemy coming."

"Hum! The prophet\'s courage is always very small, so he won\'t appear where he thinks it is dangerous. Remember the last time? Obviously everything is as easy as expected, but he just doesn\'t want to fight, or even join us, so that his name can be praised by the world."

"No! No! I always have a bad hunch that the prophet definitely foresaw something."


While these people argued about the strange behavior of the "prophet", a flaming fireball suddenly crossed from the top of the head and tore the sky shrouded in black clouds.

Next second


The huge meteorite made by magic hit the building less than 100 meters away from them, making a deafening roar.

At the same time, the terrible shock wave and heat wave quickly swept through everything around. The ground trembled under the violent impact and cracked a hole in the middle. The polluted black sea water outside the port quickly poured back and directly flooded most of the urban area.

Because it came too fast and too suddenly!

The thirteen kings did not make corresponding preparations. As a result, it took them a long time to climb out of the terrible sea with their own unique strength. Some stayed in mid air, some trampled on the water, and others directly raised a huge rock under their feet.

"This is a magic attack! The invaders know we\'re coming!"

The man in silver armor with a piercing chill raised his staff and wrapped himself completely with solid ice.

The woman standing not far away shook the water stains stained with her robe and shrugged her shoulders carelessly: "this is not expected. However, our biggest trouble now is not from the enemy\'s extensive coverage magic, but those terrible monsters born from the curse. Look, they are coming."

As the last word blurted out, a huge dark shadow immediately shrouded the surrounding area of hundreds of square meters.

"Be careful! It\'s testing our souls! Don\'t be careless, or the terrible curse will haunt you." the strong man standing on the huge rock warned loudly.

"Needless to say, I can already feel it. The bitter chill, resentment, hatred and despair almost made me cold, as if my soul was going to be frozen. Isn\'t this the essence of the curse we\'re looking for?" the woman\'s beautiful face showed a tense expression.

"No! No! It is obviously not strong enough! According to the number of life perishes in the whole world, the real curse root should make us feel the joy of death at the moment of emergence..."

Before the man finished speaking, a mass of black unknown matter immediately wrapped his right foot.